Bigfoot Witness Interview Man Saw Red Glowing Eyes

In another of the Bigfoot Diaries video series, Mario talks about his bigfoot sighting lat at night when it crossed the road in front of him. He talks about how the creatures eyes reflected red in the light of the vehicle's headlights.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I would fancy a turd please!

      Maybe even a couple.

    2. Speak for yourself, Iktomi! I'm not the one resorted to Cleveland Steamers because I can't cook for myself!

    3. Joe has lost it and is talking to himself again

    4. Joe is the guy you admitted to being yesterday, along with abholi, and stonereader. Wants some fatback for that face?

    5. Oh right... Did all these things occur during one of your "episodes" again? We're the nasty rabbits in the windows again too??

    6. Would you like me to quote and reference where you admitted to being these people Joergina? Those statements will never go away. Never again will you be able to deny being abholi, stonereader, or joe. Because at any given moment, those statements you made yesterday can be referenced. Must be hard to be a Joerg, huh?

    7. Yes, reposting comments where there is a widely acknowledged imposter around is definitely the most credible way of achieving that.

      Are you like, 16 years old?

    8. Stonereader1 is who she says she is 7:11


    9. Really Eva? are you prepared to look that stupid. Remember when Chick claimed Abholi was real, and then when she was exposed on this site, chick looked pretty stupid and had a meltdown. And now your vouching and doing the same thing with stonereader? Surely your kidding. From what chick said, the person who posts as abholi still has a youtube page, and somehow chick is still vouching for her. Which shows that chick is either her, or a close friend. If you recall Chick even acknowledged last year that the abholi account on this site was a troll account. Remember?

      Let me refresh your memory on just a few points. Remember the abholi avatar pic? The one that joe was drooling over? People accused abholi of being a troll form the start. But chick claimed she was legit, and linked to some utube vids where she said that you could see that it was really her, and that the person in the avatar pic on this site was really her. Do you remember how that played out?

      After someone did a reverse image lookup on the abholi avatar, they found it was from a tunisian woman who was about as far removed from bigfoot as you can get. The woman was even contacted on facebook and asked if she posted on this site. And guess what she said? Of course she said no. Remember now? If not, i suggest you look up those threads and study them. After this was found out, chick looked pretty stupid. She was caught in a bunch of outright lies. And you are now doing the same with stonereader, who in all likelihood is the same person who was behind the abholi crap.

      And once again Joe. You callilng Eva "darling" is extremely disturbing,and makes me question things about you.

    10. ^ who devotes serious thinking time to this ****??? A frickin' nut job on a meltdown, that's who. And I'll call Eva "darling" as much as I want, you crazy loon! Ha ha ha ha ha!!

    11. I have no doubt you will continue to call it, "Darling". Its disgusting. And shows that you have certain traits

    12. are you mad joe, that one of the "superfriends" got caught lying about a fictional account that trolled this blog?

    13. Mad? Not anywhere near as mad as you bro. I didn't even read your comment in entirety. Who in their right minds would want to, it's stooping to a level nobody should.

      (Head shake in disbelief)

    14. And calling me "it" 9:32 just shows what a turd you are xx

    15. amurka fer amurkins ans no forn folk

    16. Fair enough Eva, but im not going to call a male a female or vice versa, just because they decide they want to be the oppostie sex one day. Its a perversion of Gods creation.

    17. that's where the GRAYs come in cloning and making hybrids they been here for years

    18. Whats wrong with being, Whats wrong with being, Whats wrong with being Joergident???

      Whats wrong with being...Whats wrong with being....Whats wrong with being Joergident??

    19. You see Joergy has problems,
      And i dont think he can solve them,
      The trolls make a really big cut
      And Joergy, now we got bad blood!!! Hey!!!!

      Joerg Juice doesnt fix bullet holes
      You say "mouth urine" just for show
      And i really just want you to know
      That now weve got bad blood

    20. Your ignorant 10; don't choose your gender identity or your sexuality.Did you choose yours?.How do you know your God didn't create people like me?how do you know what God is?you don't you just have your idea of what God is which of course is different to other religions God.If i'm a perversion of Gods creation God can always hit me with lightening but God hasn't,i wonder why xx

    21. Eva... Please remember this clown is a racist, and is proud of practicing all the things he does. He doesn't think like normal human beings.

