Listen To These Encounters With Werewolf Creatures

If you think the idea of running into a bigfoot out in the woods is terrifying, wait until you listen to this! Each year people report seeing werewolf-like creatures called dogmen. These creatures basically look like what you see in movies depicting werewolves. Native American tribes have stories about them, and the witnesses are very convincing. I certainly don't want to run into one of these things.


  1. Replies
    1. FFS! ^ You sir have the IQ of a cabbage... ^ FFS!

    2. I have never been nasty with you FFS! We all turd, just get used to it!!! It's natural, unless you are Supreme leader Kim Jong-un, it's reported that he does NOT defecate! -TG-

    3. Alert alert...Freaky Foreskin Slurper is trolling the board.

    4. FFS! ^ Well Mr.Turd Guy bring the nasty :) ^ and Mr. Anonymous... thank goodness you have a pencil dick ^ FFS!

    5. ^This coming from a very creep avatar photo. Not only that but you have been calling Eva, "Kitty Cat". You do realize that Eva is a self admitted transgender, right? So when you say these things they are coming off very homoerotic. FFS!

    6. Excuse me cabbage but there's nothing homoerotic about that xx

    7. ^ "cabbage" ? ...well,certainly the Freaky Foreskin Sniffer is a vegetable.

    8. 9;48

      does that mean he`s an anal virgin ?

  2. BIGFOOT - SO what we know so far –
    Bigfoot builds hooches
    Bigfoot makes fire
    Bigfoot cooks meats
    Bigfoot marks their territory
    Bigfoot makes and uses maps
    Bigfoot stores food
    Bigfoot buried their dead...

    1. ^ Don`t forget they c an speak to each other in their very own language.

    2. . . . and dogs - don't forget the dogs! Bigfoot hates them and dogs are scared of Bigfoot.

  3. wes heers gots sume skoolin ans educayshun frum da guverniment we heers knowin that thar constitushun shure do

  4. I don't see BILL BROCK out hunting down bigfoots !!!!

  5. FFS! Lets get this straight Turd Guy and Mr. Anonymous, I am the original FFS! The greatest troll to ever live! so choose your battles wisely! For you will be measured, weighed and found wanting every time lmao :) FFS!

    1. ^ Freaking Foreskin Sniffer guy is really the IktomiJoeDribble guy.

      It really isn`t too difficult to work out,Joe...

      sheesh...what a jerk !!

    2. See someone's got themselves a new 3rd grade joke adorable you look swaping spit with your dog....schmuck

    3. ^ ...the "joke" is the FFS guy...possibly YOU seeing as you`re coming over so butthurt an` all.


    4. Wow, FFS owns you guys. You literally can't stop talking about him. You trolls are so reliable when it comes to immature, boring comments. Not so much when it comes to substance. Here's something you are sure to understand.

      GOT MONKEY SUIT???!!!

      Vegasthedog 1,000,000
      Trolls -3

    5. ^ Example of dreamland living.

      Sheesh...what a jerk !!


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