1973 Bigfoot Sighting Shared For The First Time

From the Youtube channel of Something Hairy In The Shadows:

A fan tells his Bigfoot story for the first time, This 1973 Bigfoot encounter is the first story never told for my Coming Out Of The Shadows series Thank you Dallas Brooks!


  1. Turdfoot turding for the turd turd

    1. sometimes trolls looking like bigfoots because trolls are cousins to BIGFOOTs

  2. FFS! ^ 1st then sucka ^ FFS!

    FFS! I'd tell you to go eat a turd, but I think you already have FFS!

  3. Replies
    1. Northrop Grumman Wins Air Force's Long Range Strike Bomber....
      BILLIONs for U SAFETY 😎

  4. But I do think there are obvious corollaries amongst conservatism, evangelical christianity (your typical patriot types), and bigfoot belief... which more or less equate to an anti-science worldview. Bigfoot "research" or "science" really just amounts to an avenue for the uneducated, rural poor to erroneously claim equal standing with the educated liberal elites who, by learning the ways of the natural world, manage systematically deconstruct the paradigms they hold most dear (religion, patriarchy, etc) Bigfoot, since he cannot be disproven, provides a convenient life raft for these people.

    1. But you can maybe get around to proving the scientific evidence that supports a large, unclassifed, bipedal primate doesn't exist... With something a little more than, you know; faith.

      Pseudoscepticism is a fundamentalist, quasi-religion... And your burden remains.

    2. Wow Iktomi ------ you socked him right in the mouth.

      This Idiot thinks he has a clue,----- my, my!

    3. Oh look...it`s Troll Ass-Kisser making a scene.


    4. FFS! ^ How incredibly shallow ^ FFS!
      FFS! ^ spoken like a true libtard ^ FFS!

    5. But seriously though... I mean... It should be easy considering it's all "anti-science", right? It must be easy considering it's all been verified by the "uneducated", right?

      Why can't these people get around to shifting that damn burden? They're great at calling people names though.

    6. Jeb BUSH to save the DAY : )

    7. If the evidence that I reference is unscientific, why do you literally present not one piece of an argument against its authenticity? This is typical JREF ad hominem BS... Attack anything except that which you are too unintelligent to counter.

    8. Everything Itkomi says is nonsense. He is clearly a young boy, maybe 11 years old that has learning difficulties. I would assume he gets bullied at school and hides in the toilet. He lives his life on this site so he can escape reality. Or he is just a 40 year old virgin with a tiny d ick. He is extremely overweight and has been stuck in his bed for many years. His mom feeds him and washes him with a rag on a stick. Secretly she wants him to die so she can enjoy the rest of her life. You decide.

    9. After last night I thought Itkomi would have left the site. It was an amazing beat down he received. He really needs to know when to give up.

    10. FFS! ^ Mr. Anonymous do you really have to say more than (ANONYMOUS) we call them chickens where I live :)
      ^ what a magoo lol! FFS!

    11. 2:09... Let me explain something to you. Sticks and stones don't really get around to doing much except demonstrating your level of intelligence. Bring me an argument against the subject matter, even someone else's if you're too dense. You never know, you might even one day get on the mat with me, let alone get anywhere close to giving me a "beat down".

    12. ^ Once again...Irrelevant.

      You have no body nor verifiable proof.

    13. Itkomi you shall refer to me as the waiter from now on because all I do is serve you up delicious beatings. I just wish there was a person on here that could match wits with me. Do some research and come up with an argument that my 3 year old nephew wouldn't use.


    14. Pardon me Mr. lktomi but in some cases sticks and stones DO get around to doing much as in demonstrating evidence of Bigfoot. But of course you already knew that.

    15. 3:28... This is just it, if there is no verifiable evidence however, there doesn't have to be proof for something to exist, because by measuring the evidence, the research simply may not have been acquired yet. If something doesn't exist, then it doesn't leave physical sign. Very, very, very simple stuff... If you disagree as strongly as you appear to, explain the evidence away. A negative proof fallacy is not intellectually sound.

      4:23, 9:38 (the same psycho), yet here I am, still referencing the one thing you're too unintelligent to counter... Funny that.

      : )

    16. all these anon trolls are just haters with no life. i don't understand why they waste their time coming on here when they have zero interest in bigfoot and 100% interest in just insulting people because they lead pathetic lives


  5. Ok Mr FFS, I'm glad you used your real name. Where I come from they call people like you dumb f ucks!!!!!

    1. FFS! Awwww poor little Mr.Anonymous :( its ok little guy no need to get ugly and use foul words lmao FFS!

  6. Does FFS mean for fuc k sake?


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