Phil On New Bluff Creek Footage: It's a dude

Well. You heard it from ParaBreakdown himself. It's a dude he says. The video filmed by M.K. Davis was actually filmed back in 2008. One question some people are asking is that how could Davis not know anyone was there?


  1. Replies
    1. ^ for brains... Yes, we're well aware.

    2. Did someone say turds? Yes please, I love eating turds. Just lay a hot cable on my chest and I will eat it like a hot dip. All I need is a bag of chips and away I go. F uck me I love eating shit!!!!!


    3. ^ Please go away and plank in the middle of traffic face side up


    4. ^ burden boy with a superiority complex and a fetish for feces... Not Joe.

    5. I like "turd guy" simply because Iktomi doesn't, lol.

    6. I think it's more like your level intelligent humour.

    7. Not really, but your response to me just cinches it. TURDS!

    8. Best way to deal with turd trolls is to flush them away


    9. Turd poker boy ^ (hates them sticking on the end of his dick)


  2. Phil is a card carrying member of the snackpack

    1. Maybe it`s David Bowie...he told his dad that he was a dude.

  3. Shawn, It's such a wasre of my time, to come on your site anymore. The amount of serious debate, Big foot info has gone down, and the very in-mature childish comments have gone up. I use to come on here a lot, but I really think this site is done.

    1. ...It is not Shawn's fault that little to nothing is going on...we await further word from Sykes, I guess, as well as hope some amateur finds something good....

    2. The video up top quite clearly looks like the subject is washing a towel in the river.

    3. ^ Yes because he probably has been washing his anus free of know that feeling don`t you ?

  4. Here's the problem with many bigfooters, they are so gullible and naive that they fall for obvious BS like this.

    1. Here's the problem with angry little denialists who refer to enthusiasts as "Bigfooters", they are so out of legitimate arguments that hold weight, that they have to make up that there is widespread enthusiasm for a video source like this, to make themselves feel a little better.

    2. lolwut

      Did you eat paint chips as a child?

    3. Hey Danny- are those teeth in your pic or tampons?

    4. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!

      Danny's so bitter these days, I wonder why?

    5. If I had tampons for teeth I might be bitter also!

      Daniel- Is there a little string attached to your teeth? Just curious ;)

    6. 3;27

      Doesn`t your beard itch his b*lls ?

  5. I get a kick out of the ISF footers clinging to psychiatric advice from a mentally ill, pathological liar like Alaskabushpilot. It's fun to watch.

    1. I think they still believe his rotten teeth happened because he pretended to be a professional fighter who fought in two weight classes above his

    2. You can't fight in a weight class above your weight- that's why they have them in the first place.

    3. ^
      Yet they believed him anyway. Goes to show a footer is a footer is a footer. They're just pretending to be skeptics.

  6. There's not enough footage there to be sure what in the heck that image may or may not be!! I'm a field researcher myself and that footage would be filed in the " nearly useless" category for me...but that's just me I guess. "Good" footage needs to be long enough to break down frame by frame or these days rather...second by second. A loop replaying such short and unclear footage is just a waste of most folks time in my opinion. :-)

    1. Yesterdays old news article was phony. The paper never existed. I wonder if Shawn will retract the piece now? Probably not. Below is the responses from the Nova Scotia Archives:

      Dear Mr. XXXXXXX:

      Thank you for your e-mail. Unfortunately, I am unable to locate any reference to a newspaper named The Thorburn Post in the holdings of Nova Scotia Archives. I also checked with our newspaper specialist but she has never heard of this newspaper.

      Yours sincerely
      Reference Archivist
      Onsite and Online Services
      Nova Scotia Archives
      6016 University Avenue
      Halifax, N.S.
      B3H 1W4

    2. It does beg the question as to where this stuff might come from, and why it isn't checked over prior to posting.

    3. Perhaps next time, you might want to reign it in a bit before you gloat over the article while calling people " denialist clowns".

      You used a phony article to dance around and call people names. Perhaps you should exercise some more skepticism when it comes to alleged bigfoot evidence.

    4. I think they run with just about anything simply because they need material.

    5. I'll repost what I posted on the thread yesterday, it points to your position quite accurately, Donald;

      "My initial point lost on these two sad intellectual throw backs, who need any angle to claw back some self esteem lost so comprehensively every day of their pitiful existences, still stands however. The most important thing is that there are wildman newspaper reports that indeed do have legitimate paper trails that shove the lie that this topic was born out of the PGF down the throats of the liars pushing it."

