Family Of Three "Gorillas" Living In Woods

Sometimes when people see bigfoot, their mind can't process what they are actually witnessing, so they come up with the closest thing they can relate it to. Such as this story of a family of three "gorillas" living in the woods.


  1. Replies
    1. Gonna give you a shiny turd, right in your face. Gonna spread that shiny turd, all over the place. Your gonna eat my shiny turd, this much i know. Yes your gonna get my shiny turd, please say that its so!

    2. Please, sir, I would love a turd right in my face, especially a shiny one!

  2. Replies
    1. I got Joe sippin on my joerg juice, my joerg juice. I got joe sippin on my joerg juice, my joerg juice

  3. How do you know they weren't actually gorillas?

    1. That's more likely than Bigfoot existing.

    2. ... Or there existing a brain between those lugs of yours?

    3. Yes, bigfoot doesnt exist folks, and no amount of special pleading on Joes part is going to change it.

    4. I am sorry. I should not say things like that. I can barely function, I am so stupid.

  4. That's an interesting account! That would be a prosaic interpretation after having seen something like that, trying to relate it to a known animal.

    1. Gorillas and chimps have escaped from research institutions and lived in North American forests.

      Cue Iktomi.

    2. ... And gorillas and chimps have been escaping from zoos in the US for the last few hundred years.

      Cue Mr Common Senseless.

    3. haha, good one Iktomi
      That shut them up !

      It is not a coincidence that many witnesses will describe their sighting of the creature looking like a gorilla but also looking human. it is probably to do with the hairy body and facial features which will account for that. i have always said I think it's a hybrid or something along the evolutionary line that has both ape and human characteristics . When they do get DNA and have it tested it will always say not a match to any known animal which of course is what is to be expected since we don't have verified bigfoot DNA we wont have anything to compare to.
      all a matter of time before science wakes up and takes it seriously. Right now there is only a handful of those in science taking it seriously and often to the point of ridicule of others so it's left to amateur researchers who may or may not employ scientific methods .


    4. I am also 99.99% sure 3:37 is an escapee from an institution


    5. So, Iktomi and Joe are the same person?

    6. Ha ha ha ha ha!! Enjoyed your comment, Joe.

    7. There are 2 scenarios 4:41, and each is equally as sad. One scenario is that Joe, who now posts as lktomi, is also posting as "Joe", and then has daily conversations with himself. The 2nd scenario is that someone with a profoundly gay sense of humor, got together with Joe, and decided that they would start signing posts as "Joe". Meanwhile, Joe, who posts under lktomi, condoned this gay sense of humor and encourages it.

      Its a very sad thing, but hey, we are dealing with the freakshow of freakshows here.

    8. So what? So I manage multiple profiles and talk to myself. Big deal. Who else is going to give me reassurance in life? My cat won't even hang out with me. She just craps on my pillow every day. I keep them sometimes and pretend they are my friends.

      My little cat turd friends.

    9. 4:41 Yes, you idiot. Of course Joe and I are the same person. You would have to be blind and stupid not to know that by now. You idiot.

    10. I lived with a family of 3 gorillas in a tree once. Well, we weren't really a family. I tried to be part of their family, but they would not have me. Other than their sex toy. Then one day they covered me in turds and tossed me out of the tree. I think I banged my head pretty hard.

      It helps my self confidence to pretend they were humans, not gorillas. Just like a I do with bigfoot.

    11. I love Joe.

      Ha ha ha! I'm talking to myself again!!

      Ha ha ha!

    12. Let the conspiracy theories begin . Who is Joe and who is Iktomi ? Does it matter because none of you will ever believe we are two separate people who similar outlooks on the bigfoot field of study
      My name really is Joe, the rest is up to your infertile imaginations as to what you want to believe.

      But what's puzzling you
      Is the nature of my game


    13. 5:42, scenario 1 is it. It's sad.

      Maybe his mom will kick him out of her basement.
      Sort of how a mother bird sometimes pushes the fledgling out of the nest, thereby forcing it to fly on its own.

    14. it actually is me. i'm just having my fun with the trolls who think we are one in the same


    15. ^ smells of urine and berries

    16. ^ go away smelly troll. Your joystick awaits you loser


    17. ^ You`ve been pinned in the stink box you belong to...urine and berries boy.

  5. Actually, the mind processes very well.


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