This New Trailer for: Sasquatch - Boss of The Forest, Looks Very Promising

We haven't seen a new Bigfoot Kickstarter campaign in a while. This latest one looks very promising, and they've been working on some amazing sculptures. It's unclear at the moment what type of documentary this will be, but this first look seems pretty cool.

"HERE IT IS GUYS!! The very first teaser, featuring Michael Bank's character, Rob Gimlerson. This is the first in hopefully many videos to come!!! please stay tuned for the launch of the Kickstarter campaign for the film. And with your help we can make this ambitious film a reality!"


  1. Gerbils + me arse = Boss of the woods!


    1. Aliens DO Exist, Says Top Secret FBI Memo
      “They were described as being circular in shape with raised centres, approximately 50 feet in diameter"
      GRAYS are back and with Bigfoots to collect DNA

  2. This short clip is all well and good but let us in on a release date?

  3. Replies
    1. Then put your money where your mouth is. They are taking donations.

    2. I've got something else I want Iktomi to put where his mouth is.

    3. Doesn't look that great . Not even average ! If they want finance they have to come up something better then this 40 second comment on prints that been said a lot of times among researchers.

    4. For those that are interested, lktomi/Joes real name is Joerg Hensiek. You can google his name and bigfoot, and read his replies on various blogs. Its obvious its him. You should see his picture. Lets just say that Joe looks exactly like what we expected. AHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    5. ...Not even close...It is not him....

  4. Oh great - yet ANOTHER Bigfoot movie to be made. How many does that make now . . 40 . . 50 . . 60? I'm sure it will be a big hit . . . . just like all the others.

    1. Did anyone else hear about the group of escaped chimpanzees out west? I hear that one of them had a big pack of swisher sweets under his arm?


  5. Sitting watching a movie is not going to help anyone finding a bigfoot

  6. Sitting watching a movie is not going to help anyone finding a bigfoot


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