Is This An Alien In This Bigfoot Video?

From the Youtube channel Planet Sasquatch:

On August 27, 2015 I wanted to tell the story of a Light Portal/Orb I encountered back in September of 2014. I went up to the same spot to recount the event and recorded about 10 minutes of video for Episode 35. Little did I know that my viewers were being blown away by all the Sasquatch activity they could see on the video! So starting with this episode I present what I consider the most obvious find - a forest person or perhaps even a Grey entity.


  1. Why...Yes...I believe it is an alien.

    I think it is having a shite in the woods.

    Don`t you ?

  2. By Golly,I think I really do see something there.What it is I can`t say.

  3. Question for Itkomi/Joe. Let's just pretend that bigfoot is real for a second. If you were in the woods and spotted a female bigfoot giving you the eye and then bends over and presents her juicy bigfoot gash. Would you hit that s hit? Cmon man I know you would. You just glance over at that bigfoot snatch winking at you , saying cmon Joe give me your best. You would do it for sure.

  4. He'd probably run straight past her and start gobbling her partners c ock. The female would just stand there shocked at watching Joe with his tongue up her partners ass.

  5. this is getting impossible to visit

    these blogs are becoming crazier wih each passing one

    at least when I see something entitled with dan Shirley I know its going to be crazy and the ramblings of a crazy harmless guy! now every other blog is the same such ramblings or re runs of nothing videos

    in winter I was told,"wait till summer" as bigfoot is more active and there is more people out in the field"! well it almost at the end of summer and nothing!

    year after year and I presume decade after decade [clearly] there is never nothing

    re runs of p/g[which is obviously a dude in a suit]

    now you've people like thinker thnker and these people with their orbs/portals all desperate to explain away why there are no pictures ever taken of 'bigfoot'

    its a religion I guess. people just cnt give it up

    its very interesting from a human observation point of view to see what you guys are willing to watch and believe

    1. I expose the pg footprints (pattys casted footprints ) as a hoax tommarrow ,around 2:00 pm!!
      even meldrum will concur ,,TRUST ME !!

    2. I Begg to differ...

      It is perfectly logical, considering a creature that anyone impartial knows to be genuine based on the frequency of evidence, to theorise as to it's possible nomadic & seasonal habits. This is something that is warranted because to some who approach this topic, they have no qualms about deducing that this must be a significant factor in their evasion methods, considering their existence is not longer a question to them. This naturally develops some theoretical divide in getting to the bottom of the living habits of a creature that has only one area left to crack in the face of all sources of evidence required... And that's tracking which inevitably leads to a cadaver.

      You dig?

      I would assume that "Bigfoot news" is a little slow at present, and things need to be "filled out" so to speak. Please don't pigeon hole everyone with the immediate subject matter, I know you regularly struggle to support your ideas, but using sensationalism to help that doesn't wash around people like me. Pseudoscpeticism is a fundamental, quasi-religion, and basing a judgement on the frequency of evidence that has been acquired via consistent scientific method, with nothing but faith, kind of makes your comment look more audacious than usual.

      Oh... And got monkey suit?

    3. Even if one presupposes the viability of the Sasquai, doesn't the egregious hoaxing and self promotion of so many adherents rightly cause trepidation amongst the open minded? And isn't forty to fifty years long enough to wait for said cadaver, as chance should surely procure one from an errant automobile or trigger happy gunman?

    4. The frustrating thing for people like me, is that there is enough solid science within this topic for people to see past what has become a product of pop culture. Pop culture has had many bad effects on topics such as this... But it is important to remember that that does not necessarily have to be to the detriment to the topic's credibility in the long run. This happened to the UFO subject in the 90's, as you may well be aware of. But few people doubt the validity of UFO's today and pop culture was a vehicle that transmitted such forward thinking ideas to people on mass, the sometimes very elaborate hoaxes that surfaced haven't dithered the general acceptance of the matter.

      We live in an age where YouTube hits can mean a lot of money to someone making a channel, therefore what naturally comes to people is the opportunity to manufacture a means of income through being creative... And hoaxes have always mirrored popular culture subjects. Sasquatch/Bigfoot is free to use for marketing also, which deters many obstacles for people starting off with ideas to make a quick income.

