New Video Breakdown The Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot Suit

For many years one of the main arguments in favor of the Patterson Gimlin film was that nobody has been able to construct a suit that matched the appearance of the creature. Leroy Blevins Sr. argues this, and did in fact make a suit that he believes looks identical to the Patterson bigfoot. The Paranormal Review takes a look at the suit in this video breakdown.


  1. Yes, he got monkey suit.

    I've been an ignoramus all along.


    1. ^ Still no monkey suit fake Joe.

  2. oh well case closed, now we finally know; Leroy Blevins Sr. not Bob Hippopotamus wore the Patty suit


      ^ that also took almost ten years to make.


  3. Better delete this video before you know who sees it because he will go absolutely berserk!

    1. I have a feeling that this might be it for poor old Itkomi. His false idol has now been shown for what it really is. A big giant hoax!!!!!!

    2. When has he ever let facts get in the way of his beliefs?


      Got monkey suit?

    4. Looks a lot more convincing here:

    5. That's because the width in those photos has been reduced by 5%, and we don't even see the suit in motion (I wonder why? Almost ten years to make that suit and we have something that comes close to Patty with photo manipulation and modern materials?

      Come on.

  4. I must agree, this is a great replica of the living creature filmed in the PG video. No different than a false face of a president's likeness that many people wear for Halloween. The suit looks similar, but it still looks like a costume when compared to the PG film.

    1. One must take into consideration the distance and the less than crystal clear qualities of the original film which can hide many details. Although not a perfect copy (and nothing will be) it at least shows a convincing suit can be made,

  5. The PGF subject was filmed in direct sunlight and we still see no obvious anomalies, just comparative data that can relates to very well understood biological tissue in the aged.

  6. Showing that a convincing suit can be made using today's technology, proves nothing. I don't find this rendition convincing at all, because of the hair. In order to make any kind of argument, a person must use only the technology and materials that were available in 1967, and then find the person whose size and limb proportions, matches the 7'-4" Patty. Which is quite impossible, imo.


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