Are Bigfoot Less Active During The Rain?

From the youtube channel of Barbara Shupe, AKA Barb and Gabby:

Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't posted lately. Its been a crazy couple of weeks, with the storm, the Sasquatch Summit and Thanksgiving. But, all is well, we are all back to normal now. :)
This week, we start off with a couple of visits to the gifting area, then we will share some of the storm highlights with you. So, what do you think the bigfoots do to stay safe in a storm like this? I did not present at this years Sasquatch Summit, but I did display our Bumping Lake casts. You can see our casts along with others from Bumping Lake, as well as a few video clips of the speakers, on our Squatchin' with Barb & Gabby Facebook page. Check It out!


  1. Missy Fickle and a woman`s prerogative .Sunday, November 29, 2015 at 6:30:00 PM PST


    I am leaving the site...letting you all know.

    Yes,I am - really and truly and I won`t be dissuaded from my stance.

    Yup,I`m going to retire from this blog-site and won`t be posting here any longer - No,I`m afraid I won`t be deterred from my position on this matter.

    So ---- I`ll be saying goodbye to you all - even the nasty posters and mainstream trolls --- so,goodbye to you all --- and I do hope and pray that you all are going to continue here on the blog-site -- You`ll all be contributing most satisfactorily to each thread with well meaning and intelligent comments I`ve no doubt --- No,I`ve no doubt about that at all.

    So --- I`m going to leave then --- NO !! ..I will not be changing my mind on this issue --- I can`t be moved from my decision to refrain from visiting this site.

    I`ll say goodbye then,shall I ?

    What`s that ? --- you think I ought to reconsider ?

    Oh --- absolutely not -- do you really think I change my mind just like that ? --- I`m sorry but I can`t do that -- there`s the moral issue to consider such as making a statement and then going back on my word and I can say right now that when I say a thing I stick by it -- I make decisions and abide by them ---after all,what would people think ? --- so I`m afraid I am going to go away and I can tell you right now that I mean it -- Yes,really -- I`m at a point of no return and feel utterly determined to stick to the decision I have made -- after all is said and done I can tell you that I am mentally ready for taking new steps out into the ether-sphere and will find a new site to join and contribute along with the members of wherever I choose to go --- Nope,I will NOT be browbeaten on this matter and no matter how hard you try to make me remain and participate I will not alter my mind -- I just can`t do it.

    So -- I`ll be saying a goodbye to you then.

    Ohhh ,it`s hard but unless I make the leap away from the site I won`t ever do it I fear -- ok then -- I`m going to leave.

    There --- I`m going.

    1. Missy Fickle and a woman`s prerogative .Sunday, November 29, 2015 at 6:34:00 PM PST

      Hi guys !!

      I`ve decided to change my mind and have come back to the site.

      No -- I can`t be deterred --- my mind id thoroughly made up on this point..

    2. Wow, you are Missy Fickle.

    3. Joe has officially lost it

    4. I admire your resolute attitude Missy Fickle.


    5. Before you change you mind again please reconsider . . unless of course that is what you really want to do. I know you have made up your mind and that's okay . . unless it's something you will regret later. Go if you must . . . but you are welcome to stay. You might find new friends on a different site . . . then again you may not. I feel I should try to dissuade you but then again it might be better to let you do as you wish. It's probably pointless to urge you to think twice but I suppose you have already done so. So it's goodbye . . or is it hello?

    6. sounds like we have a gay sense of humor in the building. I wonder who that could be?

    7. I think it's Troll Killer.

    8. your right it is...running out of lithium brings out his zany side

    9. LOL ,to bad. Missy Fickle's IQ Isn't as High As Troll Killers.

    10. @ 6:34. I was tryin to be sarcastic,,
      carry on,

  2. Oh great. Iktomi is now going by the name Missy Fickle.

  3. Still hanging onto those Bumping Lake door stops? For what reason? Perhaps as proof to the sometimes overzealous and amateurish interpretation of human footprints with a pushoff mound, as of course being from a family of Bigfeet that unlikely hang out at the most active location to also find humans on that lake? You have to know when and how to admit that you made a huge mistake, before you can get on to answering other questions of great mystery.


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