      For the past 50 years, the field has been mainly looking for a Bipedal gorilla, which should have been found by now... It was always going to fail in this mindset. It's no wonder that in the time that the internet has developed, that the field has grown exceptionally due to research groups exchanging ideas, and people having the confidence to share their experiences... In this time we have got some of the most credible and pioneering scientists to take note and invest some very genuine enthusiasm, regardless of the hoaxing.

      The main problem is, is that not enough enthusiasts are even aware of the solid scientific evidence, how can we expect the cynics to know? And all the while the hoaxes role in and this appears to get more air time than the one thing people should be more preoccupied with, because pop culture demands people are constantly fed something fresh, compromising the quality of what distributed to them. I understand the frustration of people who have been into this for decades, who have run out of patience.

    5. On the matter of a cadaver and gunmen... Could you look down the scope and soot something that you both cannot quite identify, and looks so human? One of the main issues for gunmen who have opened up on one of these creatures, is the persistent details that they move too fast. You also have to consider that for these creatures to have evaded so well as they have, they would have to do so in social groups, with this bringing the added possibility of mama and papa coming along to see what the commotion is should one be shot. Plenty of missing hunters, remember.

    6. Nice contradiction. For 50 years, "the field" has been searching for a "bipedal gorilla" because that is what the sighting reports suggested they should be doing. Now, because a "bipedal gorilla" cannot be found, the desperate footers declare that bigfoot is "human" and now all the sighting reports tell us bigfoot is a fast moving human! So much for the PGF gorilla creature -- she hardly "moved too fast"!

    7. Contradiction? Again... Do you even understand the meaning of the word?

      "In classical logic, a contradiction consists of a logical incompatibility between two or more propositions. It occurs when the propositions, taken together, yield two conclusions which form the logical, usually opposite inversions of each other."
      ... Your nativity and versions of the topic are not anyone else's contradiction, little man.

      People are in fact reporting what appears to look like a bipedal gorilla from afar, but to even look at the close up of Patty is to see very human like features;
      ... Even Bobb Gimlin stated that when he saw the subject in the footage, to him it looked like an "incredibly large, hairy human being". Even the forensic drawings done by Harvey Pratt show a creature that has a very human face. We also have recent DNA studies, that have shown biological evidence of what an entire community reported to be exactly what we expect to see in our mind's eye of a Bigfoot, to have not only human DNA, but the exact DNA that we have.

      There are also burial mounds that have yielded 150 years worth of giant skeletal remains... The reason this can be linked to Sasquatch, is that the Cherokee for example have the same systems where they have always claimed to have shared such with them. This, along with language (Scott Nelson), along with the documented sightings of tool use, is culture in it's purest, far exceeding anything that an animal can achieve.

      Patty behaves precisely as what thousands of reports have stated Sasquatch do when confronted with a normal human in the wilderness; they walk calmly in the opposite direction. You have to remember that Patty also had a loaded weapon pointed at her, therefore this is a fundamentally human reaction so as to not cause any knee jerk reactions. If you want to see the same creature react a little differently in line with what we can expect from a wild human with different temperaments;



    8. Ah, I get it now, bigfoot can be whatever you want it to be, depending upon how it fits your "theory" -- sometimes a gorilla and sometimes a human. I'm sure that if someone reported bigfoot looking like a porcupine, you would find some way to fit that into your scheme.

      And whenever you fall back on the strange conspiracy theory involving a huge Smithsonian cover up of skeletons (which requires a time machine to make logical sense), I know that you have essentially given up trying to present any rational argument.

      Cheers mate!

    9. "Ah, I get it now, bigfoot can be whatever you want it to be, depending upon how it fits your "theory" -- sometimes a gorilla and sometimes a human."
      ... Um, no. I don't think you're too good at this learning thing, are you? Would you like to quote me where I have said at least once that Sasqutch is a gorilla? I know things get a little desperate for you around here, but surely it can't be as bad as inventing scenarios to support your ideas now, can it? The evidence points straight to Sasquatch being human. What has happened over the last 15 years, is a drive towards what Native people have always maintained (another tribe of humans, sometimes cannibalistic), in relation to the evidence that supports the idea. Human type feet, prehistoric human type faces, human DNA.

