Bigfoot Chatter Recorded In Oklahoma

via Sasquatch Central II youtube page:

The following clip was recorded by Oklahoma researcher Randy Savig. You will hear rain, some birds chirping and in the background you will hear chattering. The chattering closely resembles the "Samurai chatter" Ron Morehead recorded in the Sierra mountains in the early 70's. Headphones are recommended.


  1. Replies
    1. TRUMP will save US all in 2016 : )

    2. At a first listen, this sounds a lot like the Browns' audio and some of the stuff Scott Nelson has analysed (I believe the Kathy Strain stuff).

    3. ^ Sounds like much of the gibberish you`re well known for here.


    4. ^ Joe and the Troll(ass)Kisser make a real pair of dunderheads...the only difference is that the Troll(ass)Kisser comes across as a real loudmouth moron.

    5. What's your main issue? Low self-esteem, anger issues or depression? Or could you be a typical psychopath?

    6. ^ All of a few eccentricities and oddities thrown in for good measure whenever the mood takes me...but mostly the issues just leap out from nowhere at the most inopportune moments...t`is such fun...!!

    7. Hey Iktomi, take note.

      Men do not use the terms dunderhead and loudmoth with the frequency that a female would. This AC, ANON, BLAH, BLAH is female. This person is somehow connected to Matt. The Fourtean clan has undertones of anarchists and love chaos. As a marketing ploy, termoil drives the market. Shawn is stupid enough to have bought it, and to scared to tell Matt to take a hike even though it has ruined this place and run-off a 100 good posters over the years. Anyway, realize whats up here!

    8. 12;53

      We all know your main issues ... "honesty", "sincerity", a wanton disregard for truthfulness...and your general objectionable attitude and vile remarks.

      Oh yeah,your "unwholesomeness" as a person.

    9. Sweetheart, this meltdown of yours revolves around the truth, alright. Why would anyone listen to someone who admittedly is so raving mad? Do you struggle to sleep at night??

    10. 1;23 ... the only thing you`re likely to "be in on" is a thwarted plan to find a job or meet a woman...along with your mentally twisted pal Iktomi (the liar and general scribe of vile and crude remarks) which says much about you and your own mental dunderheads,the pair of you !!

    11. 1;30 ...not at all...I sleep well and wake refreshed are clearly befuddled by your own misunderstandings and lack of exhibit the traits of somebody who tosses and turns most nights...troubled by a sense of frustration probably and your lack of success in the world.

    12. From a Professional marketing perspective. Controversy Marketing only works on a short term bases. The cattle get tired of the argument and mooooooooooove on! In the end, the tactic will gain you hits in the beginning, around the troll wars, but then the decline sets in. Your well established clientel get fed up with the BULLSHIT and leave the pen! How far down on hits are you on average comparing pre Matt as compaired to post Matt. You might want to look at that considering the rest of the Bigfoot World is still growing as a whole.

      Your Pal Leon!

    13. Poster at 1:23 are spot on concerning Joe`s lack of regard for honesty and truth.

      Well pointed out.If only Joe was as honest and truthful as your remarks.

    14. 1:34... All this coming from someone is so admittedly a bad person? You exhibit traits of a psychopath. That's an actual real diagnosis from real psychologists... Not from someone trying to sound a little cleverer than what he actually is, ha ha ha ha!!

    15. YET!! For all your claims about my integrity, not one of you have ever or are likely to ever demonstrate where my alleged lies are; hence the meltdown.

      : p


    17. My god, what a bunch of maroons.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. Im with lktomi and Leon on this one. I think therer arguments are sound. And i think the trolls need to go. Go lktomi. Please forgive me for not speaking up sooner

    20. Trolls really have ruined this blog. I apologize to guys like lktomi who once made it great!

    21. ^ looks like Joerg made up a new account. Get lost you creep

    22. QueerTheWind9 is about right. Why dont you go play patty cake with your buddy Joe

    23. So now we can add AgainstTheWind to Joes many account names. Do you know no shame Joe. I mean thats like 15 accounts now.

    24. Joe made up a new account. Yes Yes Yes

  2. call in BILL BROCK and get that BIGFOOT

  3. We can't rule out unicorn chatter.

    1. BOBO said he seen Bigfoot when he was in the bush

    2. Neither can we rule out Abholi and her nice hair

  4. Just shut down the entire comments section of this blog for a week. Nobody comes here for the comments anymore. It's beyond absurd.

    Either you shut down the comments section for a week or you have no nutsack, or are complicit with the troll, or are the troll yourself.

    1. This is interesting;

      "In a recent study, University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers asked more than 1,000 people to read a blog post about nanosilver technology. Half of the participants were exposed to civilized reader comments on the post, and the other half were subjected to profanity-laden screeds and putdowns. "The results were both surprising and disturbing", researchers Dominique Brossard and Dietram Scheufele wrote in the New York Times. "Uncivil comments not only polarized readers, but they often changed a participant's interpretation of the news story itself." Scheufele told Mother Jones that reading a story online today is like "reading the news article in the middle of the town square, with people screaming in my ear what I should believe about it."

