The Large Breasted Bigfoot Has Been Enhanced!

From Birdman 649:

A big thank you to Rainbow Moon Raven for this photo enhancement of my video of the Large Breasted Sasquatch now Titled Adult Sasquatch with Juveniles. I believe their are 2 juvenile sasquatch clutching to the adults chest. Also one in the tree above it. This is a photo done of when I zoomed in on what I thought was a stump. I will investigate this further and much more thoroughly than my first debunking video as soon as the weather cools so I can walk to that exact location. Go to my video Adult sasquatch with juveniles to see the full video and watch me zoom in on what I thought was a stump. You can clearly see the coned head and arm and leg wrapping of the juveniles.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey Iktomi and Eva, remember the cement heads will never win....

    2. The cement heads have never lost a battle against the retards ( Itkomi/Joe ).

    3. Seen it repeatedly! you're just too dense to realize it !

      whut up wit DAT??????????

  2. I can't stop pulling my d ick. She is so f ucking sexy. I just keep shooting load after load.


    1. ^ nice try fool. keep trying to be me . You never will but maybe one day you'll be able to shave


    2. Like you would know about shaving ,,
      you welsh Balless WUSS!!

    3. ^ A balless mike, A man who is whipped by a fat ass Bi-polar bitch !

  3. I get a kick out of the ISF footers clinging to psychiatric advice from a mentally ill, pathological liar like Alaskabushpilot. It's fun to watch.

    1. Not as much a kick i get out of skeptics who seem to devout so much of their precious time coming on here, reading every article and leaving troll comments . Oh the irony of it all


    2. I've got the worse ball ache right now from the countless loads I've busted but I just can't stop. That bigfoot is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Reminds me of my mother.


    3. 2:44.... now that's a hoax!

    4. 2:44- you clearly have a serious mental health issue concerning deep obsessions with me and with your mom. Please go get help


    5. In comes J Randi's little gay soldiers who pretend to be Bigfoot skeptics.

  4. I've got so much jizz on me I look like a glazed donut.


  5. yes nc and mmjoe love a couple of glazed joenuts and wash them down with a cup of joe

    1. ^ You sound like the kind of person who'd spend $10 on a latte . oh wait, you wouldn't even know what a latte is


  6. A lot of these people who believe there is no such animal as a sasquatch sure do spend a lot of their time on sasquatch based websites. Just to stir shit up. In a court of law people will get sentenced to life in prison or even sentenced to death on circumstantial evidence. And there's absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt tons of not only circumstantial but also physical evidence of these animal's existence coming in daily. So if a researcher wanted to take all of this evidence to court they would more than likely come out with a win and this animal will finally be verified as legitimate species. It's easy for a skeptic to say that these animals don't exist when they're sitting in the comfort of their armchairs without doing an ounce of research on the topic to back up your statements. And if you did your research quite a few states have made it ILLEGAL TO KILL A SASQUATCH like Washington, Texas and possibly Florida in the near future. So keep an objective unbiased opinion when you dive into this topic or better yet FIND A DIFFERENT WEBSITE YOU TROLLS

    1. Why don't you leave your armchair and go out and find proof of bigfoot. If I believed in bigfoot 100% I would be out there getting the proof I need to shut people like me up for good. Let's not forget the fame and millions of dollars you would receive. Let's face it though, you wouldn't leave your basement knowing it is a huge waste of time because deep down you don't believe in bigfoot either. Your just a pathetic loser who likes to think he's smart by researching this retarded crap and then putting it on this website. P.S suck a huge d ick!!!!!

    2. Except bigfoot hunting costs money. If you pay my bills, I will look for bigfoot full-time.

      By the way, you suck.

    3. Let's take the news media. Their standards are FAR less than a court yet they treat footers and their evidence as a joke. If you had anything worthwhile, the media world be all over it and they're not. Court adjourned.

  7. I'm sure if you really believed in bigfoot you would find a way. It might put you in debt now but the payout after you get proof would be life changing. You've have so much knowledge on the subject it should be easy to get proof if you tried. So go out there and prove us all wrong.

    1. And I'm also sure you and your fellow skepturds could plunk in a few dollars each and get a professional to recreate the PGF's bigfoot because all of you keep saying it was a suit- well here's your chance to prove it is. I have nothing to prove because I believe it was the real deal and i really don't know your life is impacted in a negative way that I do believe so. Please share how the quality of your life has been diminished by people believing in bigfoot as you say it doesn't exist in quite the same way I could say my life isn't affected in the slightest by you playing dungeons and dragons in your basement every day.

      Cheerio and got gorilla suit ?


  8. Trying to change the subject because you just got owned again. Nice try but it just shows what a pathetic loser you are. Got monkey suit is the lamest comeback and the most pathetic reason for believing in bigfoot I have ever heard. Do you realise how f ucking stupid you sound. On a side note, you suck giant throbbing c ocks all day long.


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