      People like him serve to make good people feel better about themselves. He is every bit a symbol of evil as he likes to portray. And you are an amazing, lovely person.

    22. gay people choose to be gay. Its fact. Gays just like being sodomites. Its disguting but true

    23. I'm not gay 10:54 but if it's a choice you would expect it to only occur in Humans xx

    24. that makes sense. Sodomites are just filthy animals.

    25. Lol is that all you can up with.Of course most animals have sex with the opposite sex so gay or straight you're a filthy animal.Unless you're a virgin ;) xx

    26. Hey Jack-ass ---------

      I understand your perspective about what the Bible says about homosexuality -------------

      But no-body except YOU has brought it up. This is a site about bigfoot. Everyday you make the same, THE SAME stupid arguments and it gets you know-where.

      The Bible says LOVE your enemy --- you seem to hate everybody and everything. You are not God, and if you want to voice an opinion of Gods word, than act in a manner where people would understand where you come from --------------------------- Instead, you just act like a crazed psycho-path that would scream anything to TRY and win an argument. But instead, your just a dumb-ass. Eveerybody knows my personal opinion on Homosexuality ------- But I have no problem with Eva. As a matter of fact, She seems to take the high road and rational investigation more than most here. We still live in a free country, and even though Eva lives across the pond, They are our allies in the world and our outlook ought to be the we let others enjoy thier freedom.

      As I have sadi a million times ----------- You act like a freaking COMMY. We all choose to think and believe as we choose. Most of us can get along fine here while having different ideas about Science, Bigfoot, the Super-natural, and yes even personal choices (as long as there not being shoved in someones face) Which Ea does-not -------

      But you do you whack commy f-tard looooooooooooooooooooser!

    27. Hasna Ait Boulahcen, Paris suicide bomber iam not his girlfriend "kaboom"
      enough said

    28. Thanks Tk.Here is something i meant to mention earlier but i got distracted.Have you noticed a lot of bigfoot witnesses report red eyes and witnesses of dogman report yellow eyes?the reports are very consistent xx

    29. Huh? Good observation Eva. I hadn't caught that. But now that you mention it----------

      You know what Eva. Now you know I'm not into the gender switching, But i have looked at your photo, and I'll tell you, Your pretty hot and would fool a lot of guys.

      So I think our little troll here saw your picture and has a crush on you. I think you got him all hot and bothered and he can't stop fantasizing about you. Well this has just got him all twisted up inside!!

      He can't stop dreaming about the hotty in england. Well, this just puts this space-nerd over the edge. I think he prays at night ------------------------ Dear God, Please help me not to fall in love with Eva, ha ha ha ha ha!

    30. Long live Commies...t`is the only voice of reason.

    31. Troll (ass) Kisser is a real knucklehead...full of shite with all his comments and has nothing to say worth hearing...he comes across as the kind of dickhead who shouts at people all the time and walks around swaggering...people avoid him as he`s just plain trouble and so much easier to just avoid.

      Just saying.

    32. I just can't help but notice, our troll here writes in the femanin.

      Your a girl, you get agnry like a girl, you use phrasing like a girl.

      Are you Ms Knapp? I think you are. I think you come here and drive hits for Matt. Is that the deal. The more hits you get, the bigger cut Matt gets?

      Loooooooser Tactic for the mind controll illetist libtard!

    33. 11;15 Eva,

      The thing that seems to be true is that it`s only humans that judge and engage in punishment for any type of homosexual acts...I have known many homosexuals throughout my life and some have been closer as friends than my so called "straight" sexual brethren...who mainly appear to be most confused over the issue and certainly not "closer" to women in terms of friendship,yet are aghast at any form of male bonding,preferring to keep their torments internally festering away.

