The Bigfoot Diaries Witness Interview "Smell The Fear"

I love this series of videos titled The Bigfoot Diaries by Rico Savage. In this video, Rico records a woman's eye-witness bigfoot testimony as she talks about her frightening encounter with a sasquatch. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Why did I think you'd say that
      Oh just a wild guess
      You are so predictable turd boy


    2. Because your in love with me. F a gg ot

    3. Did you know you are a repulsive gargoyle of a troll ?
      Well you are


    4. I thinkl I just pooped a little?

    5. Joe wants to chew on my ass string

    6. Joetomi had an epic meltdown yesterday and admitted to posting as various other people. It was the best day of my life

    7. Joe...can you smell the fear ?

    8. I see my imposter is back, ha ha ha ha!!! Oh well, it's just a matter of getting verified again...

    9. ^ We can smell Joe`s fear ...fear of his daily failures on this blogsite...smells of urine and berries.

    10. Fear? Oh dear lord. What type of person would desire anyone else to "fear" anything. Words on a forum are nothing to "fear" my friend. It's just a blog... And it appears some people take things a little too seriously.

      Cancer is something to "fear". Not putting food on my table would be "failure". Your life may revolve around a cyber reality mate, but none of those words should be associated with a forum. Get some fresh air, you're making yourself more evil by the post.

    11. I'm not really sure. Shawn started getting people verified last time... How did you get verified?

    12. Now my life does revolve around a cyber reality, but I'm a super star. I am the best poster on this blog! Without me, this blog is nothing!! So that makes me important in life. Not like you, pathetic anon. I am the important one and the complaint is in!!!

    13. ^ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
      ^ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
      ^ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
      ^ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

    14. Looks like Joergy has finally lost it.

    15. Dmaker, you were on this blog a while back defending your fellow mentally ill, pretend skeptic Alaskabushpilot's obvious lies. Do you consider yourself his lady like Drewbot does ?

    16. This is the last time I will comment on this particular troll bait. I don't believe everything ABP claims. I have said so here and on ISF.

      Now, fu ck off.

    17. You know where verification is not a problem, Joe? Moderated forums. You should try it sometime.

    18. dmaker, joe is not some random welsh guy who just turned up on this blog one day. He has been in the footer game for years as his knowledge of the topic shows. Whether he is a butthurt believer or a skeptic parodying a believer is up for debate. He wont join a forum because either he is already a member, or he has been banned previously and doesnt want his original identity revealed.

    19. Yes, the ISF where people like Alaskabushpilot can pretend to be all sorts of things to help little kiddies sleep better at night... And where you can have all your little mates help you when you run out of mantras. It doesn't matter how many times you contradict yourself over there, I bet.

      Donald, if you can't beat me here where you can swear, troll behind anonymity to try and make your arguments somehow appear more significant than they are, then you're pretty much knackered in general mate. "Troll bait"? You're nothing but a troll pal... And everyone knows you've been a part of the most severe trolling for a while. Don't worry, I'll be around here to make your life a little more miserable yet.

      "he's been in the footer game for years"... Wow, thanks for the compliment, psycho.

    20. I beat you constantly here, Joe. You're just too stupid to realize it.

    21. And ISF is hardly the only place that people pretend to be someone else. Look at JDL at the BFF. He's so full of it. Elaborate role playing comes with territory.

      But you know that, don't you Joeholio Stonereader?

    22. I am stupid, that is true. I can't help it. I have no purpose in life, so I have to pretend like I am the smartest person on a crappy little blog. It's the only confirmation that I get in my miserable life. It's also turned me into a right jerk, but who cares about that?

    23. "Beat me constantly"? And how are dermals going for you there, Donald? In fact, how are your 7000 posts on the BFF going to for getting the the bottom of this topic, Donald?

      I tell you who's role playing, the person who's pretending to be a "contented, confident sceptic" needing to 7000 posts to drive his ideas home. As an obsessed pseudosceptic who's got an issue with a particular person, hence chasing him around name dropping him in butthurt fashion? You've nailed that role.

    24. Don, didn't you claim that you had stopped posting on the BFF and that your account had been inactive? Just thought I'd let you know because someone's been using your name and avatar there as recently as.....Wednesday?
      Anyway, I'm off to celebrate Thanksgiving, albeit a day late. Take care!!!!

    25. You're a little bitch, Donald. And I've got you thinking of me all the time... I wonder why that is?

      : )

    26. NC, I reactivated my account back in September.

    27. Actually, dermals are crap. Everyone knows this. I just like to go on about them because I'm a troll and I really have no clue what I am talking about. But it's fun to troll this subject and try to look smarter than I am. Especially since nothing can be proven one way or the other. And I know and you all know that proof of bigfoot is never going to be found, so I get to act like an arrogant arse for as long as I want.

      Ha ha ha ha ha!

    28. Were you caught out lying again, Donald? Or are you having a taste of your own medicine in pretending to be other people online??

    29. What are you rambling about? I asked over a year ago to be put on inactive status, and then asked back in Sept for that status to be changed back to active. It's really as simple as that.

