Marble Mountain Bigfoot Footage Revisited

From the youtube channel of NvTv - The 2001 Marble Mountain Bigfoot Footage:

This video has been debated so many times in the past and present. Some are still assuring that it was an actual Bigfoot that was on the top of that mountain on that day and this was not an HOAX! Then you got others who are saying its nothing but a hiker with his backpack on walking downhill! What do you think these people saw that day?


  1. Replies
    1. I've never known what to think of this video; not one I endorse.

    2. It's a hiker or homeless person. The people that filmed this video also found a dwelling made out of cut (obviously with a saw) branches in the vicinity.

    3. Whats the matter Joeholi, still in meltdown mode? Turdmode?

    4. Oh no, I'm not quite right just yet... Thanks for asking.

      : (

    5. At least you are admitting it Joerg. How is that verification coming along?

    6. Oh god knows! Not soon enough, my life is in ruins mate... Ruins!

    7. I would suggest sending Matt K and Shawn a few hudred more emails. It should speed things along. But then again, according to you several weeks ago, all the trolls were going to get banned. Do you think that Leon will ever speak to you after you told him yesterday you didnt like him?

    8. Oh, I'm sending Shawn and Matt K a million emails a minute, I'm sure they understand the stress that this has put me through.

      I'm pretty sure Leon will be ok, I'm really not sure why, I've just got a good feeling on that one.

    9. Can you tell us how you feel when you send the emails furiously? How bout complaint, how many have you put in so far?

    10. Oh dear, it's all a blur of total agitation... I'm so emotional, I don't even remember it, probably due to shock.

    11. Please tell us how you feel about the shock it left you in.

    12. Well it's made me totally rethink my existence to be honest. It's changed me profoundly... Probably gonna have to get anti-depressants at this rate.

    13. No saw is used as the guy in the film says. Arms too long for person.

  2. You have to be a dim bulb to believe that the Marble Mountain footage shows a bigfoot.

    It is so obviously a human with a backpack that to think otherwise is asinine.

    1. You have to be dumb to believe any footage is a bigfoot cos they dont exist

    2. No i dont personally own a monkey suit. What an odd boy you are.

    3. Yes i have a monkey suit, bought it from Blevins. ITs better than the patty suit. And my son has a monkey suit, he bought it from a halloween company. they sell millions a year. Woops, there goes your logic Joergy boy.


      ... And that took almost ten years to make with modern materials. I rest my case. Some kids just need to sleep better at night I guess.

      : )

    5. You just mad that Blevins destroyed one of your main arguments. You know what, my uncle bought an old mustang over a decade ago. He has been working on it for the past decade, almost a little every night. He is just now getting it near completion. Do you really think Blevins made it his full time job to make the suit? LOL. Of course not, he did what my uncle is doing, building on it when they got time and money. Yet, had each decided they were going to work on it full time, then guess what Joerg? The car would have been done within months, and the suit would have been done, in months, if not a matter of days. So your argument about the time it took to make holds zero water Joerg. Now, can i give you some turds. You must be tired after your breakdown today


      ... Like, "totally"! Keep in sync with your own arguments kid, that is means to look like the PGF subject, and it took almost ten years to make with modern materials. The best photographs also have the width reduced by 5% and we never see the Blevins suit in motion (I wonder why?)

      Something about logic?

    7. ^ cement head extraordinaire!! Keep up the great work Iktomi!.

    8. That was of course meant for 2:21....

    9. "LEROY BLEVINS: I am 43 years old I have a wife and 5 kids. I am retired from construction of 30 years, I have always had a passion for history,I started to do research at the age of 14 looking for the true history of man. On my spare time I study the Bible, Egyptian, Native American History, American History, Hunting, Tracking, Filming and Photo Analyzing. After I retire I started to do my research full time. I did research on Noah's ark, Garden of Eden, Sodom and Gomorrah, The ark of the covenant, and other stories told in the Bible looking for the true stories that are told.In my research I have found the true story of Noah and the flood and I also found the location of Noah's ark at rest on Mt Ararat, I also found the location of The Garden of Eden."

      ... Looks like Blevins had all his spare time to throw at it.

      Something about logic?

    10. What part about my originial comment didnt you get Joe? Let me state it again. My argument here is attacking your premise that it took this momentus amount of time for blevins to create the suit. Now please tell me what you dont understand about what im going to say. Remember, this is solely related to the time range you constantly bring up, and nothing else. Pay attention.