    34. Maybe a sister, or sister in law. I mean bigfoot is kinda a family bussiness right Matt?

      You jack-ass trolls ------------- Dan Little Mouse Balls Camble's Turd Soup

      D -- Nouthing Butt Trouble -- Maker

      A.C. (Always Crying) Super Racist and Back-Stabbing Infiltraiting TRAITOR, POS.
      --------- Should all take issue with Matt. I mean Isn't that your argument, you dumbasses think it's your business to stand up and DECLARE TRUTH as though you are GOD??? Ha ha ha.

      Matt is involved in all kinds of MONEY making adventures concerning Bigfoot. Isn't that what you trolls say you hate? You deplore? People making money from Bigfoot. Well, knobody has thier fingers in as many "bigfoot" pies as Matt ----------- so I guess you-all hate him right???

      But no. Not so fast. You talk and act as though he is in your back pocket. As though you know exactly what Matt will say and do to moderate this blog.

      Now HOW could that be? Huh?

    35. Nice white out. And all that writing gone to waste. But you dont seem to understand the trolls. We troll because we dont like you. Not because we dont like matt, or people that make money off bigfoot, or anything else. We simply dont like you and want you gone

    36. 1:04 was written by a homosexual trying to take up for his own kind. There is no way a straight man would write " "straight" sexual brethren". That his queer written all over it. Go back to your sodomy, freak

    37. ^ Terrified of admitting to himself his gay thoughts - which is precisely why he`s so angry and abusive - why so afraid of something you`re supposedly not,eh ?

      You`re secretly gay and you know it.

    38. 2;00 ...the desperately hateful comments by this poster reveals much in common with the final line of the post at 1;04 ...which states " are aghast at any form of male bonding,preferring to keep their torments internally festering away" ... your "inner torments" are driving you crazy because the thought you have reveal a thing you are afraid of most,ie,you`re bi-sexual at the very least but are too scared of your folks finding out what you truly are .. a gay poofter freak.

    39. 12:56

      Are you afraid of "girls" ?

      Or maybe they`re a little too clever intellectually for your "superior mind" ?

      Whatever your problem is it is clearly women you`re scared of.

    40. Oh I adore women.

      Big ugly dykes not so much.

  2. Oregon Bigfoot Report #00161

    Nathan Peak reports: Hav Tranh was hiking in the Deschutes National Forest, OR (couldn’t or wouldn’t tell exactly where), July 13, 1996. He had been hiking up a steep slope, slipped and fell, breaking his leg, a compound fracture with the bone sticking out. He passed out, and when he regained consciousness, there were two Bigfeet hovering over him. The larger one was 7 1/2-8 feet, a gray white color (age?) eyes black with no whites (only humans are known to have “whites” to their eyes), large sloping forehead, peaked head-domed, very big feet. The second creature was 7 1/2-8 feet, sandy colored gray with a white ruff on top of its head. They were very hairy and he couldn’t see any sex. They were jabbering at each other with their small mouths, but not using “words,” but indistinct noises. He passed out again, and did not reawaken until his wife, Gioking (Nathan believes they were from Vietnam) shook him awake, and said two ape-men had carried him out of the forest and deposited him near her. She said they were horribly ugly and added that they had very long hair except on the face, heads, and feet. She took him to the hospital to have the leg fixed. Nathan has recently moved, without a phone yet. (Originally reported by Ray Crowe in The Track Record)

    ... For more reports on Sasquatch eyes, this is a great article;

    1. Does every thing you come in contact with, wish you went away?

    2. That story is amazing. I have heard reports of Bigfoot doing surgery out in the woods. They even have their own ambulance that they can pick you up in. A corpse of Bigfoot has never been found because they never die, due to the fact their surgeons are so skilful. Bigfoot has cured AIDS and cancer and will soon open a hospital to treat the two conditions. Bigfoot can do anything!!!!


    3. Do you believe the story Itkomi?

    4. I remember that report Iktomi. I have used it several times myself when showing how these forest giants can help us out when in terrible distress, in this case they probably saved his life. More cases of them rescuing lost children who have wandered away.

    5. 5:14... Or could it simply be that a they bury their dead like the earliest known hominids?

