I Can't Imagine Having One Dogman Sighting, But To Have Several?

From Dogman Encounters Radio:

Most Dogman eyewitnesses only have one encounter. For others though, the first encounter is just the beginning of a series of encounters.

Donald Coleman Jr. has multiple years experience working in Law Enforcement, Parks and Rec, and for the Department of Natural Resources. When he had his first Dogman encounter, in 1995, he never would have dreamed, he would have multiple future encounters with them.

On tonight's show, Donald comes on, to talk about the multiple encounters he's had.


  1. Replies
    1. I agree with you to a point anonymous. Most dog man sightings are fake or misidentified sasquatch. However. It is not out of the realm of possibility. Likely no possible? Possibly, Wolfman have been reported for centuries. Is it imagination? Shape shifting? Alien intervention? Or just plain B.S.?

  2. Dogman are probably real. People claim sightings, just like with bigfoot. So no reason to just dismiss the evidence.

    1. Nope no reason at all. Except there is no evidence. Want some turds for that diaper?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Is Joe having some sort of a break down? I'd feel sorry for him, but naw, just can't seem to care.

    4. Joerg is going full meltdown dmaker. He is admitting to posting under many accounts. This is the best day of my life!!!

    5. We should all take the time to ask Joe any questions we have always had of him.

    6. I see the imposter is back. Oh well... It's just a matter of getting verified again.

    7. My argument against it is at least Bigfoot has a likely fossil record with Giganto. No human-dog hybrids in record. I think people are most likely seeing a Bigfoot.

  3. I would like to house train a dogman. Then he could be my friend. We could swap turds.

    1. I think my dreams just came true. YES YES YES. The ultimate troll is here!!!

    2. lktomi, you are Joe F I T Z G E R A L D arent you?

  4. Replies
    1. A huge meltdown is going to happen. Matt K will be getting furious emails.

  5. Is that dogman in the photo sledding?

  6. I have an announcement:

    Leaping Russian Yeti and I are engaged to be married! You're all invited to the wedding. You are the only friends that I have. I invited Kelly Shaw because I love him, but he just ignores me. I don't know why. I cheer him on all the time, but he still won't acknowledge that I exist.

    Well, once LRY and I get married, that will all change! I'll finally get the respect I deserve!!

    1. What are your thoughts on Mike B lktomi?

    2. And will you please admit that you were posting both as Stonereader, and as Abholi for the record?

  7. Of course I was both Stonereader and Abholi. It was pretty obvious, but I am too clever to be defeated by mere common sense. I will just pretend it's not me. And just like bigfoot, no one can prove a thing!

    Mike B is hoaxer. Everyone knows it. He is funnier than I am, and I secretly resent him for that. I want to be funny, but I am just not witty or clever enough.

    1. I KNEW IT!!!! I will save your reply so that you can never deny it again. YES YES YES!!!!

    2. lktomi shame on you! I believed in you, I looked up to you with your vast knowledge and command of the facts but now you admit to using other names and turn on Mike? I could always count on you to school the skeptards but upon hearing this I am so disappointed in you! I thought you were a straight shooter but now I realize your just a phony. You have lost a fan.

  8. The dogman in the photo is dog sledding.

    Ha ha ha!

    1. Joe, is it true that you real name is Joerg? Joergy to your firends? What are your thoughts on Dr. Squatch and his blue bag theories?


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