2010 Coast To Coast With David Paulides and Melba Ketchum

This is worth another listen. August 29, 2010 episode of Coast to Coast AM with special host George Knapp. The guests are none other than Missing 411 author David Paulides, and Melba Ketchum. Ketchum was blasted with scrutiny upon self-publishing her findings in her bigfoot DNA study. This interview took place prior to those findings being released. It's nice to go back and listen to the discussions taking place back then. Kind of like a time machine. Jumpin jiggawatts Marty!


  1. Replies
    1. A 5 years old radio show with out of date ponderings.

      Just Grrrrreeeatttt !!!

    2. Ohhhh!!!!!......Myyyyyy!!!!!......Joerggggg!!!!!!

      Joe, I am in the mood to "milk the cow". Come over to Dr Squatch's and bring some blue bags to collect the "milk" in. It will be amazing!

      Coonbo Spoke

  2. Replies
    1. Nothing with Melba on it is worth listening to. She has crashed and burned with her studies and has no cred!


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