This Bigfoot Documentary Is One of The Most Fascinating Ones Ever

This documentary has been shared thousands of time around the Bigfoot circle. The documentary supposedly shows a 10-12ft tall Bigfoot. It's about a man named Ben Matine in Ontario. According to the story, on October 6, 2006, Ben was running from a "trumped up and false charge." He fled from authorities and somehow ended up in the wilderness of Temagami, Ontario. Ben's friend Jim, while delivering supplies encountered a massive creature standing at the bottom of a tree root. Jim took 4 high resolution photos of the figure.


  1. Arms are too short- sorry nice try.

    1. Not to mention the extra yards of fabric hanging on the back of the legs. And the flat assless backside. No muscle tone whatsoever.

  2. just another monster in the woods story ,which is a guy in a suit[ a good suit and good story]

    Of course the all important money shot of actually seeing the creature close up " was lost"

    good effort indeed

  3. I've not seen this documentary yet, surprisingly as I like to think I've seen pretty much everything. Looking forward to it.

    1. I think I saw this a few years back. The photo of the cameraman standing in the same spot is really telling. That bigfoot was massive and unless there are 10 ft humans walking around no suit could fit a man unless he was that tall.


    2. well i encourage you to investigate this further it's a very well played out hoax. but when questions started to lean toward fraud they vanished

    3. Of course they vanished ! The Canadian government made sure that this was seen as a hoax and the players involved were silenced as to not create a panic with citizens who wouldn't be able to handle having 10 ft creatures out in the wild


    4. well the fact that he was a fugitive on the run i'm sure played no part in it all. it was the government.....really? c'mon fake joe you have some brain cells right?

    5. In fact I do have some brain cells, far more than infants like you could ever dream of possessing . They may have been fugitives but that does not preclude the fact that they encountered something big and scary in the woods. There have been numerous sightings in that area so it isn't like a sighting would be totally out of ordinary . There have also been a number of people who have gone missing in that area and not because they were running from the law. I do have plenty of brain cells to get my point across mate but i'm not sure if you have any to have an open mind


    6. Not Joe, and I find it weird someone keeps trying to be him.

      The "costume" is the same as shown in the picture. I don't like this footage one bit.

  4. Apparently Ben has not been seen since the events took place. He disappeared or vanished without a trace.

  5. This has been debunked for a long time.


    1. I would like to know. Some of these cynics simply think that if they put it up in writing here, it's the case.

    2. ^ Strange how some bleevers take every piece of bait thrown in hook,line and`ve swallowed the lot.

    3. not sure but there are pics of the mask and a breakdown of the suit ( baggy pants) also you can see a bag of gear next to the person in the suit. was a publicity stunt for a movie. the man god forgot i think it was called

    4. 12:56... Definitely fits that model. You don't know anything as to what I'm sceptical of kid. I've not seen the documentary yet, and I'll make my own mind up when I do. Seldom will you see my commit to anything that's posted around here.

      12:59... Thanks very much.

    5. ^ Nw that is an outright are well known here for jumping to conclusions and being the fall guy time after time...or,have you finally learned ?

    6. The outright lie is your alleged intelligence mate. I've given yo more meltdowns ion the subject matter that I care to list... When you have that in the back of your mind day in day out , like is blatantly obvious... Then when someone reassesses, self reflects and progresses through a premise, it's all too easy for someone like you to jump all over it.

      Just remember why you think of me all the time chump... Sykes is coming.

      : p

  6. This just another ploy for Shawn to get money from his boogie man in the woods stick. Hits equals dough in shawns pockets. Nothing wrong with moola in the pockets but fables are just that fables. Just like the Sierra kills site. More Star Wars toys for those Cali dopers to buy and play with. Bigfoot is big money anymore. Hey I got an idea lets cut up some deer meat and hide it in the snow and charge people to take them to the supposed kill site spot. Hey wait a minute let's make a no budget movie out of the big lie and then we'll charge people to take them up there where Justin shot the so called Bigfoot. Hey rector don't forget that chickens blood from your relitatives voodoo rituals. You know to give it the freshly killed look.

  7. Had me right up until the "confiscated video" bit.

    What a crock of shit.

    Depth Perception is a bitch, ain't it.

  8. might be a wee more believable if it wasn't the same suit as used in the Heibert Pics...

  9. Also looks like the eyes are way to far back,they should be close to the facial features and maybe even possibly protruding.


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