Three Legends Talk Bigfoot On Good Morning America

In this rare and vintage footage, Rene Dahinden, Wes Sumerlin, and Paul Freeman make appearances on Good Morning America for a feature story about bigfoot. Good Morning America actually goes on location to hear their stories about their encounters with bigfoot, and the evidence that was out there at the time. Check out this rare piece of bigfoot history:


  1. Replies
    1. 6:05 knows what he's talking about...

    2. 6;05 is it countersunk ?

    3. Better call Saul if you need a lawyer
      if you need a bigfoot expert better go with Joe- that's me !

    4. Joe Iktomi is channeling Rene Dahinden at 5:54 in this clip:

      "You see, you will never be able to prove that the sasquatch does not exist."

    5. "Channeling" is rich when someone so dense as you misses the boat every time you're shown to be out of your intellectual depth. To prove that Sasquatch doesn't exist would be to prove a negative. What you are required to do is prove your premise on the existing evidence not existing, such as tracks, audio, hair samples. There are many methods of testing this, get busy or the evidence exists and your self esteem takes yet another significant knock.

  2. Decades ago, and nothing has really changed.

    1. Bigfoot evidence..the MAD MAGAZINE of Sasquatchery!!! ,,

    2. hee hee titter titter chortle snicker

    3. Decades ago and you are all still in your diapers you puny toddlers


    4. I watched the clip. That's Paul Freeman? Now I know that he was a bigfoot BSer and his footage (both of them) is BS.

  3. I get a kick out of the ISF footers clinging to psychiatric advice from a mentally ill, pathological liar like Alaskabushpilot. It's fun to watch.

    1. Didn't he just get caught lying about killing a Leopard in the Amazon ? I wonder if simpletons like Cervelo and the other ISF footers will keep taking up for him like he's their husband ?

    2. I don't know about this bush pilot guy, but a lot of the people criticizing him have a preoccupation with homosexuality.

    3. ^ T`is oft said "one up the bum - no harm done"


    4. It's obvious to any objective person that APB is not playing with a full deck. I think the footers on ISF like The Shrike/Saskeptic and the others have to support and agree with him or they risk getting kicked out of the pretend skeptic herd...or they really are just dolts.

    5. Ok, what about his arguments?

    6. Who's arguments ? APB's ?

    7. Y'ALL ,Forgot Tigers tamed and Elephants bred! .That ABP is one kool Cat!

    8. Don't you find it ridiculous that a pathological liar accuses other people of role playing ?

    9. @7:04

      Have you ever heard of psychological projection ?

    10. All I know is I see these constant posts about what a whack job this guy is supposed to be. It's like seeing all the anti Iktomi posts, except in this case it's not even in the same forum where he posts.

    11. I think people write about him here because all of the footers on ISF post here too (obsessed with joeiktomi). Also there is such a herd mentality on the ISF that you can't call out a guy like alaskabushpilot or all of the other pretend skeptic will report your post and get it erased. Even the other posters over there who pretend to be skeptics walk on eggshells around this guys obvious fantasies because they're afraid to get kicked out of the herd.

  4. Please help me, I have been trapped down here in this stinky, moist hell hole for years. The only time I get let out is when he beats me over his favourite porno ( PGF ) and when he forces me into a fat hairy mans b - hole. I have heard of this wonderful place that others go called a vagina but I have never seen this place. I'm begging you please help me.

    Joes penis

    1. ^ My arse cheeks will be spread wide at your convenience


    2. Great fake Joe! I will go get my rototiller and run right up your dirty crack with it. Maybe we will eventually find your brain. Hold it right there!

    3. Why are you mad about my comment? You beg and troll for attention all day long. I would think you should find great satisfaction that anyone at all even gave you a moment of time. And now you have had two moments. Now assume the position I hauled this thing all the way out of the shed.

    4. 7:45 is trying way to hard to be like me and i'm flattered but i'm not into any intelligent discussions with toddlers who can barely crawl out of their crib. go to sleep you imposter


  5. Is Joe the only retard on here that believes in Bigfoot. I'm starting to believe he has about 10 alias he goes by to try and look like he has some friends.

    1. There is only one of me but many imitators and you can usually tell because they have a potty mouth but zero wit or intelligence. Accept no substitutes mate


    2. ...Ugh...Th post refer to Iktomi/Joe, not you "new Joe"...You refuse to clarify your identity so I have to guess you enjoy the attention, even if some of it isnt intended exactly for you...Sign " New Joe"..or something like that..You are not being fair to Iktomi either, who you profess to admire...Have a good one...

  6. Bigfoot skeptic Mike Dennett in the clip at 5:38:

    "Some people see bigfoot because their life is boring..."

    That pretty much sums up many loser footers.

    1. Bigfoot enthusiast Iktomi on Bigfoot Evidence says to that;

      "Some people see Bigfoot because they are fortunate enough to experience an extremely rare being that is leaving it's sign on the environment of the US."

      To be cynical towards the sightings that have physical evidence in support, pretty much sums up many loser pseudosceptics who think with fear and not their brains.

    2. Uhhh... What are you quoting? You can't quote your own words that you just made up. That's not a quote.

    3. I was taking the Mickey out of you by using a fictitious third person... I trust the point within it hit home.

  7. ...Great find...I cannot wait to get home from work today and watch this...

    1. ..You're welcome..I really enjoyed it, thanks...


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