      "If anonymity is one factor, psychological and emotional issues are another, according to Suler, who says many trolls likely have problems with depression, low self-esteem, and anger. They want to inject their own emotional turmoil into other people by luring them into negativity. It's a way for them to feel some kind of control or power over their own disruptive emotions, at other people's expense."

      "Some trolls think that spending your time posting condolence messages on Facebook to someone you've never met is weird, and grounds for being trolled. They think they're teaching people a lesson, teaching people how to behave online."

    2. Makes no all will return for the next exciting episode of inane comments and remarks...go with the flo` and get on over yourself.

    3. Have you ever listened to the Fourtean slip??? Bunch of rude anarchist minded assholes. Guys like this believe controversy and chaos is a good thing. Now consider that one of these guys is the moderator ????????

      Are you getting this people ----- Fourtean slip is based on rudenss, chaos, anti-social behavior --------------- Now consider the state of the blog since Matt has been around???????

      I like Matt with Coonbo and Bear, but FOURTEAN SUCKS DONKEYS!!!

      Nobody hits with consistency of TURD-HEAD when Matt has posted the article. I have thought for a while that Matt and his wife are likely!!!!!

      Controversy causes hits in thier minds.

      Shawn will ultimately take the HIT! I PROMISS!

    4. Did that comment register at some level to you? Depression, low self-esteem, anger issues??

    5. A quick search on the Internet on how to stop online bullying and harassment, leaves you with countless hits with the same action to take; the blog admins stopping anonymous posting.

      Now can you imagine what the trolls would do if that happened?

    6. Iktomi, you should start your own blog.

    7. 1;02

      Nobody would visit his site.

      "That much is true" the words to a song state...also in the same song it is said that "you were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar" ...which kinda sums up JoeTomi`s work capability and aptitude quite succinctly.

    8. 1;02

      Nobody would visit his site.

      "That much is true" the words to a song state...also in the same song it is said that "you were working as a waitress in a coc k tail bar" ...which kinda sums up JoeTomi`s work capability and aptitude quite succinctly.


    9. Tell me... What broke you most along the way? Was it when I shoved your best "arguments" (lies) about the subject back up your own backside, or was it convincing you at some level that these creatures are indeed real that you can't take the trash out when it's dark?

    10. I think what broke me, is when you sold me that rotten batch of Joerg Juice. Then leon the fool saw bendovers buttcheeks and it all went downhill from there. Its a shame really

    11. Shawn will take the hit?? lol, are you kidding leon. You prove your fool status once again. Look at the comments section. A thread a day is getting over 100 hits and most are now between 30 and 50 comments. Rewind about 5 months agao and the highest thread of the entire week may have gotten 50, and that was when dmaker would come by. The blog is doing better than ever Leon. Because even thought your group of friends doesnt post anymore, they all still click and read the comments. And thats what matters. The blog is thriving.

      And if the anonymous option was gone, do you think that would stop anything Joerg? The trolls would just make fake google, blogger, and journal accounts and get you again over and over.

      As we have said before, the only solution is for you to leave Joe. Are you gonna be noble, or be the thorn in the paw of your friends

    12. You sound like you're a little scared, trying to persuade some people that banning you isn't a good idea, ha ha ha!!

      Please beg for my removal? Beg, you pathetic psycho.

    13. Your an idiot, lots of days with NO 100 post, threads, or even 50. Hundreds are rare now, and it is only a few of us that make it happen----------------- when WE want!

    14. You say that we troll, yet Joe made up a new account, Queer the wind, just to post here on this thread. Its pathetic

    15. Hey, why not go full bat sh*t crazy? Why not suggest everyone on the internet that calls out psychopathy is Joe?

    16. Yah, must have missed it, who cares. Your just babbling again!

    17. 2;21 ... you clown ... nobody gives two hoots whether you`re on this blogsite as nobody bothers to read your clueless posts ... you`re another faceless fool with nothing to offer either in your "real" world life or even here...really,nobody cares.

    18. You seem to care very much. I've got your shorts in a twist by the looks of things.

      : )

  5. At some point, if you have any shred of decency/loyalty to those that frequent the site you ban the mother f uckers IP. Why is that so difficult? It's quite obvious to all that the administrator of this site simply unwilling to do so. And since that's so obvious Matt why don't you are Sahn at least give an explanation to those that visit here why you are unwilling to do so. If you are unwilling to post an explanation to those here, I say we all get together and boycott the site for a week. If we still don't get the troll banned, then we boycott a month next. Remove this site from your favorites and simply don't visit for a week or two. If you demand an explanation at minimum from Matt and Shawn, post your confirmation of your agreement to boycott the site for a week below. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

    1. I am so, so, so, so keen to boycott... But I'm just too much is a stubborn ***** to give these psychos exactly what they want. Sorry... I'm sure there are loads who will agree and I really hope loads leave their names under this. Because something needs to be done.

    2. There are many trolls on this blog. I'm not sure why anyone would think it was just one. What are you going to do when the banned Troll is immediately replaced by another?