      Nwah... You of all people can't be getting sensitive all of a sudden about calling people names?

    6. So, just another in a long line of examples where you will not admit when you were wrong.

      And seriously dude. Learn to construct proper sentences. You write like a complete twonk who is so desperately trying to sound smarter than he truly is. You come across as a complete idiot when you do that.

    7. Boy, that is the truth regarding Iktomi trying to sound smarter than he truly is. He also goes this route when he tries to weasel out of something without actually saying he is wrong.

    8. Don't mind DressMaker. He's been pretending to be a skeptic for years now.

    9. No... For you to show me that my premise is wrong that wildmen reports far exceed the lie that this topic was conjured up in 1967, then that would cause me to apologise, Donald.

      If you want to come across as clever as you would like, then please keep train of what people are maintaining, it gets a little cringey when you then bang on about others' alleged shortcomings, not to mention a little hypocritical.

      : )

    10. Betcha Ol' Don typed that little ditty up this morning and its pure bullshit. Prove it Don. I mean Dan. I mean Mike Honcho.

    11. 7:07... Put your big boy pants and prove my original premise wrong, then you can be considered not so utterly out of your depth, cheerleader.

    12. 7:12, why don't you write to the same organization that I did? It was easy enough to find. It didn't take to long to realize there is no mention, whatsoever, anywhere that this news paper ever existed. This was confirmed, imo, by the NS archives saying that they had never heard of it.

      You can believe me, or not and do your own fact checking. Or, you can just shout your fat mouth off here instead. Your choice.

    13. Are you on meds Dressmaker ?

    14. It would be extremely poor form to take any evidence presenter on here for their word. Isn't that on page 191 of the JREF bible? Anyway the Pink Minnow's word carrys no weight with me. All I see is "turds" here. HES A HOAXER. NEXT!

    15. We'll give you this one Donald but don't think you've won because you usually are left reeling and from the one-two intelligent jabs from me and Iktomi that take you to school


    16. Your Joe parody is a little off, Joe never admits when he is wrong.

    17. I just love watching Joe obliterate you guys... It's pretty cool.

    18. 9:36 is more than "a little off".

    19. it is very rare but if Donald is correct the newspaper never existed . That doesn't mean bigfoot doesn't exist and i am 100000% sure that there is a creature roaming the forests on North America people are seeing that is better known as bigfoot or Sasquatch . There is no doubt in my mind. I have been sure ever since i saw the PGF. There is no way any costume can imitate the muscle movement you see in the film and I am pretty sure CGI wasn't around back then . You'll have to do much better next time kids.


    20. On second thought, since I was wrong about this I may be wrong about Sasquatch actually existing.


    21. ^ nice try . The day I admit bigfoot doesn't exist will never come so don't be fooled by losers like this trying to be me. Again i'm flattered you waste so much of your precious time adoring me. I eat trolls like you for breakfast


    22. So how long did it take satire to turn into obsession 1:06?

    23. 1;06 only eats dick for brekkie.

      the rest of the day he eats shite pie...dished up by the men with knowledge that he can`t refute...that`s why he gets so spiteful.

    24. 2:50 luvs to think about eating dicks

    25. ^ See..thinking about dicks again.

  7. And so we have caught MK Davis in another series of lies.
    Lie #1
    MK did not shoot the video. He stole it off of the internet
    Lie #2
    The video was not shot in Bluff Creek at all. It was shot in Russia.
    Lie #3
    MK's xray vision did not reveal a deer inside of a bag, because there is no bag and MK does not have xray vision.
    Lie #4
    MK did not fail to notice the subject when he shot the B roll, because he never was there. He lied about being at this film site.
    Lie #5
    MK lied when he said that it was a Bigfoot, because it is a man in some cheap suit with no rubber hands.

    5 lies!?! Well at least MK still either has the same mental illness or the same motivation for attempting to manipulate public opinion about himself, or both.

    Oh, did I fail to mention that MK claimed to be something like 5"-10" on Bigfoot Evidence? Except when I stood next to him, I noticed that he wears elevator shoes (2" heels) and I could still see over the top of him making him in heels, to be about 4" shorter than me. So MK is actually about 5'-4" tall, max. Which explains why he seems to have this irrepressible need to misrepresent the truth so that he can become somebody with a much greater stature than his genes granted him.


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