Whistle, Knocks, Glyphs, And More

Barb and Gabby follow Sam back to the location where she just had a possible bigfoot encounter. Check out what Barb had to say:

Hello everybody! This week, we have some new bigfoot activity to share with you. Sam takes us back to the spot where she had an experience, just minutes before. We also hear what I believe to be an alert whistle, just as we leave the main trail, as we approach the area of the event. This is after I had an experience myself, early that same morning. I'll tell you about that too. Then we finish off with a visit to a special tree. I can't help but wonder if the bigfoots see it as a special tree too. :)


  1. Replies
    1. ^ Is it true you can whistle popular tunes outta your arse Joe ?

    2. No... But I've got a meatball for your eye if you come close enough.

    3. I like it when a random guy stretches his ball sack over my eyes and gives me the Arabian goggles.


    4. It's even better when he stretches his sack over my eyes and farts in my mouth. I like to call it the Arabian gas mask.


    5. 4;46 Iktomi admits to being Joe.

      But we don`t believe you...you can whistle popular tunes through your jacksy...it`s been stretched enough.

    6. He also recently admitted it here http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com/2015/08/classic-breakdown-bigfoot-in-bc-footage.html?showComment=1440703489402#c8175046352513220910

    7. As if he had anyone fooled and we all know he's way to stupid to actually get away with it. Dumb as dogs hit!!!!!!

    8. Did someone say dogs hit?I could really go a snack.


    9. ^ nuf said, there ya go,now ya talkin!

    10. It's been common knowledge that lktomi is Joe Fitzgerald for quite some time now 7:26. He apparently enjoys his little ruse although even his fellow believers recognize it's him. It's easy to discern when you compare the two writing styles. I don't think this new "Joe" is him tho (not to be confused with the impostor "Joe" who denigrates him at every opportunity. Oh what a tangled web we weave!

  2. The "Joe" who replied above is not me. Just another wannabe who tries to pass himself off as me by leaving nasty comments . You can tell these plonkers are so desperate to be me it's not even funny .
    Because it feels so empty without me


    1. Also I assure you i am not Iktomi as he can vouch , we do share similar beliefs that bigfoot is real and enjoy dispatching of trolls with a verbal backhand . The true sign of success is when people imitate and i'm flattered that some people clearly have no life and come on here trying to be me. They obviously are using up bandwith on mommy's laptop and if she ever found out they wouldn't get any pudding for a month. Shame on you petulant children


    2. 10:58 = DOLT !

    3. and yet you are here enjoying and following all my comments. it just proves you have no life outside of that.



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