    30. Doooooooooonald???? Are you having a meltdown????

    31. A charge of pretending coming from you? You, of all people, Stoneholio should be the last to accuse anyone else of that.

    32. So much for your "moderated forum", eh Don-Donz??

    33. ^ What do you mean, so much for moderated forum?

    34. Please Donald, please tell us all the people I allegedly am? Do you remember when Stonereader1 took you to town? That was lovely...

    35. I like to troll people and tell them they must be upset. I do this because I think it bothers them and also when I don't have anything clever to say--which is pretty much all the time.

    36. I can't have a conversation with you today, Joeholi. You're all over the place, you skitzo.

      Enjoy your day. Maybe you can get someone else to play with you before they put the straight jacket back on.

      Later loser.

    37. Don't leave! You're the only person in the world that will talk to me! I know I don't know how to have a decent conversation, but please just pity me and talk to me!

      I will put in another complaint!! Yes, I will!!

    38. Oh Donald, running away again, and even when his cheerleader is helping out, look! What's the matter, your lies got you all in a fluster???

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

    39. i'm getting really confused telling the difference between the real and fake Iktomi today. This is almost like an episode of star trek where they had two captain Kirks. i hope the real Iktomi wins out . I can't be fighting the trolls alone on here although I have never lost to one yet


    40. ^^ Shut up, fake Joe! I am the real Joe.

    41. Hey Joe!! You'll be able to differentiate with the Iktomi posts that give this psycho-nerd the most epic of emotional breaktdowns!

      I've got him thinking of me all day, every day! Ha ha ha!!

    42. ^ Has all the trekkie cards and dolls on his shelf in the bedroom

    43. lktomi, please tell us what you really think of MMC. lktomi, please admit on the record that you are the guy who used to post here as Joe F I T Z G E R A L D

    44. MMC?? I think he's cool. Who's Joe???

      Please step away from the desktop, you're experiencing an lapse in emotional tranquility.

    45. ^ the imposter Joe. We await the real Joe. Its over for Joergy. Poor little baby, whining and crying. Tick tock, tick tock

    46. I know sound! Is that the sound of Sykes coming again??

    47. Yes indeed it is. And also the sound of Matt K and verification. Fear the verification!

    48. i hope you get your name verified so that this imposter goes far away


    49. I agree with what your saying 10:21, but please stop trying to imitate me, you child.


    50. We have fallen into some sort of black hole today on black Friday where there are a few imposters out there trying to be the legit people on here and this toddler above is just one example. Have you gotten tired of fallout 4 already tosser ?


    51. ^ Actually, that was me pretending as if Joe is a different poster than Iktomi. They are both, obviously, me.

    52. And the childs breakdown continues. I am thrilled that you look up to me 12:01, but lets face it, you don't have the stones to be me. And speaking of fallout 4, shouldnt you be playing it on a toilet somewhere?


    53. ^ go away coward trying to post as me. Get yourself another identity loser. i see you're even using my words eh ? complete tosser


  2. Why doesnt joe put his money where his mouth is and go to america and get evidence of bigfoot? Is it because he is full of sh it?

    1. The same thing has crossed my mind.
      It's probably because that would require him to leave his mom's basement.

    2. Because there is no such thing as bigfoot. I only pretend that I believe so that I can get some attention around here.

      The only people that truly believe are crazy nutjobs like Dr.Squatch. Even Mike B is full of it. He told me so himself. Then we swapped turd pics.

    3. ^ yes, I'm sure you would like to highlight your existence with something of significance as to be the focus of a complaint. Only a psychopath with a meagre means of real interaction would like that.

      : )

    4. I'm warning you. I'll put another complaint in, if I have to.

      Don't push my buttons!!!

    5. why don't the skeptics put their money where their mouths are and come up with a suit better than the PGF . Shouldn't be that hard at all


    6. That would require manning up and actually being responsible for their claims... These psychos are better suited to hurling turds.

    7. ^ and you catch `em,every time.

    8. I hope matt K doesnt give Joe any verification option. Just imagine the meltdown he would have! Imagine the furious emails Joe is sending to Matt K to get verified. Heck, Joe probably put in a telephone call. This is his worst nightmare. And then dmaker comes along and destroys him. Now if boy joerg shows up, it will truly be epic

    9. We know what you will do. You will whine and cry and make up another 10 accounts. And then those will get taken over as well. AHHHH HAHAHAHA. Whats the matter little baby, upset over dmaker and boy joerg giving you the stiff one. Or maybe your upset that your true colors are coming out.

    10. (Boo-hoo, sob, sob)

      You're right, I've been crying on the sofa all day. I even skipped lunch I was so upset... What will I do? Why won't anybody come and save me? I'm lost... You've finally got me...

      (Boo-hoo, sob, sob)

    11. Glad to see you admitting it Joerg. Now back to your baby bottle

    12. Do you have a Stella or a Kronenbourg by any chance??

    13. I have a size 14 shoe, and i will show you my other "foot" if you would like

  3. @4:48 I don't have any money, moron! I bet you have something you can put where my mouth is, though.

    Hint: it's a turd.

