Bigfoot Researcher Explains Why No Bones Have Been Found And More

Daniel Benoit, founder of the ECBRO bigfoot research outfit recently held a question and answer session where he covered questions about bigfoot asked by the listeners. He also gives an explanation as to why no bigfoot bones have been discovered, which is one of the first questions people ask about this phenomenon. Check it out:


  1. Bones have been documented... And no modern specimens found (that we know of) because they bury there dead in 70% of the country that's wilderness.

    1. Hahahahaha. No bones found because Bigfoot doesn't exist. Only a Down syndrome would believe in Bigfoot.

    2. Argh yes! And here comes the resident genius... Anyone smell bums all of a sudden?

      ... People with down's syndrome are lovely, gentle and loving people; you on the other hand could never be loved.

    3. ^I would love to drop a dollup in your mouth.

    4. ^ would love to receive it.

    5. I would rather have wasps in my arss than be anywhere near the same State as you.

    6. ^ aye,laddie...and what a "state" you are in.

    7. People can barely find Bigfoot, let alone buried bones!
      Not a soul on the planet is in the woods digging around looking for Bigfoot bones!

    8. Iktomi likes it in the arse (wasps?)!

    9. I can't think of anything worse to be honest; hence the glimpse into my hell.

    10. its the GOV they don't want U to find any Bigfoots living or DEAD

  2. Any animal remains are hard to find out in the woods unless it had recently died. The nature of the soil takes care of any bones and remains very fast . it is very hard to find bear remains and bears do exist but i am convinced bigfoots are more intelligent so when they feel they are about to die they will find a spot away from things or they are buried by their own. elephants also bury their dead


  3. Hmmm... I question the value of people explaining "scientific facts" when they clearly don't have a good understanding of the subject matter.

  4. Elephants don't bury their dead. They go off to elephant graveyards to die.

    1. elephants and humans are the only two animals that bury their dead. Possibly bigfoot too.
      You know the internet is there to learn not just watch porn


    2. ^ Elephants bury their dead ? ...some kind of circus trick eh ?

      Oh dearie me !!

    3. ^ sorry dumbo, do some research and one day you could be as smart as me but I highly doubt that


  5. Black Ops taking the BIGFOOT bodies so the folks stay unawares that Bigfoots are real and have been here for years

  6. FFS! I don't know why its so hard for some to at least say "Yeah it's possible" Because it is completely possible that it has remained undiscovered...As humans we have the tendency to think we know everything and that we are all there is... FFS!

    1. ^ Friendly Fellatio Service

    2. Here's a creepy story:

      When I was in my teens, my family and I began to notice small dead animals appearing around our home and property. After the first week of this we began to become a little paranoid about who or what was doing this. A little research by my father showed that our area had been known for witchcraft rituals back in the day. Associated with the witchcraft practices were the placing of small piles of stones stacked on top of the other. Within the next few weeks we began noticing small piles of rocks forming near our home and in the community. One day I happened to be a quarter mile from home, down a dirt trail along a large creek. While I was milling around, I caught a glimpse of something very peculiar. In the middle of the creek, on top of a boulder were a stack of rocks three feet high. Another time my dad happened to look out our back porch and saw amongst the underbrush, a pile of stones two feet high and positioned so there would be a hole in the center of the pile. Our dad looked through the hole- our house was perfectly centered in it.
      By mid spring I decided to take a video camera and do a little investigating in the woods behind my home. Before entering the forest I saw a dead garter snake with it's head pulled off. It was a little spooky. Fifty yards into the wilderness I found what appeared to be a bird that looked like it exploded. Feathers, blood, body parts scattered. I ended up going down to the marsh to check the ground for soft tracks and couldn't find anything for the first hour of trying. Getting a little tired, I went over to somr hard ground, plopped myself down, and took a breather. There were still a few patches of snow in the area and I happened to look down at the one next to me. What I saw sent chills through my body. A human footprint, sized larger than my 10 and a half inch boots, which I would estimate was 11" to 12". I could see the toes, arch , and heel. Plopping my dad's camcorder on my shoulder, I filmed the print next to mine for comparison. I quickly left the area and showed my video findings to my Mom and Dad. They quickly thought I was making up the story of the footprint. I asked them how I could make the print with my foot considerably smaller. They had no explanation and began to wonder if something really was out there. Over 15 years later I still cannot explain the footprint. Why would someone travel all the way out into the marsh just to put their print into an already melting patch of snow? Was it a joke? Was someone watching me and managed to determine what direction I was heading in and placed the track? Or maybe it was something else. The dead animal occurrences tended to cease that day and have not returned.
      Creepy stories from the outdoors

