Art Bell's Life In Danger: Stops Broadcast And Pulls A Gun In Serious Security Incident

Art Bell, widely considered the Godfather of Paranormal radio, recently stopped a broadcast for safety reasons when his security lights went off, and a man was seen crouching near his window. Bell grabbed a gun and went to the door. Once the man realized he had been seen, he fled into the darkness.

Last night, Art Bell canceled his program MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT at the last minute due to a ‘serious incident’ which occurred. The description of the events told tonight on Thanksgiving eve were chilling.

Bell said ‘somebody or somebodies don’t want me on the air,’ as he went on to explain several recent instances starting with the October live radio shooting that occurred while Bell was broadcasting. A police report on the matter was filed, and many neighbors heard the shots. One described a dark car and reported witnessing the person shooting the rifle near Bell’s studio on his property.

On November 18, Bell said another incident occurred at 7:50 PM PDT, where a call was placed to his house and a man’s voice said if he went on the air that night both he and his family ‘would be killed.’ The number was blocked and service providers were not able to provide further information. Tonight was the first time that Bell publicly relayed this information to his listening audience.

On November 23, as Bell began his interview with Michio Kaku, he explained that security lights in the rear of the home went on. Bell grabbed a gun and went to the door as he observed a man crouched down near his studio window. Once the individual realised they had been seen, they took off into the darkness of the surrounding desert. Another police report was filed after the incident.

Bell admits being shaken up by the happenings, calling it ‘terrorism on a personal level.’

Art Bell had a moment where he realized that he could have shot the intruder, saying “the next day it hit me like a bomb, ‘I almost shot at somebody’” during his on air description of the events.

For the full article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Hows the turds hanging for you Joeholi stonereader?

    2. Art is ok. He's hanging on the wall..!

    3. 20 turd free minutes. It was nice while it lasted!

    4. Also gotta love long distance turds. They are the best

    5. jihadist in da boosh, we gits thar thar 2d amendmant fer tham critters shure do

    6. the ghost of Arts dead wife Ramona..........

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, the ultra rare desert Bigfoot!!!

    2. could be Black Ops - Art is a cryptid and UFO GURU

  3. Why not just shut down the entire comments section of this blog? Nobody comes here for the comments anymore. It's beyond absurd. Either you shut down the comments section for a week or you have no balls or are complicit with the troll, or are the troll yourself.

    1. I have thought for a while that the latter is the case ------ matt and his Sqaw!

    2. Nice try Joe, but the mods hate you too

  4. Why not just shut down the entire comments section of this blog? Nobody comes here for the comments anymore. It's beyond absurd. Either you shut down the comments section for a week or you have no nutsack or are complicit with the troll, or are the troll yourself.

    1. Just don't come on here. This blog is a TGC blog now. Please find somewhere else to go.

    2. So many "tough guys" needing control from behind their desktops. I wonder what that says about them as people?

    3. It says that we are superior people who own this blog. It also says that we have 12" pork swords and woman throw themselves at our feet. We own flogs like Itkomi.

    4. 2:48 is obviously Joe whining for moderation for the 1038th time.

    5. He's right.. most of the comments are worthless and sound like they are coming from a child.. with so much talk about turds. It really lowers the overall appeal for this blog site and I am visiting it less and less because its a joke now.
      Gotta give kudos to the people who are making a mockery of this site. Which a lot of the people are pathetic trolls that are home bound that don't get out much.
      The people bringing the site down to a crap level are people who can't even list their name, they have to go by anonymous. Now THAT is pathetic.


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