      Blevins didnt spend 8 hours a day making the suit. The reason it took him a decade, is the same reason its taken my uncle over a decade to build that car and he still hasnt finished. The reason is simple. He has a job and he works and lives on a budget. The same applies to Blevins. Its obvious blevins wasnt in a rush to create the suit, nor did he have the funds to do so. So do you understand my argument now as it pertains to the time it took him to make it? It wasnt his full time job. If it was, it would have likely been done in under a month if not less. Here is what i can guarantee you though Joe, lets say someone who is retired and has a large chunk of change in the bank decided to recreate the suit. The suit would probably be done in under a month. So once again, your argument that it took him a decade to create doesnt hold any water. If someone worked on the suit for 2 hours ever week when they had the money and time, then it would obvioiusly take a long time. Is the PGF legit? I dont know. What i do know is that the time constraint you always show doesnt mean anything. This is logic joe, please show me how its not. Your other arguments about the blevins suit may be sound, but the timeline of its build makes no real contribution to the argument.

    11. Yes Joe, and he made the suit over a ten year span, while NOT retired. Please find the age he retired at and post it

    12. 10 years ago my dad wasnt retired. Today he is. Does that mean he had alot of free time 5 or even 6 years ago? You have been schooled Uncle Icky. Do you need a bottle little baby?

    13. Did you type ALL that, all the while I've already posted a direct comment from Blevins stating that he was retired?


      Please... Tell me how you feel?

    14. But Uncle Icky, enough with your education and actual debate. Its time to get back to business. How bout a smear a creamy corny turd all around the corners of your mouth. What say you Joergy?

    15. I got Joerg sippin on my Joe Juice, my Joe Juice. I got Joerg sippin on my Joe Juice, my Joe Juice

    16. I feel great Joergy my boy. I really want some penetration of your left ear, but other than that im feeling good. I kinda wanna talk about some chimpouts though. Would you talk with me about them?

    17. "You just mad that Blevins destroyed one of your main arguments."

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

      "Here is what i can guarantee you though Joe, lets say someone who is retired and has a large chunk of change in the bank decided to recreate the suit. The suit would probably be done in under a month."

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    18. Please show me how much money he had. AHHHH HAHAHAHA.

      now how bout some penetration my little Joergy? And again, show me when he retired. Come one Joergy, you can do it.

    19. D'you know when you actually try and debate, it allows others to get a grasp of how inferior you are in intelligence to most people who have ever posted around here. You are of considerably low intelligence, probably uneducated which let's face it, means you're coming from a lower working class background (meaning your parents couldn't afford to buy your education), that has reclused into computers because of the amount of times you've been rejected on every level of your being.

      Stick to toilet humour and turds, it's definitely your level.

      : )

    20. the Blevins suit is bloody awful and it could have been made in 10 minutes >How can a cowboy with no special effects knowledge like Patterson create something that to this day has fooled so many ? Well the answer is because he didn't create it , it belonged to the creature . Please show how Patterson got the funding to pull off such an amazing feat ?
      So far we have one badly made suit by Blevins, so called testimony but someone who claims to have worn the suit but when he is shown wearing a suit that is claimed to have been bought at the same company he looks bloody ridiculous and you can tell there was no way that is even close
      in short the skeptics have zero and us believers have an amazing piece of film that cannot be debunked
      Sorry mates, you lose ,as usual


    21. Nice try fake Joe (4:32). I agree with your points mate, but please stop trying to be me. There is a big world outside, i suggest you go experience it. Pry the fallout 4 out of your hands and do something.


    22. Fake Joe #2. just Bitch slapped Fake Joe #1, whut up wit dat???

      As alway's. Big Doris :-)

    23. the only bitch slapping that went on was when i whooped the fake joe back to his moms basement. For the superfriends!


    24. Church !!!

      as alway's.

      Big Doris. :-)

    25. Iktomi reveals his inadequacy...his own parent (singular as his father left just after passing over the 20 dollars in the alley)...that`s some kind of "work" credo he was brought up on,eh ?

  3. The branches were most definitely not "obviously cut." They were broken, and DID NOT have any visible saw or cut marks on them. That's why the "shelter" and alleged BF were connected to begin with.

  4. HIKER WITH A BACKPACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ^ Hiker with narrow shoulders ,getting pissed off at a bunch of kids that found his camp !


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