    1. Iktomi has become filthy and is giving a black eye to bigfooters.

    2. lktomi is the man having the meltdown of the year! YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I got Joe sippin on my Joerg Juice, my Joerg Juice. I got joe sippin on my Joerg Juice, my Joerg Juice

    4. Mainly like leather and rotten snatch

  4. Iktomi Joe has snapped. That last loose screw has completely fallen out.

    1. He wasn't really all that there to begin with.

      Poor Joergy Poergy.

    2. Not a good look that I'm teaching you things like the definition of "evidence", eh Don-Don?

    3. ^ You don`t seem to comprehend the meaning of verified or evidence.

      How many years is that now ?

    4. Joerg is getting decimated today. He is having the meltdown of the year, and its dmaker who is part of giving it to him. Poor Joergy poo. This is the best day of my life!

    5. Yet here's two sources of verified evidence, one of which has resulted in the most epic of breakdowns over the past 48 hours;

      ... One of which is 20 years old, that's how many years.

    6. @9:56
      Hi Dressmaker. You posting as 3-4 different people in an attempt to pump yourself up really showcases your high level of mental illness. Run, don't walk to your nearest therapist.

    7. He's been all over the place lately... I'm actually starting to worry that he might have access to his local community.

    8. Whats the matter Joergy, having another meltdown. AHHH HAHAHAHA. And no one is gonna give you verification. Does baby want the bottle?

    9. I better get verified, or I'll have to turd in my pants and eat it!

      Don't think I won't!!!

    10. Yes, it really seems like I'm having a meltdown, doesn't it?

      ; )

    11. Joe, admit you are Joe F I T Z G E R A L D, do it now! Also tell us your feelings on MMC. Also please admit that dmaker, daniel, and boy joerg have beat you so bad, that you are scarred for life.

    12. Joe is having an epic meltdown. This is the best day of my life!!!

    13. Oh my word, Danny and Daniel got me good alright. Wow, I've had some beatings in my life but they're just too intellectually advanced for me. I've seen the light you know, what was I thinking?!

      MMC's cool. Who's Joe??

    14. ^ Man the fake Joe is really going nuts. Poor little Joergy. Now for the real Joe, please admit your true feelings for MMC. But heck, even the fake Joe is admitting that daniel and dmaker and boy joerg have stomped him into the mud. Glad to see even he is admitting it. Now we await the real Joe

    15. I just sneezed and accidentally squirted a nasty shart. What a happy coincidence!

    16. They're just so much cleverer than me, ya know? I mean... Danny and the whole Sykes book bet... You know the one where he claimed Sykes was finished and that he didn't think Zana was a Yeti (I wonder how that turned out), and don't get me started on Dmaker with his falsifiable evidence mess. How many sources of evidence were easily falsifiable in the end and how much evidence stands up to scientific testing (I forgot)??

      They really got me so good... Who's Joe?

    17. Joe Fitzgerald? Yeah, that was me. Of course it was. Along with Abholi and many others.

    18. Of course I am Joe F I T Z G E R A L D. That was the most obvious one. I am also others that might surprise you if you knew.

    19. ... But at the same time... Who's Joe? Is this Iktomi, or an imposter?? What dimension is this??

      Am... I... The other... Side... ... ... Of the dimension... ???

    20. thanks for finally admitting it Joe. I will save your admissions of being abholi,, stonereader, Joe F, and others. And if you ever deny it again, Now we have your own admissions as proof. This is amazing!

    21. Joe is going full blown meltdown. AHHH HAHAHAHA

    22. Oh you got me! Oh how you got me! What will Iktomi do? I mean... The real Iktomi that is. But is there a real Iktomi? Is Iktomi an illusion of your worst fears? Is he a clown? Is he a monkey? Is he a Sasquatch? Is he a troll? Is he Danny Campbell stringing you along all this time?

      Imagine that??

      What is the meaning of life?

    23. ^ Joe is officially meltding down, one for the record books. I havent seen a meltdown from him like this since 2013. This is epic! This is the best day of my life!!

    24. I know!! What will he do now?! Hang on... I thought you were Iktomi? Who am I?? What?? Who said that???!!!!!!

    25. ^ The legendary meltdown continues. This is classic

    26. I feel that you have had a huge meltdown today. I feel that you admitted to being abholi, stonereader, and others. I feel you told daniel and dmaker they were superior. And i feel that you told Leon what you really think of him. Its all down here in the blog, and will be referenced, many many many times. You shouldnt have made those comments Joergy my boy

    27. Oh you got me good! How will I ever live this down? I think I may have to rethink my life. Thank you so much... But tell me, how has this really felt for you today?

    28. I told you Joergy. Its the best day of my life!

    29. Well, don't set your aspirations too high!

    30. ^ smells of piss and berries

  5. welcome to the black Friday madness. Not only do i have an imposter now but so does Iktomi !
    We have entered the bizarro world of bigfoot evidence
    BTW- Dmaker, Boy Joerg and all the other trolls on here are most likely one person who escaped from the looney bin


    1. ^ YOU MEAN " BIG GHEY JON" ??




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