IS This Proof Of Bigfoot Using Tools? WARNING: GRAPHIC!

A man in Texas spots a bigfoot creature one winter evening while pulling out of his driveway. Soon after, his wife and step daughter come across a strange deer kill. Upon a closer inspection of the deer carcass, the man finds a sharp-edged stone inside the deer hide, as if it were used to cut the deer open. Was this the result of bigfoot?


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah,we`ve seen loads of videos proving just that.

      Guffaw !!

    2. That's a really good report with some very good evidence xx

    3. Mike Brookreson has that same activity on his property, of bigfoot fashioning cutting tools and hand axes out of a particular stone and using them.

      One of the researchers visiting his property wrote a book about their tool use. Here's a link to a review of that book titled, "Sasquatch Tool Use."

  2. I get a kick out of the ISF footers clinging to psychiatric advice from a mentally ill, pathological liar like Alaskabushpilot. It's fun to watch.

    1. I wish it was fun to read this same message over and over but it's not.

    2. I get a kick out of the ISF footers clinging to psychiatric advice from a mentally ill, pathological liar like Alaskabushpilot. It's fun to watch.

    3. I get a kick out of the ISF footers clinging to psychiatric advice from a mentally ill, pathological liar like Alaskabushpilot. It's fun to watch.

    4. ^ Guy with nothing more to say than repetetive banality..bores his boyfriend to tears.

    5. Alaskabushpilot is truthful.

    6. Alaskabushpilot is Packing Heavy Timber !! Just sayin.

    7. Who is "Alaskabushpilot"? Why are we supposed to care?

  3. OK, I need you JREF/ISF footers to knuckle down and concentrate on this question. This goes back to footers like you pretending to be skeptics.

    Only an imbecile would believe that all of Alaskabushpilot's life stories are true and that his long winded half baked theories on the mindset of people who believe in Bigfoot are not just psychological projections of his own mental illness.

    With that said, he has also admitted on JREF/ISF that he has posted on the BFF as a believer for "fun". How do you know he's not just a believer yanking your chains like you do to yourselves ?

    1. ...Today he claimed to have hunted giant anacondas in the Amazon, so this forum lurker is starting to get the gist of what you are


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