M.K. Davis Releases Full Video of How He Captured Bigfoot On Tape

Alright folks. Here's the entire video of what M.K. Davis took back in 2008. Davis presents the evidence surrounding the sighting, including tree breaks and bone marrows being sucked out of a bone. He believes what he filmed to be Bigfoot. For skeptics, they'll never be satisfy with Davis claims, especially after they see that Davis' friend Ken was in the same area a minute later as in the following photograph:

Ken walking in the same area 2 minutes later.


  1. Gosh .

    Have we not been through this one dozens of times ?

    1. And you`ll be going through them dozens of times yet before the realisation sets in that it is ALL rubbish.

  2. Replies
    1. I've just watched that and i think MK Davis is right,that's a bigfoot xx

    2. MK is not a hoaxer he's honest i can tell xx

    3. Well i think you'll find that's a real bigfoot xx

    4. I assure you MK is no faker. That would go against everything he does. Everything he stands for. You dummies always accusing people that get evidence of being hoaxers are thick as shit. Do your research. Proper research. For years. You'll find that there is no need for these people to hoax things like this, because Sasquatches are everywhere and always getting seen, heard, caught on camera, to an extent. There's no need to hoax anything! although I know there are idiot hoaxers out there,..M.K is not one of them. I would've thought that was obvious after all his years' of video work. Absolute fucking moron you are. Or you're just a jealous Footer that goes around trolling other people who are successful. Which is it? Which one are you?

  3. Who in the hell is this guy? whats his credentials. Frigging goof.

    1. Yet another bigfoot BS hoaxer.

    2. He's a video analyst and amateur bigfoot researcher/YouTuber.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. .. MK .. Is it possible that it was drying off a baby .. lying in it's lap .. after giving it a bath in the creek ?? ..

    2. It's hoaxed BS. Get a grip man! Keep it together!

    3. Do you really need to reply to every comment like this?

    4. ^ there`s only one poster here that needs to reply to every post...guess who that is ?

      a clue...Joe.

  5. it will always be hoaxed BS! No matter how good the material presented (if we ever see good material), the trolls will say: "It's hoaxed BS". I ran into a troll the other day, and asked him, how's it going? and he answered; "It all hoaxed BS!

    1. Get in touch with reality man! It IS all hoaxed BS.

    2. John Jones, for many people, a specimen, live or dead, has to be produced in order for them to believe that bigfoot exists.

      Produce a specimen and shut the mouths of all the skeptards. I would love to see that.

    3. "No matter how good" you say...

      Actually no, if good enough evidence existed there would be no need for hoaxers, that's the whole point. If the animal exists there will be good enough evidence one day. Until then there is absolutely no value in speculation based on wishful thinking. Gullibility attracts con artists.

    4. There's no need for hoaxers now. The quality of evidence presented has nothing to do with the availability or need for attention seekers. The value in speculation "based on wishful thinking" is entirely within the perspective of the person postulating said proffer or hypothetical. As to your last premise, 7:17, you may be correct. After all, you are here still, aren't you ? ;)

    5. not true to a point. hoaxers keep the attention of some be it good or bad.with attention spans being at an all time low.it keeps the clicks a comin'. not all people are in this for the discovery ( i would say most are not). but for clicks,ad revenue and some just for attention. real evidence brings real results, shit brings flies

    6. If this is shit and shit brings flies then ever so fitting that you are always buzzing around here.

    7. wow you thought that up all by yourself? or did you have to run upstairs and ask you mommy for it...

    8. ^ It doesn`t take a genius to work it all out you fool.

    9. Anon above,we all know nothing, best not to call people fools at this point. Tim,U.K.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks for watching more hoaxed bigfoot BS.

  7. Captured what on video it's a blob shit they're all blobs, blurry, mile away or crystal clear and you can its a guy in a suit. Then you hear people saying they talk to him and see them daily or weekly and yet they had no video. Oh we don't want to show a video because we don't want them to be known or someone might kill it but yet there they are on some Bigfoot blog talk about How they talk to them Or feed them. ALL TALK NO clear.........evidence !!!!!!! All they want is attention look at me I hoaxed to you.
    Either put up or shut up. By all indications people are either seen nothing and lying about it or it's a demonic creature that is fooling/hoaxing them. UGH UGH UGH and UGH

  8. Oh God, where do I begin. The wishbone branch that MK claims is gone in the 14:08 photo, is actually standing upright. This is a standard tool used for hunters to brace their rifle on, in order to get a more steady shot. It is unlikely that any hunter misplaced his brace.

    In the untampered black and white video from 14:19 to 14:30, YOU CAN CLEAR SEE THE MAN'S LEFT HAND AND HIS SHIRT SLEEVE SLIGHTLY ROLLED UP.

    Is this most likely a Bigfoot? Not one chance in hell is that individual a Bigfoot.

  9. Nice to see bigfoot keeps his face washed clean and dried with a towell! I suppose he watched a firefighter do the same and copied him. Now all they need to do is show him how to take a photo then leave cameras lying around. Oh right I forgot bigfoot likes his face wiped dry with a cloth but prefers to not have his photo taken. Maybe he got scared off by seeing all the blurry photos of himself on the internet and doesn't want to get labelled as a hoaxer? Yes it's definitely a bigfoot MK, couldn't possibly be anything else could it.

  10. Compelling stuff as ever by M.k who i personally have never felt is a hoaxer

  11. Compelling stuff as ever by M.k who i personally have never felt is a hoaxer


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