    10. "In the monuments of antiquity found throughout North America, in camp and village sites, graves, mounds, ruins, and scattered works of art, the origin and development of art in savage and barbaric life may be satisfactorily studied. Incidentally, too, hints of customs may be discovered, but outside of this, the discoveries made have often been illegitimately used, especially for the purpose of connecting the tribes of North America with peoples or so-called races of antiquity in other portions of the world. A brief review of some conclusions that must be accepted in the present status of the science will exhibit the futility of these attempts."
      - J W Powell

      So you see my "mate", you have written confirmation from the anthropological authority of the day that no giant bones will be endorsed. It's really not a conspiracy if it's made known to the public, right?

    11. You can't even keep your own lies straight -- you have maintained yourself that there are "two types of bigfoot" -- one gorilla-like and the other more human. So I guess you are now abandoning the gorilla bigfoot!

      Given the quote you chose to include about the giants, it seems that you advocate the idea of connecting them to people outside of the Americas "in other portions of the world." So your insultingly racist idea is that it must have been Europeans who built the epic burial mounds and other impressive pre-Columbian wonders. Good to know that you think so little of Natives that you don't give them credit for their amazing accomplishments!

      Just go away you damn racist!

    12. Lies? Wow... Such strong words, I must have upset you along the way rather nicely... Allow me to explain;

      "The gorilla type" is still human... It simply is covered in hair from head to toe, and given the shape of it's head (prehistoric), is merely perceived to be more "gorilla like" than is actually the case. If you trot on up to my previous comments, you'll notice that I have posted a link to a digitalised version of Patty with no hair, as well as a rendition of a hairless Patty by Harvey Pratt. All these point to very, very human features. In contrast to that, we have Harvey Pratt's forensic drawings that show very human individuals that very much look like Native Americans, particularly in relation to the look of people such as the Ishi. Nobody is "abandoning" a "gorilla-type", it's more of a morphological difference than a classification... I'm sorry this was lost on you, but you are a slow learner looking for an angle of course.

      The discovery of human antiquity was a major achievement of science in the middle of the 19th century, and the foundation of scientific paleoanthropology. The antiquity of man, human antiquity, or in simpler language the age of the human race, are names given to the series of scientific debates it involved, which with modifications continue in the 21st century. These debates have clarified and given scientific evidence, from a number of disciplines, towards solving the basic question of dating the first human being. A key date was the 1859 re-evaluation of archaeological evidence that had been published 12 years earlier by Boucher de Perthes. It was then widely accepted, as validating the suggestion that man was much older than previously been believed, for example than the 6,000 years implied by some traditional chronologies. In 1863 T. H. Huxley argued that man was an evolved species; and in 1864 Alfred Russel Wallace combined natural selection with the issue of antiquity. The arguments from science for what was then called the "great antiquity of man" became convincing to most scientists, over the following decade. The separate debate on the antiquity of man had in effect merged into the larger one on evolution, being simply a chronological aspect. One of the cornerstones of the Smithsonian Institute was the theory of evolution/natural selection, and that in a nutshell says we keep getting bigger and smarter over time. This means that you can't be having 7-10 foot giant skeletons being found everywhere over the US in ellaborate mound systems and argue the case.

      The first inhabitants of the Americas had prehistoric, morphological features akin to those found in Europe, such as Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon. This is the link attributed to "other portions of the world". Please stop trying to gain the moral high round, it's getting rather embarrassing.

    13. ^ insufferably dense. You see, what people like you do, is try and convey a false sense of moral high ground to make up for your intellectual shortcomings. A number of times you tried it, amongst funny little attempts at trying to manufacture contradictions, but when it's all said and done... You're not only a slap in the face for people who suffer real racism every day, but are quite simply out of your depth. One can only hope YOU go away, sir, and try and find something to better focus your time on.