    3. NC, firstly, that's seriously creepy stuff man! Thanks for taking the time to post it!! Secondly, please check this out;

      ... This is an audio of a Deep Trance Meditation (DTM) session by Dr. Douglas James Cottrell. If you are unfamiliar with Douglas' work, he is a trance intuitive in the same vein and style as Edgar Cayce. Now this is far out stuff, I must warn you... But I am totally down with remote viewing and really do feel there is a lot to this stuff. Anyway, you'll be surprised to hear what he says about the 411 stuff, and there are surprising references to with craft. Also... The conclusions he draws from the Dennis Martin case aren't sitting well with me, but like I explained before there are plenty of suggested factors, as well as Sasquatch, for the disappearances.

      There's not rush to watch this but I think you'll find it interesting. Let me know what you think when you get around to it (20mins long).

    4. Oh, and I would call all the activity in the report you posted down to Sasquatch behaviour.

    5. Thanks for the link, Iktomi. I'm going to give this a listen right now.

    6. There's an interesting comment posted by a gentleman named Vitaly Mulev that may shed some light on the Martin case. Scroll down a bit on that vid. Very bizarre.

    7. "I red about the case of this boy denis and i see cottrell said this child was taken by bear. I can tell you personal story of my father who was a hunter in siberia. He told me one day summer 1988 he met a humanoid bear like creature about 20 meters from him. It was like 3 meters high, very massive, standing, it had bear head but humanoid body, strong stature with shoulders and chest, arms were much more like humans then bears. Some of his friends said he met yeti but yeti does not look like that because this being was a real humanoid bear looklike. It even had a hump like thing on his back. When they met, my dad was paralyzed because he was so scaired and in shock, so this creature was looking at him like one minute and then went away slowly. From that day he never went in forests again ever. He had some sketches of this animal but i couldnt find it. He said when this bearman watched him he had a feeling it reads his mind or in a way it had total control on him and he felt creature didnt attack him because my dad looked harmless to him. Maybe this case of a boy denis has some similarities and maybe this predator who attacked this kid was not just an ordinary bear. I dont know but cryptoids like this exists too. I think these beings are somehow intradimensional and they visit our planet on time to time. But i have never found anyone with similair expiriences, people met yetis but this was very unique and i didnt find anything like that on the internet."
      ... This would amount to what some people would refer to as a "skinwalker" type of creature,right?

    8. 11;13

      No...I`m "in" his mouth.

  7. About Bones:
    if you were able to take 100 human skeleton remains, bury them in a 1,000 acre wilderness, wait 3 years, then send in a team to find them, they will not find them!
    Mohawk Legends say, Bigfoot dead are placed high in Pine/Spruce trees 100+ feet or more, tied by grape vines. These Pine/Spruce stands are on steep cliffs, where no human could walk safely without breaking a leg. so finding them is nearly impossible!

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. Utter nonsense...cadaver dogs would find them immediately as would aerial ground radar readings...the radar would find every one of them.

    2. 70% of wilderness means some pretty remote places... And cadaver dogs don't want to get off their butts sometimes, ya know.

    3. Can't remember the exact number but there have been a lot of plane crashes over the years in wilderness that have still not been discovered and the wreckage doesn't move around so finding a creature that is superior at being stealth and also a strong possibility of it burying it's dead is huge task. The only way i can see if discovering bigfoot bones is shooting one yourself or coming upon one that has recently died otherwise the forest will take care of all evidence within a short period of time


    4. Yes Joe, on the 36 mins 10 seconds mark here;

      ... 73 aircraft since WW2, from Northern California to Alaska have been totally lost. That's an official Federal Aviation Administration figure.

    5. thank you ! i didn't know the exact figure but i knew it was over 50. so 73 aircraft lost that have never been found and they don't move around or hide on purpose. it just reinforces that there is so much wilderness for planes, escaped convicts, bigfoot to hide in.
      BTW- bigfoot are more intelligent than any escaped convict and move around unlike downed planes.
      People will never understand just how much forest there is. They assume it's a small acre where nothing can hide, haha


  8. Replies
    1. I see you've decided on a halloween costume, can't wait to see the pics old chap


    2. ^ replying to himself...what a jerk !!

    3. ^ Hi dressmaker, happy halloween !
      Don't eat too much candy


  9. Sorry to pop the ECBRO's bubble, but when Bigfoot get hit by a train, and the body is attended to within a few minutes to hours, THERE ARE NO BONES. It has nothing to do with decomposition, obviously. Deal with it.

    1. GOV black ops cleans UP the bigfoots so nobody can find any evidence that Bigfoots are real


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