Could Pre-Modern Humans Still Be Alive?

What is bigfoot? That is one of the biggest questions surrounding the mythical creature. Everyone seems to have an opinion, ranging from an undiscovered great ape to an alien. But is it possible that they are a pre-modern human, that somehow managed to survive and stay hidden? Is there any evidence to support this idea?

In 1989, an archaeological excavation was underway in China’s Yunnan Province, at an ancient cave site bordering a lush, sprawling evergreen forest. To anthropologists, the cave bore certain promise, with the numerous bones that were scattered along its floor. Evidence of fires could be seen also, having been built there over the thousands of years that it served as shelter to ancient humans that came and went through it. These people hunted deer in the nearby forests, piling their bones by the fire pits they built; thus, the remnants of such ancient practices were borrowed in the name given to the site, Maludong, which literally means the “Red Deer Cave”.

Despite the window to an ancient way of life that the cave provided, the samples retrieved from it during the excavation in 1989 were put away in the archives of a museum in southeastern Yunnan, where they would remain, largely forgotten, until now. Recent tests show that the bones, like many similar finds, possess features that resemble our much earlier forbears in the region, particularly that of Homo erectus or Homo habilis. However, despite their likely descent from one of these groups, there are differences as well; the people represented by the bone samples retrieved from Red Deer Cave also suggests a different gait than that of modern humans, and perhaps most curious of all, the bones date back to a mere 14,000 years ago.

The bones, in other words, are relatively young, and this fact has lead researchers studying them in recent months to consider that they could actually have been their own unique species.

For an entirely unique human species to have existed as recently as 14,000 years ago is a tantalizing proposition, and for a number of reasons. Based on the revelation, some researchers have even given credence to the notion—however remote it seems—that there could have been other times where separate human species existed alongside modern humans. But perhaps the most burning question of all is whether that could still be the case, even in the present day.

For the rest of the article, click here. 


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Joe. Let's frottage through the bigfoot world together. SY

    2. ^ had his hopes dashed when Sweaty showed him Patty's moving buttocks.

    3. ^ you mean the saggy diaper butt?

    4. No, I mean the actual moving buttocks that threw your best argument down the toilet years ago.

    5. me arse needs a soda jerk fer me winker skinker ,what say you iktomi muh cuzz ????
      Yo yo pump WORD!!


    6. 11:20... No, nobody has... That's the point you got butthurt about ten years ago.

  2. Yes, Iktomi Joe could still be alive. However, I doubt it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey! It's Haints that goes outdoors with Biscardi! You better listen to what he has to say! He's reeeeeeeal credible.

    3. looks like another joe account has been made.....ritchie carrotts.

      lktomi, joe, joerg, gerald, tim u.k., abholi falla, stonereader 1, richard 1, ritchie carrotts, zabo

    4. Hey! It's Iktomi Joe who searches for Bigfoot in his mom's basement. He's reeeeeeeal credible.

    5. Wooooooow, how original of you Haints! Tell me, in all your infinite wisdom (pfffft!) how would one go about looking for Bigfoot? I mean... You would have the low down since you keep such esteemed company, right?

    6. Is this all you clowns ever do with your time?

    7. No... I'm actually an astronaut that also has my own cooking channel.

      Fancy a dance?

    8. Haints got his name when he was a kid - his dad said "you haints got no chance at romance son. You're future is as an internet troll"
      The rest as they say is history


    9. that was a pretty gay reply joe at 7:53. Very suspect

    10. ^ maybe in 10yrs from now everybody will catch up AC .

  3. I think that there's a very high possibility that sasquatch is a relic hominid. A great amount of Native American stories say that some groups of sasquatch would kidnap their women for breeding purposes. Quite similar to what the author of "Them and Us" said a number of interactions between our ancestors and Neanderthals were like. And we know we're descendants of a common ancestor and are apart of the same family. So I believe there's a great possibility that we're close relatives to the sasquatch species. And that's a very exciting and stimulating thought that mankind has a cousin still roaming this earth with us. In a lot of Native stories from across the world they believe that they have been around longer than we have. It would be absolutely fascinating to learn the origins of their existence. I could go on about this all day and what I believe they descended from. But at the end of the day is just a theory and speculative at best


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