    14. Allow you to explain? An uncredited (e.g. plagiarized) copy and paste job from Wikipedia represents the depth of your knowledge of any particular subject. Although I do understand your motivation for plagiarizing, given that your own writing is filled with errors and is nearly impossible to read. It is usually stupid hicks like yourself who are the most racist, so I suppose I understand your desire to attempt to rob Native Americans of their cultural heritage. Pretty damn sad, I must say. =<(

    15. Hmmmmm, I don't think you did a very good job of explaining away what was presented you though, did you? Why is that?? Do you think this might be more evidence of you being a little out of your depth??? I think you'll find I sourced you a lot more than a mere Wikipedia link... Dear boy. I sourced you a direct quote from the anthropological authority of the day, I even held your hand and walked you through the meanings of the big words and concepts of anthropological science that preceded the modern equivalent of our own that we enjoy today... And it's my alleged writing errors that is now the issue? I would be more preoccupied with enforcing your stance, because you're looking a little intellectually inferior by the comment... Not to mention having a very obvious superiority complex.

      And I'm a racist? Ok... Allow me to walk you through this a little more, I have all day for helping kids like you learn a little more. Ever heard of Kennewick Man? Yes?? And what group of people kicked up a stink to have him reburied due to them considering him a direct ancestor?

      Let me know if you want any more help with this...

      : )

    16. Yes, thank you for the Wikipedia copy and pastes to show me what an uneducated bumpkin thinks passes for intelligence!

      A former friend of yours has told me that you are a regular poster at several white supremacist message boards. No wonder you can't accept the fact that Native Americans (and not Europeans) were responsible for the amazing wonders which predated European contact with America. You also believe quite strongly that Africans are sub-humans. Why don't you copy and paste some of your posts from the white supremacist websites you frequent?

    17. And here's your CONTRADICTION... And more evidence of a blithering attempt at to keep up with the big boys. You will denounce what Natives say about burial mounds and giant tribes... Yet you are then somehow offended about an imaginary denouncement on my part, of the origins of their race that they themselves have fought to protect to keep buried in line with their cultural beliefs? You are either painfully naive, insufferably dense, or trying a little too hard to make up for your shortcomings by attempting the moral high ground (I suspect all three). Weren't you the strange young fellow that kept peddling the "Sykes is a racist" crud?

      Here's a Wikipedia Link for you alright;

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

    18. Have a good week and wonderful Labor Day all!! Enjoy your vacation AnonDon at 12:50 and 1:34!! :)

    19. "A former friend of yours has told me that you are a regular poster at several white supremacist message boards."
      ... Would you like to prove this please?

      "No wonder you can't accept the fact that Native Americans (and not Europeans) were responsible for the amazing wonders which predated European contact with America."
      ... My stance of the origins of Native Americans is pretty much as old as anthropology;
      "Ancient DNA Links Native Americans with Europe
      Posted by Henry Wolff
      Where did the first Americans come from? Most researchers agree that Paleoamericans moved across the Bering Land Bridge from Asia sometime before 15,000 years ago, suggesting roots in East Asia. But just where the source populations arose has long been a mystery.
      Now comes a surprising twist, from the complete nuclear genome of a Siberian boy who died 24,000 years ago—the oldest complete genome of a modern human sequenced to date. His DNA shows close ties to those of today’s Native Americans. Yet he apparently descended not from East Asians, but from people who had lived in Europe or western Asia. The finding suggests that about a third of the ancestry of today’s Native Americans can be traced to “western Eurasia,” with the other two-thirds coming from eastern Asia, according to a talk at a meeting here by ancient DNA expert Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen. It also implies that traces of European ancestry previously detected in modern Native Americans do not come solely from mixing with European colonists, as most scientists had assumed, but have much deeper roots.

      “I’m still processing that Native Americans are one-third European,” says geneticist Connie Mulligan of the University of Florida in Gainesville. “It’s jaw-dropping.” At the very least, says geneticist Dennis O’Rourke of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, “this is going to stimulate a lot of discussion."

