If Bigfoot Lives Here, It Doesn't Want To Be Found

When it comes to looking for bigfoot in remote areas, nobody beats Anthony Moffett. We are always amazed by the places this guy goes when he's looking for the biggies. The views he gets to see are magnificent, and he finds some pretty awesome bigfoot evidence along the way. I mean just look over the guy's shoulder. That's the kind of views we'd expect a mountain goat, or an eagle to have.


  1. Replies
    1. at least we see that you are being regular


  2. Of course bigfoot doesn't want to be found. I'd feel the same bloody way having all those crazy Americans and their wild west mentality out in the wilderness with their guns shooting at anything that moves.


    1. Also , Here in the UK we like to shove gerbils up the bum ,when its time to show whos boss!! tally ho!


    2. ^ nice try tosser but i'll leave the gerbils to you and your fellow cowboys who carry guns with them even in the loo. I will never understand your crazy gun obsessed culture


  3. Newsflash: If you want to find Bigfoot, travel to the lowest point where the water is, instead of the highest point where the eagles are.


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