Sasquatch Chronicle's Wes Germer Has a Very Interesting Photograph To Share

For fans of Sasquatch Chronicles, your favorite host Wes Germer recently acquired a photograph from Washington. You may remember Sara Brown of the Brown footage. This photograph is from the same property and the measurement of the subject gigantic!


  1. Replies
    1. Hanging out of your mouth? You might want to go and see about that?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Having full faith in the credibility of the Browns (Yip Yeller audio), and considering that a dear friend of mine has the exact same type of photo but with a better close up (Mike B), I find this photo extremely compelling. I'm trying to source a documentary that has yet another example of the seemingly exact same photo. I believe this documentary is by a gentleman called Redchun.


      Here's that half hour documentary. It's really good and has the same type photo for reference. If anyone wants to see Mike B's, second photo from top here;

    5. Agree with you Iktomi. May well be one here. Glad Sara went back and measured distance.

    6. Check this out, especially the first part:

      You may have had a Bushman or sasquatch creeping around. I experienced something similar a few times here in SE, and later found hair and tracks, the hair with a DNA result that nobody in biology here wanted to hear about. Send any unusual hair to me for ID. I have had two good clear looks at what we're discussing here, and don't laugh at any native stories anymore. A large scale DNA research paper is being completed which will give traditional biologists something to reconsider. Serious research on the subject will begin to be legitimized in the not so distant future. One last word, you might not want to put a round into anything that may well have 46 chromosomes. And listen up to any native hunters on the subject.
      July 2012

    7. I want you to explain with all the massive fires in the American Pacific Northwest right now how not one magic monkey has been found.

    8. Because they are smart enough to get out of the way.

    9. Warning: staring at mikes blurry images may cause red circles both on the photo and beneath your eyes. ;). Have a happy Labor Day weekend and remember to hydrate on hot summer days. As for you usual suspects, hope you get a chance to email me soon. As for the Browns and Wes, great to see them exchange information. I suppose that's really the only way a truth reveals itself.

    10. NC!! What an astounding post!! Where did you find this, in the link you provided I trust? I've yet to check out the last link you suggested in regard to the BFF... But thanks a million times again!!!


      Mike B and Chuck!!

    11. You are correct, sir. In the link provided under creepy-scary-or strange outdoor stories. I wonder who this biologist is from Ketchikan? I tried to click on his profile but you have to be a member to do so. The thread is by far the best thread I have read so far. And the map shown at the BFF by the Corps provides wildlife indigenous to certain areas in the U.S. by picture. And I think you know what one of these animals are. Not sure about the validity of it, but still a neat find.

    12. Shaping Environmental Awareness
      The United States Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Advisory Board

      U.S. Army Corps of Engineer - Seattle District and Washington updated a document for the Institute for Environmental Studies and it picked up and published The Government Printing Office printed on January 1975, as the Washington Environmental Atlas setting itself aside from previous publications by adding mention of Sasquatch/ Bigfoot, which was described as “handsome” and received wide acclaim.

      “Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, who, if not mythical, was certainly an endangered species.”

      Source: c3, pp23

      In the BFRO link, there's pictures of this map with a clear image of a Sasquatch listed;
      "Story is, if I recall correctly, the person who was hired to create the map was contacted and said he included various species described to him by residents of that area while researching what to include on the map. Sasquatch was one of the ones mentioned often so he included it. I have no idea of the validity of any of this."

  2. Replies
    1. With bigfoot you were expecting otherwise?

  3. Replies
    1. You're eating if now? Might explain why your breath smells so bad, and you keep talking sh*t.

  4. Replies
    1. Agreed100% and they have lost half of they're fan base only the zealots and fools remain..Chuck and fuc dover seem to fall into this category

    2. Fool like a fox. Just maybe Chuck, Dover and others do not succumb to a slander and disinformation campaign that came from parts unknown, most likely Dept. of the Interior above top secret group. You see it may be OK to talk about Forest Giants in a good natured way but when you start to get close to some unconvienent truths the wolfs will come out to play.

    3. well if you call paid guest actors getting close to the truth then your right. and instructions to praise the show at every cue then your right. if your not a name in the community then you are given instructions on what to say and how to say it. this is a fact. what do you think the pay per month is for? extra content? please tell what that would be. project mockingbird huh .. more lies. to address his critics. don't you think the government has more pressing issues than a 9ft missing link/ alien/ shapeshifter to worry about?

    4. I keep hearing about hear alleged "paid guests"... Is there any way of verifying this? I really don't take anything that cynics are saying as anything genuine... Because people who hate very regularly lie and try and cheat people of the truth. However, I'm very curious as to the reasons behind Will leaving.

      I've seen a long line of vey genuine and well respected, credible researchers on SC, and though there's times where I myself take some of the stories with a grain of salt as they could be entertainment, I think it's a great show and would finally like one of these cynics to demonstrate with facts how these alleged paid guests have been utilised.

    5. ask will jevning send him an will know the truth

    6. I'm genuinely that curious, I might.

    7. ^ Dont waste a stamp chump ! Jevning already has a heads up on you ! Ya nut case.

    8. I'm sure you'll have the capacity to source me something so obvious then, eh?

      Are you going by factual statements or the voices in your head again?

    9. the paid guest thing started on here of all places, someone's "cousin" told them. I'm sure turd mouth was taking notes.

  5. David Paulides has a new book out in Missing 411 series about mysterious Urban gone missing. Was interviewed with George Knapp last night on c2cam.

  6. This guy Wes is h o m o Rictor style.

  7. Alaska Monsters be back on the 20th of September yall tune in fer that thar show : )

  8. Maybe some of you have already seen this guy from China but I found it astonishing to look at him. Apparently he is undergoing treatment to remove all the hair. Boy, he does look like a bigfoot from the back. If I were him I would so leave it- it looks cool!


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