This Video Has The Longest Title We've Ever Heard

In this classic breakdown footage, Phil takes a look at the video "Spooky Cryptid Alien Bigfoot UFOs & Orbs Something Strange in the Woods Watch Now!" Is there really that much stuff going on in this video? Was there like a convention of strange, paranormal, and cryptids taking place at this exact location? I mean how can you have all those things at once?


  1. Triple coiler on iktomis open mouthed face.

    1. say that to my opened mouth'ed face!

      Joe!,,,, ;~( ).

    2. This is a turd roll with a turd aioli. Bet I'm making Itkomi/Joe hungry. Bigfoot don't exist so that's that.

    3. That is not me . More evidence that toddlers come on here with their troll suits on hoping to hoax those who believe trolls are secretly teens who play video games in their parent's basement all day long. Get out and get some sunshine once in a while buttercup


    4. vegasshole with his joe routine^^^^

  2. see phil's lil' bitch is pimpin up his sugar daddy again


  3. God, kill me now.

    Those aren't orbs because real orbs are always moving independently of each other because they are individual spirits. Furthermore, it normally takes special photography to capture them on film, like Night Vision IR. Night Vision IR leaves everything in some green hue. So this is not a Night Vision IR video, and those sure as hell are not orbs.

    The forest picture is out of focus because this is a video of a still photo, but the phony orbs are probably on some glass that is in front of the forest photo. These phony orbs are most likely specs of moisture on glass.

    If Phil knew the basics about the paranormal, he would not have screwed up this analysis so badly.

    1. Point taken 4:15 , However that being said ,Parabreakdown has a proven track record of approx 99.9% of pure perfection !! And Matt K does a Fine job!! TEAM HOMOS RULE!!


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