      "You also believe quite strongly that Africans are sub-humans. Why don't you copy and paste some of your posts from the white supremacist websites you frequent?"
      ... What a sad, little person you are, eh? Allow me to use the best geneticist in the world to teach you some more;
      "Sykes’ verdict on Zana, an alleged almasty captured in the 1850s on the southern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, is a nod to the labor of the Russian hominologists during four decades of the Snowman Commission at Moscow’s Darwin Museum. The mainstream media has completely misinterpreted what Sykes’ book has to say about this, and talk of Zana being an “escaped African slave” demeans what appears to be the genetic realities behind the case. You must read Sykes’ Chapter 29, to fully appreciate what he has discovered.
      “Part-human, part-ape with dark skin (Zana means ‘black’ in Abkhaz) she was covered with long, reddish-brown hair which formed a mane down her back. She was large, about 6’6″ tall, and extremely muscular with exaggerated, hairless buttocks and large breasts. Her face was wide with high cheekbones and a broad nose,” notes Sykes (page 296).
      Zana was no slave from Africa, but an individual with genetics who tells us much more about the population from which she sprang. As Bryan Sykes hints, “Zana’s ancestors could have left Africa before the Laran exodus of 100,000 year ago” and “they might well be still there [in the Caucasus Mountains] to this day, living as they have for millennia somewhere in the wild valleys that radiate from the eternal snows of Elbrus,” (page 306)."
      - Loren Coleman.

    20. 1:34... Please don't be labeled a coward as well. Please can you show everyone what white supremacist sites a frequent, and which one of my friends has claimed this?

      Don't be a coward as well... Let's see you put your money where your mouth is kid.

    21. Wow, such a racist as yourself jumps at anything to desperately support his bigoted views. You claim that there were red haired European giants living in North America for centuries and cite to a study which completely refutes your entire absurd theory! Some racist rubes seems to the think that anything with the word "European" in it implies fair skinned blond or red haired gigantic super men! But it's not a surprise considering that you rely upon Wikipedia for your information and then copy and paste such information under the assumption that it will make you appear scholarly! Thank you for exposing what a sick individual you are.

      And nice job attempting to obfuscate your racist views regarding Africans -- it's sadly apparent that you think Africans are sub-human and believe that superior fair skinned giants are responsible for every notable achievement in human history -- even Native American burial mounds -- that's quite a trick!

      At least overt racists openly admit what they are. You are the most foul type or racist as you pretend to be something you are not by trying to couch your offensive views with Wikipedia copy and paste jobs. It makes me ill to know people like you exist in this world.

    22. "Wow, such a racist as yourself jumps at anything to desperately support his bigoted views."
      ... No, I could in fact have sourced any number of scientific sources that support this, I find it quite audacious that you can then claim that I'm cherry picking. I am aware that you're trolling though and I am aware that I'm stooping this low in even responding to you, but the bully in me comes out sometimes I guess... And I want to show everyone how stupid you are while laughing at you the same time.

      "You claim that there were red haired European giants living in North America for centuries and cite to a study which completely refutes your entire absurd theory!"
      ... Um, how does that refute my claim exactly??
      "A hair sample from Spirit Cave Man was analyzed by Craig Lahren, then of the Office of the Hamilton County Medical Examiner’s Office. In his report Lahren (1997:2) states, “… density and distribution of the pigment granules in your sample (2064) is typical of a Caucasian individual” and that the “… pigment granules in your sample (2064) are brown.” The report also states that the hair “… has a moderate shaft diameter with minimal variation, and an oval cross-sectional shape. All of these observations are consistent with hair derived from the head or more specifically the scalp of a Caucasian individual.”

      ... You won't find these quotes on Wikipedia, buddy. And with that, I think I've exhausted every little ounce of honesty you had left. And just remember, when you're trying to put words in people's mouths about racism, remember that you could quite easily find an example of a skull, that matches the morphology of Zana, from the same period of time as her, from the same part of the country to prove that I am racist. The thing is... None exist mate. You never appeared to source me those supremacist sites in the end? Not the friend of mine who pointed you in that direction. You see... This is pretty much as evil behaviour as you can get.