      5:17... I have no way of verifying the story. What I do have are loads more reports that lend consistency, to which some frequency must be authentic based on the evidence pointing to such a creature existing.

    6. You use this report as evidence of bigfoots good nature. Hahahaha you must be joking cripleboy. If you can't smell the Bulls hit in this story then you seriously need help.

    7. Yes or no do you believe the story Itkomi

    8. No, I use physical evidence on the existence of "Bigfoot", and 411 and various habituation reports for "Bigfoot's" temperamental nature.

    9. 5:23... Yes or no, does every thing you come in contact with become repulsed by you?

    10. Hey Chuck! I'm glad I found it mate, I believe it was you that I heard it first, then heard it loosely recounted in a Dan Shirley interview.

    11. I have found that intelligent, kind, good hearted people really like me and hateful, stupid, racist turd eaters don't like me. Yes or no, do you like me Itkomi?

    12. But wouldn't the latter be in sync with your most regularly expressed behaviour? I've answered your question, you dumb psycho. One thing's for sure, this story doesn't only scare you due to big hairy things living in the woods, but the fact that such a kind gesture between two parties could be real. You affectionless pleb.

    13. I thought so, your a hateful, stupid, racist turd eater. I knew that but I just wanted you to admit it.

    14. ^ Believes anything he`s told regarding bigfoot...

      he`s a gullible boy

    15. 5;35

      See...believes anything he`s told or reads...what a jerk !

    16. Another thing that is for sure is that I am the dumbest one on this board...and I like to eat turds. Yummy turds.

    17. I'm actually afraid of big hairy things in the woods. That is why I would never come to America to look for bigfoot. That and the fact that bigfoot does not exist. Only an idiot would believe that.

    18. Of course bigfoot don't bury their dead. What moron came up with that idea? Talk about special pleading.

      I bury my turds sometimes, though. Then I can back later when my mom lets me out of the basement and try and find them and dig them up. It's like Easter morning for little Joergy!

    19. Cbripee, only a gullible fool would use an unconfirmed story to show anything in life. It's fools like you that contribute to the greater stupidity in the world.

    20. In actual fact, there is more than enough reason to theorise that Sasquatch bury their dead. For example, the recently discovered Homo Naledi most certainly did, and had much less brain capacity than what they gradually evolved to. This is culture in its purest. Sasquatch have cultural references to sharing burial mounds with tribes like the Cherokee, whilst their is 150 years' worth of scientific documentation of giant human skeletons being uncovered across the United States.

      You know when you've exhausted the little minds of the psychos, when they have to resort to pretending to be you and "admitting" others are wrong. It's fortunate for them integrity was never something they could lose. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

    21. Itkomi must be losing his mind. It's like there's two of him. Hahahahaha

    22. In actual fact, there is more than enough reason to theorise that I am a turd eating under achiever that tries to feel important in life by rambling about things I know nothing about on this blog.

      I wear my tin foil hat proudly. I love being a fringe werido that cannot get along with normal people. Sure, it's lonely but I got all you wonderful peeps to bully and demean, so I feel satisfied.

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!

    23. Oooooooooh, come on Iktomi, you can do better than that surely??? Ha ha ha!! "Tin foil hat" sure does sound a lot like Donald Maker talking, ya know???

    24. Finally some truth comes out of itkomi. I like the new itkomi. The old Itkomi was such a turd eater but the new one is honest about what a f ucked up loser he is. Good for you Itkomi.

    25. Genuine question... Do you have two desktops in front of you signed in with two accounts at the same time? Are you pushing the boundaries of severe psycho-nerditude?

    26. Genuine question: do you have two d icks either side of you and one d ick in front of you so you can perform the screaming eagle. Are you pushing the boundaries of severe sexual fagitude?

    27. Joetomi still hasnst grasped the fact that there is an army of trolls who have him on the hit list.

    28. The troll hit list is full of people who will be trolled till the end of time. Its a thing of beauty. Its good to see lktomi admitting all his faults above and finally speaking the truth. Its about time

    29. Did you anticipate getting whited out between desktops & waiting on that Cleveland Steamer?

    30. 6:56... Please tell us, where is this "army" when you finally get over your relapse, get back on the meds and leave this blog for something healthier to do with your life? This "army" only ever appears to be in existence when you're around??

