RMSO Relocates Their Equipment To Area Of Recent Sighting

From the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization:

After getting a call from a local rancher in the area about a man that ran into the gas station on the main road yelling to everyone that he had just seen a Bigfoot. We arrive 2 days later to relocate our game cameras in Sasquatch Canyon closer to this Bigfoot sighting. We then take a look around for Bigfoot evidence.


  1. Replies
    1. Man I bet it must really make you mad to think you have to put spaces in it for it to show but I can call you a fat, white, crusty, cracker, honky piece of white trash and nobody cares. :)

    2. Your right MMC, noone cares. Those names dont hurt the feelings of white people at all. When we hear cracker, honky, white trash, etc, we just laugh. Because it doesnt even register as an insult. Its also kinda ironic, that when someone doesnt put the spaces, then the word gets whited out/erased. So a word describing blacks, gets whited out. lol.

    3. It registered enough for you to respond and then respond again to your own comment like a pervy Gollem.

      When it comes down to it, you're a stupid racist, little psycho that 99% of the world's population would agree is just another coward.

    4. That may all be true joeseph. Most take pride in the term racist nowadays. But that doesnt make me incorrect. And who said i was the racist troll who posted the original comment? You enjoyed that white out comment didnt you Joerg

    5. You're a proud racist? I'm sorry, what whited out comment??

    6. A proud racist... Scum of the earth. One does not need to say anymore.

    7. Most today are becoming proud racists.

    8. Really? Did you get that from Charles Manson, or the Neo-Nazi club?

    9. Joe believes that Alex Jones is a truther!

  2. Bigfoot community: Fat, bald, middle aged, racist white conservatives who spend their time in the woods looking at broken sticks because they know they have a better chance at discovering an Undiscovered Primate than finding a female that wants to have sex with them.

    1. Troll community; people who partake in so-called trolling online showed signs of sadism, psychopathy, and were Machiavellian in their manipulation of others and their disregard for morality.

    2. and once again, Joe didnt reference those thoughts. They arent his own, they are from his troll article he frequently posts. But he plagarized so much yesterday that he must not be able to help himself. Keep on plagarizing joergy.

    3. But I thought it was "spamming" to do that??? Come on racist boy (or should I call you, King Clown?), keep up with your spiritual heroes' arguments!


    4. you leave it out when its conveniant for you. And you got caught once again plagarizing. And now you post it, only you didnt quote anything this time, so you are using the citation incorrectly. lol. Classic hypocritical joe.

      Joe Joes King Clown

    5. Caught out? Darling, you may never have read anything in your life; but it's pretty difficult not to transfer the writings or thoughts of other people should you have something genuinely decent to express. Here's another one, just for you;
      Canadian researchers have confirmed that internet trolls are archetypal Machiavellian sadists. In a survey conducted by the group of psychologists, people who partake in so-called trolling online showed signs of sadism, psychopathy, and were Machiavellian in their manipulation of others and their disregard for morality. The researchers defined online trolling as “the practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet” for no purpose other than their pleasure. To achieve the results, the team asked internet users about subjects including how much time they spend online, and whether they comment on websites such as YouTube. They were also given tests that measured their responses against psychology's "Dark Tetrad": narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy and a sadistic personality. Questions also surrounded sadistic statements including: ''I enjoy physically hurting people,” “I enjoy making jokes at the expense of others” and “I enjoy playing the villain in games and torturing other characters.”
      “It was sadism, however, that had the most robust associations with trolling of any of the personality measures,” said psychologists from the University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg and University of British Columbia in an article published in the ‘Personality and Individual Differences’ journal."

      ... What you gonna do about it???

    6. Nothing, i am a sadist, i am a psychopath, and i love causing others harm. And my sights are on you Joerg.

    7. Oh... And someone doesn't need to "reference thoughts", someone can have thoughts on anything. Those words up top were mine based on facts I read, if I used a direct quote then I would require to reference that. You poor dumb, uneducated racist...

    8. the trolling you are about to receive will be epic, even on bigfoot evidence. AHHHHH HAHAHAHAHA

      What you gonna do about it?

    9. 3:25... Do you think you can cause me any harm?

    10. Your thoughts are never your own Joerg. When you are caught plagarizing, you make up any excuse you can. You probably did this in college, if you ever made it that far

    11. Us trolls cause you massive harm. Each night you go home crying. AHHHH HAHAHAHAHA

    12. Are you getting all existential on me, psycho? Oh I'm sorry, that would require you to have half a brain. I asked you a question, do you actually believe that you can cause me any level of harm?

    13. "Us"? I'm speaking to one psycho racist who thinks he can hurt people like a coward... But seriously, what can you do to me? I'll be here tomorrow and until the cows come home.

    14. So what happened to your fake idol that you pray to each day. Didn't it get hit by a car in White Hall. What happened to that story. Let me guess, it was just another hoax. What a surprise!!!!!

    15. yeah Joe, answer 4:09s questions. What happened to your famous white hall diaper butt sighting. Looks like it was just another hoax. Joe was fooled though. When he heard the white hall sighting on monster quest he couldnt contain himself. Oops, just another hoax.


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