Is Bigfoot Real Or Are People Just Seeing Bears?

Until bigfoot is proven to exist, the skeptics are going to question the existence. One of the possibilities usually brought to the table is that people are actually just seeing bears. Mistaken identity. The Smithsonian Channel on Youtube discusses this possibility in the following video. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Angry because of all the spankings, schoolings, and unending humiliations at the hands of the Super ones.^

    2. ^didn't know idiots are primates.

  2. ...Bears no doubt explain many sightings as well: People that want to see a bigfoot may interpret a vague sighting of a bear as such...That doesn't mean all sightings and all prints come from bears; some of course come from hoaxers..Still doesn't mean all alleged evidence is accounted for...

    1. Man who gets too big for his britches may get exposed in the end.

    2. ...We call that "plumber's ass" ...

    3. Some sightings may indeed be bears but as you said it doesn't account fro all sightings and it only takes one true sighting for bigfoot to be real and too many people have stated they are familiar with bears and what they saw was not a bear .


    4. I know who this Joe above is. Its someone whos name starts with E and ends with A.

    5. Thank you MR wise guy. Care to elaborate for those who are kinda lost with your cryptic comment ?


    6. Man who speaks with forked tongue should not kiss balloon. ^

  3. Crowded elevator smells different to midget.

    1. How's the weather down there ?


    2. Man who eat crackers in bed wake up feeling crummy.

  4. of course its bears they see. in low light wth trees etc .. in the way ,plus having bigfoot on the brain an uright bear becomes bigfoot!

    its case closed on this track as its clearly a bear

    we all live in hope,hence we check sights like this from time to time but all know theres no monsters in them

    maybe in the 60s and 70s there was more hope

    technology has developed so much in every mens hands that a picture would have been produced decades ago

    P/G could as easily be a man in a suit as a creature so

    1. There was a time when I was an avid believer in Bigfoot. That faith in it's existence has now been replaced with outright disbelief. I find it difficult to comprehend how on earth something like this supposedly huge creature could escape detection. Story after story appears here yet nothing conclusively is ever proven. I have to wonder if the PG film had never happened how many of these reports would we have today? I continue to look in on this site every now and then because I am interested in the psychology of Bigfoot belief. Why there are those that despite never seeing one and having no conclusive evidence have such strong belief in their existence? I am genuinely curious about the Bigfoot community. I have no wish or desire to insult those who do believe but wonder why it seems so very important to them to validate their belief. In any case I would be delighted if they do exist but I feel that margin of possibility is very small and getting smaller with every passing year.

    2. You raise some valid points that I have indeed also thought about. I do believe they exist and although the evidence may not be a slam dunk there is enough of it for me to weigh on the existence side . I do often question why no body or why no clear film so many years after the PG sighting. I really don't know how to answer that but what i do know is that sometimes faith means strongly believing in something we can't see. i'm also going to all the eyewitness sightings that go back to the first nations people . There has to be something behind it all and they all can't be mistaken identity . one day one there will be a body and we will find out they are more closely related to us than we may think.


    3. That is a fair an honest answer,for that i will give you a little respect, you just might want to read SKINWALKER RANCH G Knapp. and The Secret life of Plants.(google it) .Maybe that can add some insight for you into this nagging perplexing mystery!

    4. ^Ha haa haaaa haa Lol ,yea right!

  5. There have been many sightings by people who say something like,

    "I know what I saw, and what I saw was not a bear."


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