    23. I think the label "coward" never more aptly applied.

    24. I won't even comment on how moronic you are to post something from the report of an obscure county medical examiner who ignores the obvious fact that hair changes color as degrades over time. What is more instructive is that you enthusiastically accept such reports without the slightest thought that they make no sense and could be wrong. The clear conclusion is that you are so convinced of the idea of a fair skinned, red haired master giant race, that you will blindly believe anything that might tend to support your ugly racist views -- no matter how asinine the source. So thank you for confirming everything that I have previously stated.

      And incidentally, your former friend also told me that you were previously banned from the BFF for espousing racist views -- and therefore you ended up here where you can state any bizarre racist theory that enters your racist pea sized brain. Not even the footers can tolerate your disgusting racism!

    25. The word COWARD especially pertains to you iktomi ,and everybody that reads this blog is quite aware of this fact!

    26. 2:56 is the fake joe having a Freudian slip moment !!!
      Dr b Sykes

    27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    28. "... pigment granules in your sample (2064) are brown.” The report also states that the hair “… has a moderate shaft diameter with minimal variation, and an oval cross-sectional shape. All of these observations are consistent with hair derived from the head or more specifically the scalp of a Caucasian individual.”
      ... You see, I just keep pulling the science out of the bag as easily as I do, showing time and time again that you really don't know what you're talking about. You see... With the what I've posted, it demonstrates that the hair samples are not degraded, and in are fact genuine to the original pigmant, with morphology that aligns in genetically to Caucasian undividuals. Um... You do realise that, right? If you don't like it, then go find an equivalent opinion to the contrary. If I'm an "ugly racist"... If my sources are so obviously "asinine", then please, find some science to prove my wrong, sir. Something tells me that this won't be forthcoming, just like my previous requests. Coward.

      Ok... Um, would you like to tell me who I was previously on the BFF? For someone posting racist views, it really wouldn't be that difficult to point me out and identify me, right? You're really not doing a very good job of demonstrating how racist I am, nor are you bringing to the table any facts? You're not very good at this, are you troll?

      : )

    29. I'll say it again... As you didn't address it the first time... Ever heard of Kennewick Man? Yes?? And what group of people kicked up a stink to have him reburied due to them considering him a direct ancestor?

      But hey! You're not looking for anything other than a rhetorical exchange, right buddy?

    30. No, just looking for a HONEST EXCHANGE FOR ONCE! but then again ,you don't have the confidence,mental stability and or Intelligence for that !!
      lol, Wannabe limey creep!

    31. Buddy... You're the biggest weirdo-loser on this site.

    32. tell us all about it you creepy psycho ^

    33. I need not, your actions demonstrate how much of a depraved, sorry little person you are.

      Oh... And if you didn't notice, I totally destroyed you. Consider it a learning curve.

  6. Nevermind hunters, what about automobile accidents? There are films claiming to be bigfoots running in front of cars, so why are they never hit and the body recovered? If they live and roam around in highly populated areas, or near to highly populated areas, then there should be no way they can avoid an accident.

    1. Well there are people who claim stuff like this goes on;

    2. There are reports of bigfoots being hit by cars. Obviously since they are so huge they don't suffer the same fate as us puny humans so the odds of one being hit and killed are more remote and also who would a person call ? Forest ranger ? Police officer ? if there was a dead bigfoot it would be covered up by authorities no doubt


    3. There are also reports of sasquatch gliding from a 700ft cliff into the middle of a cornfield sporting WINGS. According to several police officers on the navaho reservation ,not to mention The White Moutian apache reservation police,, Have Many sighting of 12 ft tall sasquatch that weigh in at 1,500 lbs according to the cops????

      Dr B Sykes

    4. Of course , Joetomi being the schizophrenic pseudo intellectual.will attempt to google (cherry pick) any source to bolster his argument ,no matter how kooky or bizzare!

      Dr B S

    5. Would you like to source at least one report of Sasquatch gliding from a 700ft cliff into the middle of a cornfield sporting wings? Would you like to source a sighting of a 12ft tall Sasquatch that weighes in at 1,500 lbs according to police officers? Are you feeling ok? And I'm a pseudo-intellectual?

      If I'm so obviously wrong, prove me wrong... I just think you're more inclined with getting a little cyber attention than doing anything if the sort though, right?