    3. I think many allready have been to a degree. I think alot of the old posters occasion by, but don't bother posting. 2/3 assholes have ruined it.

      Shawn is drunk with noteriety, friends, and attention he never expected to have in life and was not prepaired for. Decission are scewed.

    4. What's the matter? Are you worried about getting banned??

    5. Joe and his crew, theatening to boycott. AHHHH HAHAHAHA. Do you know what would happen??? Nothing. Not one thing. We would keep on trolling amongst ourselves, and you 2 or 3 posters would be sitting back viewing the site, just not commenting. And Matt and Shawn would just laugh. Because it really is very funny. Us trolls are huge in numbers. Yet you think its just 1 or 2. It makes us laugh even more. I hope you boycott, especially Joe. In fact, if you get rid of Joe, the trolling will all but stop. Thats your only solution. If Joe leaves and doesnt come back under another account, then the trolling will stop. If he doesnt, then it will continue until the end of time. Your "friends" should just tell you to leave Joe. If they want there blog back, thats the only solution.

    6. ^ he's on the ropes! You know he's close to leaving as soon as he's busting out the "if Iktomi leaves then I'll leave" stuff. The poor psycho has been playing two people for so long he actually thinks he's two people now.

    7. Tell us how you made up a new account Joe, just for this thread. Its all above

    8. 2:05, girl? Are you hot? See the last thread.

      I want too know if your A hottie troll? If your cute and Single, I'll come pet that kitty for yah.
      I think it's been too long since that little kitty purred. You don't need to be so angry all the time. If your hot, I'll take care of yah. If you are currious if I'm cute, ask Shawns wife? She couldn't stop starring at me in Montery Ca!

      I'm starting to think she is a hot chick feeling rejected --------

      Or has a face like the bottom of a dry cow pie?

    9. Ummm, is that the real troll killer, or did Leons account get hijacked. Cause that was a bunch of crazy he spouted

    10. 1.32 ... ^ Please keep your word and boycott the site...for some considerable period of time would be best,I might add.

    11. 2;14 Eva,

      But I have got a disrupting the trolls Iktomi , the Troll ass Kisser and ilk.

    12. No Dan, you don't.

      Hows your moms drinking problem?

    13. 2.35 Leave the IktomiJoe troll here ...he`s just too much fun seeing him destroyed each day..or each thread is more of a normality.


    14. 2.47 ... you ought to know,Dad.

    15. Iktomi- worried about getting banned? Me? Hell no. You're not, so why would I be? You act as if getting banned here would be a big deal. I'd move on to other interests, youre the one who's obsessed. Here we go, I'll give it a try: hey, Shawn: you are human waste! You run a blog full of human trash!!! Your blog is the clearest sign of the decline of western civilization I've yet seen!! Ban me, baby!

    16. Surely you can be a little more creative than that? How about calling the admins names on new threads in the first few comments where they can see? Or are you a bit of a coward??

    17. No, I'm happy to do just that, you simpering ninny.

    18. Oh well... I expected a little more creativity from a REAL genuinely tough guy from behind a desktop, is all.

  6. What a are such a sad and lonely individual. Of course we know there are more than 1 or 2 trolls. It takes very little in the way of effort for Matt and Sahn to ban IPs. Ban all the Ip's that troll. One after another after another if need be. They just are either too lazy or like the troll said, like the trolling. It's shameful to not even give an explanation to the other 99% of us that frequent the site. These trolls know that if we start negatively affecting hits on the site, then they will all be banned. Iktomi you slay them daily, and you are the best troller of trolls I've ever seen, but this nonsense is perpetual until Matt or Sahn are willing to permanently ban Ip's. Repeatedly if necessary. I truly think they are just lazy.

    1. That`s not possible - banning an IP would merely be an inconvenience and trolls would be back within hours - only a static IP would be affected - the normal everyday IP that the majority of online accounts operate within are dynamic IP`s and therefore merely turning off and restarting a modem gives a new IP address.

    2. LOL - when there is talk of banning trolls who decides who is a troll? Seems to me there are plenty on both sides of the fence.

    3. No, Your Danza Puss. your personalities are flipping again!

    4. ^ Agreed - one of the biggest troll accounts here is the JoeIktomi guy with his vile and abusive remarks - it would be easy for him to ignore the posts deliberately aimed at winding him up but he loves it and I suspect is lost without the other trolls enlivening his dull life.

    5. ^ you called it: the guy is absolute scum

    6. It's King Troll to you... And I've got you thinking of me day and night, that's some SERIOUS control I have over you.

      : )

    7. ^ There you go with your fantasies again...nobody gives a toss about you aside from the fun they have in winding you right fall for it every time becoming more unglued each`re good for a belly laugh,I`ll say that.

      But aside from the guffaws you induce you`ve nothing else,nothing at all.

      We`ve got you well and truly tied down here and any time we like you come a running.

    8. ^ like a puppet on a string. Who's wound up?? Ha ha ha ha!!

      : )

  7. Well one big problem I see is the mixture of nighttime and daytime animal sounds mostly daytime birds and nighttime owls or coyote... sounds like somebody mixtaped a couple sounds of nature CDs


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