Breakdown Of A Bigfoot Shelter Video

The Paranormal Review has been on the ball lately cranking out the breakdown videos. Not only does he tackle bigfoot videos, this guy even does breakdowns on tree structures! Like this one for instance, believed to be a bigfoot shelter from the great state of Rhode Island. Say what?


  1. Replies
    1. It's so sweet that while Itkomi and Uno lay next to each other the say goodnight for the world to see. Just before they suck turds out of each other's b-holes. Falling asleep with there mouths still attached to their partners sphincter. So heart warming when two pillow biters find true love.

    2. FFS! ^ Hey you seem to know exactly what to do as a pillow biter...Just saying you must be a jealous SOB lol FFS!

    3. FFS! Hey man I couldn't resist lmao FFS!
      FFS! Yep best thing for a troll is a troll FFS!

    4. ^`s the Freaky Foreskin Sucker !!!

    5. What kind of a queer comment is "FFS in the house".Man Joe, you and MB really do have a lot in common. And then you have the creepy avatar photo that FFS is showing. It just goes to show you the type of freaks that bigfoot draws in. Transgenders, gays, psychopaths, druggies, and the mentally handicapped. I am a deranged psychopath that have caught 2 bodies in my life, so I enjoy it here. But the world of bigfoot is full of disgusting freaks. SMH

      "Freaky Foreskin Sucker"......AHHH HAHAHAHA

  2. What an impressive structure. Had to be Bigfoot. It's the only logical answer.

    1. And we have this most impressive breakdown to prove it. Case closed.

    2. ThinkerThunker would easily confirm it to be the work of a Sasquatch.. In fact he wouldn't even have to see the structure

    3. Wow, ThinkerThunker is certainly one on that list of most hated, eh? He must have really upset you with one of his videos along the way for you to name drop him weekly.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Good Morning Iktomi and FFS! Glad to see you both here!
      Hopefully we will get some good BF posts on here for us to look at instead of the posts from Pillowbiter and Plop boy. They seem to be trying to become the super duo for BFE as of late. Have a great day you two!

    6. Ah, look! Fakeholioi is back!

    7. Its a hunting blind I have built many of them similar to this. Sorry probably not a bigfoot structure!

    8. It is a BF structure! Certain ways you can tell if it is human or BF, and to say "Not sure what made it" shows the lack of structure research.

    9. 8;16

      Joetomi the reader of stones is making a fool of himself again.

      Shame,eh ?


    10. I see that Joeholi is now busting out the fake native American accounts again. I have told him time and time again, all you have to do is Joerg me, 3 or 4 good times, and ill leave this site.

      So please Joeholi, Joerg me one more time!

    11. Dr. Squatch, the bigfoot hoaxer who went so low as to make his nephew make up a bigfoot encounter on film. The shame. Its a good thing you took that video down. Now find some more blue bags and hoax some more evidence, "Dr.". AHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA

    12. I have several HUNDRED pics of BF, and Dogmen....Leading the WORLD in BF research....WHY WOULD I HAVE MY NEPHEW DO THAT?? That in no way helps me?? And don't you think my nephew would look at his Uncle as a Liar??? My sister wouldn't let me around her kids if that was the case...BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN REMEMBER....690 videos, not one can be proven fake, so your pathetic attempt to undermine my research, falls on my sad and immature!

    13. 690 VIDEOS!!!! GOOD LORD!

    14. ^ ...does he exist like bigfoot exists ?

    15. BILL BROCK the 1 to get the JOB DONE !!!

  3. Paranormal Review on the ball lately? Are you kidding me? This guy either takes on no-brainer hoaxes, or he gets it completely wrong. That would not meet the definition of "on the ball". It would however, meet the definition of, "can't hit his butt with both hands." This guy has no real Bigfooting experience.


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