    6. I honestly don't the crypto 4corners crew would respond to a KOOK such as yourself ,,however they do have a U TUBE channel. next time look it up yourself ,

    7. ^ can anyone understand what this grammar king is trying to say?

    8. * Think!

      even if the comment was up you're Bum you would not get it .

    9. Nargh! I really don't think you have even a half decent education with that poor writing. I really think you're as stupid as you definitely come across.

  7. Not interested in what people can claim, but in what they can support with evidence.

    1. Well there's plenty of evidence for Sasquatch, from there one would be warranted in theorising to what reasons might there be for Sasquatch not being found as road kill.

    2. Any bigfoot found dead would quickly be carried away by government officials. There is no doubt in my mind they have a body (or two) but for some reason they do not want to admit they exist (outside of the slip up where they actually did in the old park map) . So they scare park rangers and other similar workers into silence for reasons only they would know. It is working because no one wants to come out and go on camera for fear of reprisals. You've seen what has happen to government whistle blowers ? they usually wind up in jail or having the future work ruined.


    3. Hey Dmaker, do you have a little less faith in ABP now that he was caught in an obvious lie about claiming to have hunted and killed a leopard in South America?

    4. 8:43, I've stated several times that I don't accept everything ABP says as factual. I mentioned that in a thread once at ISF and had a resulting PM exchange with him.

      I still have some doubts, yes. Sometimes, especially on an Internet forum, picking away at poster identity is not a good idea. You have very few methods to determine the truth, even if it is obvious, or you think, it is obvious.

      Look right here. We have Joe posting as Iktomi for some time now--this is obvious to anyone with half a brain. But he won't own up and tell the truth. He will just pathetically say "Who's Joe?" thinking he is being clever.

      So, why harp on about ABP when Joketomi gets away with fraud here every day?

    5. Well, good point Dmaker, I agree with you there.

    6. I'm sorry Donald Maker... Is not revealing your name on a forum being "fraudulent" now? Is this remembered by your holier than thou self when you use anon mode? I know you've always wanted to be a crime fighter, but these new attempts at attaining the moral high ground are getting a little cringey, not to mention a little schoolyard-like when you take out on others the poundings you get for being so embarrassingly gullible.

    7. I don't use anon mode, Joe.

      I am not expecting you to reveal your name, where did you get that from. I was talking about how you post now and Iktomi while denying that you are also Joe.

      That has nothing to do with your actual identity. Joes real name could be Sally, for all I know.

    8. C'mon Donald, we know you have in the past. Fess up dear boy, confession is good for the soul as they say.
      in any case I'm only here for the facts and I see a lot of people come on here who have as much interest in bigfoot as I do about any of the Kardashians (which is none) but they only seem to want to poke the hornet's nest while repeating the "bigfoot doesn't exist" mantra which does get tired after a while. Perhaps I should return the favor by claiming the Kardashians don't exist.


    9. ^^ Uhm, what was your point? Care to take another stab at that world salad?

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. D maker........59.......!

      lose another one there 11:23 ?

    12. ^ constantly bad at math


    13. Humans observing monstrous occurrences w science..

  8. Captain cut n paste got owned. Such a dopey turd.

    1. Captain Cut and Paste, demonstrated another clear b-slapping of another psycho troll... All with science.

      Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

    2. And there's never been anything easier than you.

      "In addition to the great apes, the family Hominidae includes our species, Homo sapiens. In the past, there also were other species of humans as well as hominids more similar to us than the chimpanzees and bonobos. They will be described in the last three tutorials of this series. It has been historically difficult for people to accept that we are in fact just another primate species with African origins and that we differ physically only in degree from some of the others. The similarities can be seen throughout our bodies. The African apes and humans have essentially the same arrangement of internal organs, share all of the same bones (though somewhat different in shape and size), lack external tails, and have several important blood type systems in common. We also get many of the same diseases. Humans and the African apes have hands with thumbs that are sufficiently separate from the other fingers to allow them to be opposable for precision grips. Like all of the great apes, humans are sexually dimorphic--human men are 5-10% larger on average and have greater upper body muscular development. Like chimpanzees and bonobos, we are omnivorous. We kill other animals for food in addition to eating a wide variety of plants."


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