    31. ... And just to let you know... When that does happen and you trot on away again in the advice of your support worker to do whatever it is that you do when you're not here for a few months on end, I'll still be here.

      It must be crushing to know that for all your efforts, they'll just mean nothing in the end.

      : )

    32. The army are the trolls who destroy you every single day of the year. We are the trolls you will never be rid of. We will chase everything off this blog until you leave. Your friends will turn on you because they realize that you are a cancer. They will demand you be booted from this site, just so they can have the site back. Dont deny the facts Joergy my boy

    33. D'you know when you're flipping between desktops and pretending to be more than one person... Do you try and come across like the most evil person on the planet, or does it come naturally to you??

    34. Crushing? You dont seem to understand the life of a troll Joergy. Us trolls want you here, no we actually need you here. Without you, life on this site becomes meaninless. It would be a sad day if you left this blog, as you are our source of entertainment. Some of my troll brothers may leave every few months, but many stay on. We hope that you are here forever, because it gives us a reason to live. Thank you Joergy, for everything you have given us, and continue to give us.

    35. It comes naturally to me Joergina. You finally figured it out Joergina, i am in a room full of desktops and smartphones. I swivel around in the chair from one computer to the next switching accounts as fast as i can. I then smear peanut butter on the computer keys and lick it off slowly. Mike Rugg then comes in and smears jelly all over the monitors. Its oh so much fun

    36. So... Hang on... You want me here now? Didn't you want me gone in your previous comment?? Are you having a break with sanity?? So tell me, when you're pretending to be more than one person, do you struggle to maintain the train of your arguments?

    37. We want you here Joergina, all to ourselves. And a break with sanity? Surely you jest. We are not sane, which makes us all the better to Joerg you with. We do want you gone at the same time though, just thinking of the misery it would cause you. But that would deprive us of our needs you see. So its a battle of wants. But in the end we need you here. We need your soft flesh against the screen. And we need your nose dripping little droplets of snot. Its time Joergina. Its time

    38. Are some of the trigger signs of relapse that your support workers look out for; rocking more than usual and muttering "Joerg" under your breath & not washing?

    39. D'you know what? I think the reality of the situation is more like me having you by the short & curlies, mate. I've got you acting like a right nut job, that says it all! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

    40. Talking about having people by there pubes, is pretty perverse there Joergy. And yes i do go around my house, putting your name in songs, and whispering "Joergy" all day and night. I love it. Acting like a nut job? Its my full time job baby. One day me and you will meet Joergy, and then im gonna "joerg" you until the cows come home.

    41. And how do you suppose we'll ever meet then, psycho-Sid?

    42. This comment has been removed by the author.

    43. This comment has been removed by the author.

    44. I got Joe sippin on my Joerg Juice, my Joerg Juice. I got Joe sippin on my Joerg Jucie, my Joerg Juice. Oh and Joe, please prove that the comments made yesterday about abholi, stonereader, etc, were not you. Please prove that as you say, some imposter posted them. Please prove it. Or else it didnt happen.

    45. Um... A little something called verification? Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    46. And yet i see no verified by your name? intersting huh

    47. About as interesting as the miracle of time.

    48. some queer stuff going on around here!!!

    49. joe is having another meltdown. i told you in the comments above joe, that you likely had certain tendencies after calling eva "darling". And here you prove it.

    50. glad to see you back Iktomi. i can now tell the difference between the real you and that nasty troll wannabe you. Quite sad that this preteen toddlers have to resort to things like this but i guess that's what happens when their parents take their video games away from them. The boredom must be unreal


    51. It seems that every day i am forced to come here and school the trolls for the wankers they are. And each day its the same thing, lktomi beating the trolls, and some special case, pretending to be me. Whats the matter? Can't you pry the fallout 4 out of your hands long enough to get a life?


