Eat Like A Bigfoot With This List Of Edible Wild Plants

Warning: Eating wild plants can be dangerous. Not knowing what you are putting in your mouth could result in death. Before you go sticking random plants and berries in there, educate yourself on what to look for and what to avoid. You can start with this great article:

So you’re stranded in the wilderness. You consumed the last nub of your Clif Bar two days ago, and now you’re feeling famished. Civilization is still several days away, and you need to keep up your strength. The greenery all around you is looking more and more appetizing. But what to nibble on? Some plants will keep you alive and are chock full of essential vitamins and minerals, while some could make you violently ill….or even kill you.

Which of course makes proper identification absolutely critical.

Below we’ve given a primer on 19 common edible wild plants. Look them over and commit the plants to memory. If you’d like to discover even more edible wild plants, we suggest checking out the SAS Survival Handbook and the U.S. Army Survival Manual.

In the coming months, we’ll be publishing articles on edible wild roots, berries, and fungi. So stay tuned.

Plants to Avoid

If you can’t clearly identify a plant and you don’t know if it’s poisonous, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Steer clear from a plant if it has:

Milky or discolored sap
Spines, fine hairs, or thorns
Beans, bulbs, or seeds inside pods
Bitter or soapy taste
Dill, carrot, parsnip, or parsley-like foliage
“Almond” scent in the woody parts and leaves
Grain heads with pink, purplish, or black spurs
Three-leaved growth pattern

Many toxic plants will exhibit one or more of the above characteristics. Bear in mind that some of the plants we suggest below have some of these attributes, yet they’re still edible. The characteristics listed are just guidelines for when you’re not confident about what you’re dealing with. If you want to be completely sure that an unknown plant is edible, and you have a day or two to spare, you can always perform the Universal Edibility Test.

For a list of what you CAN eat, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. That this is a comment section regarding "The Wonderful World of Bigfoot"

      And not TK's world of dope an bongs an og gangsta...

      Lol .Moron !! AC collins


    3. Trapper frum da AIMS team sayin tham bigfeets cans rite ans built tham fires

    4. BILL BROCK needs to make his come back in 2016 and get back on the hunt for BIGFOOT
      BILL BROCK 2016 ...

    5. AC Collins, you are nothing but filth.


  2. Where's Turd~Guy? Must be on holiday break, mmh mom must of bought him a month supply of hot pockets,,,

    1. Nah the little guy is havin fun in jail..
      He should be out soon!!

    2. Turd guy got flushed down the loo and is out to sea as he should have been a long time ago


    3. it bein tham muzrats agains shure is

    4. turd guy was a real tosser. It seems the complaints of myself and my mates didn't fall on deaf ears.


  3. Happy new year everyone 2016 i'm sure there will be some good bigfoot evidence so stay tuned and be nice to each other xx

  4. .

    1. whut that thar wurd plop meanin cawz it bein a dandy wurd shure is

  5. in joes mind bigfoot has been confirmed by scientists (he said this yesterday)

    his delusions are really becoming quite prevalent and I would recommend professional help at this point

    1. Please don't recommend your doctor. From what I can tell they haven't had much success with you


    2. @8:12
      It's creepy how you ISF gays are so obsessed with Joe. I don't think J Randi and his husband would approve of your behavior.

    3. The skeptics all have a poster of me hanging on their bedroom wall. Can't tell if they'll use it as darts practice or just some perverse fantasy.


    4. some gays are just so queer its funny ....

    5. the truly sad part is that Mike B finds it funny to pretend to be Joe, with Joes consent i might add. Pretty sick

  6. Some rotten toothed Brit named "Gilbert Syndrome" is on the ISF complaining that his posts are being quoted on the BFF when simpletons like "Resume" and "Cervelo" are constantly bringing quotes from the BFF to the ISF. The intellectual dishonesty on the ISF is fun to watch.

    1. Gilbert syndrome sounds like the kind of tosser that would break into my flat and steal my last package of double deckers.


    2. 10:53,, what kind of tosser would pretend to be someone else on this site and continue the charade for months on end?

    3. Hi Dmaker
      Still butthurt I see
      You'll recover in the new year
      happy new year mr Duck !
      Quack quack


    4. I told you a million times I am not iktomi. My name is really Joe and when i see people attacking that name i respond even if they may be referring to the other Joe. Get it through your thick skeptical head fool !



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