Is It Even Possible For Bigfoot To Exist?

Is it even possible for bigfoot to exist? Well duh, of course it is! At least those of us who have seen one believe it is. The Paranormal Review takes a look at the question and discusses the possibility of the creature's existence. Even though we already know it is possible. Maybe.


  1. Replies
    1. ^ smells of urine and berries

    2. ^ smells of rotten tuna and bleach

    3. Haints, that's a funny statement considering your a self confessed "researcher"? Some people will go to any lengths for a bit of attention, I guess.

  2. Bigfoot exists in the mind of the mentally ill.

    1. I agree. Just go to the ISF and read posts by Alaskabushpilot and his lady Drewbot, among others.

    2. so why are you here lad ?
      Obviously you do take it seriously enough to come on this site otherwise you'd be at home enjoying your video games in your parent's basement


    3. Don't play video games. Don't even own a computer. So once again your way off. Just like in life!!!!!

    4. Sure you don't. Nudge. nudge, wink, wink
      I wont tell your parents what a miserable rot you are ;-)


    5. Don't live with my parents and the only nudging is you nudging your boyfriends s hit back into his s hithole. So once again your dead wrong. Just like your wrong about Bigfoot. Let's not forget that you eat turds for every meal.

    6. We'll keep your pathetic life a secret from all your friends mate
      No one will ever know what a loser you are- except me


    7. ^mike B and the gay sense of humor

    8. Some people NEED "Bigfoot" to not exist. It's not good enough for them that it hasn't been proven to exist and therefore not worth the worry... No... They're so scared they need to express their fears every day of their lives.

      That's a pretty sad existence.

    9. ^ what the hell are you talking about? Are you serious?

  3. I have been interested in bigfoot since the mid 70s. I used to believe that bigfoot exists. But as the decades have gone by (with no proof), I have come to the inevitable conclusion that those who believe that bigfoot exist are wack jobs. You've got to be a real gullible wackadoodle to fall for the bigfoot BS.

    1. So, you used to be a real gullible wackadoodle?

    2. Yeah, back in the day when I didn't know any better.

      It's obvious that bigfoot is nothing but folklore.

      Bigfoot has also developed into a money making industry. There are people who make a living off of bigfoot. Of course, these people will continue to make bigfoot "exist" so that they don't lose their livelihood.

    3. You know when you pretend to be two different people, does it help trying to escape your fears of a big giant hairy man in be woods?

    4. The only pretending is you Iktomi. Pretending that bigfoot exists.

    5. D'you know when you pretend to be two different people, do you speak the words out as you're typing in slightly different voices and call your desktop "precioussssssss"?


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