    52. And that was meant for you 10:28. Get a life, there is a real world out ther you know.


    53. Hello my good friend! Hows your thanksgiving going? Good to see you taking the trolls to school.


    54. slip of the lip there mmc/uno.....remember english folks don't celebrate thanksgiving a good friend would know that? or is he american and lying?...

    55. It's been good buddy, hope yours has been great! Likewise with the troll!

    56. Mine has been good. So much to be thankful for. Did you have family in to celebrate the holiday? And for the troll, keep dreaming. Your too dense to figure things out.


    57. ^ that's not me. The trolls who took on your identity and trying to do the same to me but you can tell my posts are always 100 % anti troll tossers.
      10:31, 10:35 and 10:53 are all the same loser toddler and not me


    58. although i must say they troll trying to be me is actually not being nasty towards you.


    59. Please dont fall for these childish games lktomi. The troll at 11:16 is trying to disrupt any resemblance to meaningful conversation on this forum. I am going to see about getting verification myself. As for 11:16, i wonder if your family is proud of such a tosser as yourself.


    60. Do i detect a bit of jealousy there 10:26 Babes xx

    61. Meaningful conversation? Here? LOL!

      Yes please, let's all get verified again.


    63. Its
      408 Slip me the Joerg Drve
      Nice Hair, Abholi 27233

    64. its 666 devils dead end drive purgatory

    65. 12;00

      Living in a dreamland as always Troll (ass) Kisser ?

    66. Dreamland ------- female?

      So are you a hot "troll". Girl, come on why you so mad in the bigfoot world. If your hot, I'll come take care of ya. Are you single, nobody petting that kitty. Hey I'm single, If your a nice looking lady, I'll come pay you soe attention and you can quit being so mad all the time.

      Or, you can go by a Walmart and pick up some HTTP-5. It is an herbal suplement that really helps take the bitcheness out of women, really helps.

      If your an ugly bitch, I got this friend named Henry lives not to far away from you. And I know another guy in Florida named Tim that hasn't been laid in years. I bet either of them would probably kissing you right on the asshole. Well, send me a pick through shawn and maybe we can hook-up. By the way, I like true blondes and dark skinned girls Pacific islanders, some asians, Native Americans. Long hair is good too! Come on girl, lets get you laid and in a better mood.

    67. ^ Oh yeeeesssss ... I`m a fat dog of a tart who takes it any which way ya` got to give`ll need to be careful you don`t open up the sores though...wouldn`t want the puss n` blood mixing with the juices.

    68. Well, henry will take it anyway he can get it.

    69. 10;31 Joe,

      Oh dearie me,what a hypocrite you are...but that`s nothing new,eh ?

      You`re so right there`s a wide world out there...but you`re not in it are you - preferring to live within this small unreality of web-world that you call honest (for once) and face the fact that it is you,yes you,who refuses to live life where actions are prefer to reside here where you`re your real self - "a faceless nobody"...that`s the reality !!

    70. 2:55 - Henry doesn`t get much action I guess. .

    71. ^ Neither does the TK guy.

      The IktomiJoe guy certainly doesn`t get any womanly action ... he`s here all day every day and hasn`t seen a juicy gash for years.

    72. ^ from a guy who uses pillows and netflix to enjoy himself
      Please go crawl back under your rock my dear troll loser


    73. ^ from a guy who dresses up as spock while searching his hubby for klingons

  3. Bigfoot near who you going to call -
    BILL BROCK ... #1 cryptid beasts hunter

  4. Just shut down the entire comments section of this blog for a week. Nobody comes here for the comments anymore. It's beyond absurd.

    Either you shut down the comments section for a week or you have no nutsack, or are complicit with the troll, or are the troll yourself.

    1. Give it up. You are either Joe or MMC. The mods hate you. Its time. Its time

    2. noble garbage, your not forced to be here, the blog has been this way for feel free to go to another blog. don't go away mad just go away

      troll inc.

    3. He is just special pleading 10:39. He is desperate for the trolls to be gone

    4. Bill Brock unstoppable cryptid hunter : )

    5. Bill Brock. is packing a huge 4 incher .


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