Classic Breakdown: The Bigfoot In BC Footage

Sometimes in a bigfoot video, you can't see the bigfoot. Sometimes you can see the bigfoot, but it's not a bigfoot. But sometimes, you can see the bigfoot, but you just can't tell if it's a bigfoot or not. Like this video which comes from British Columbia. Parabreakdown does his thing, and sheds some possible light on this possible bigfoot.


  1. If we rounded up every n i g g e r in the US tomorrow, and shipped them to their own continent, they living in huts picking worms out of their a s s inside of a year. The most violent, racist, entitled mother f u c k e r s on the planet Earth. The world would be a far better place if they were exiled to an existence with their own kind. They have never, ever established a successful civilization of their own. They've conquered, leached off of, and stolen temporary success, but have never established a long term civilized society, or contributed anything worthwhile to this world. It's obvious I would assume, but I have the balls to say it.......I f u c k i n g hate mother f u c k i n g N I G G E R S ! If you don't....well then you are as stupid as they are.

    1. Slightly tilt screen to read the above^^^^^

    2. No, I dont think I will give you an audience. I imagine you got the whiteout for a very good reason.

    3. I the ironic thing is he got whited out for the most innocuous thing. The entire message is pretty hateful though.

    4. ^ you`re right on all counts.

    5. Don't forget that all the gang joining, murdering, raping and drug dealing is the white mans fault.

    6. ^ Whingeing man of "color".

  2. Donald showed me that I was wrong this morning.


    1. Donald in fact showed me for one that he can't keep train of his arguments... The article in question was never really all that important from the FACT that there is 150 years of wildman reports in printed media in the U.S. and even places like Australia. It was in fact an enthusiast called Lobster Trouble who initially sourced the Nova Scotia Libraries and got to the bottom of the matter.

      Has it really been that long since anyone's delivered a winning pseudosceptical argument around here? It is very evident at 12:24.

    2. 50,000yr old clovis (siberian mogoloid) culture existing in N America ring a bell DUM DUM ??
      You got spanked less than a week ago
      ole 1:08!! Dr B Sykes.

    3. Thanks for confirming that you are Joe, Iktomi

    4. 6:30mins mark here;

      ... And read here;
      ... Destroyed in two links. Oh, and 1:36;
      "Donald in fact showed me for one that he can't keep train of his arguments..."
      ... Not the first time I've had to walk you through basic English.

    5. ^ You sanctimonious`ve made more errors on this blog than know and so does everybody else.

    6. 2:29... Nwah, what's the matter? You should be grateful you're learning?

      Care to point out these "errors"?

    7. 2:33 IS ALSO 2:29. Nuff said.

    8. He's forever talking to himself like a perverted Gollum.

    9. ^ say's the strange lil voice between his ears!

    10. 2;49

      No need to point them out..everybody sees them each and every day.

    11. 7:08... Who's Joe?

      7:10... Yet you can't name one? Not very good observational skills really, is it?

  3. It looks like the "Make a Hoaxed Bigfoot Video" disease, is spreading northward. I can't imagine that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are going to be pleased with this hoaxer, who could conceivably dampen tourist enthusiasm for crossing the border and paying exorbitant prices for just about everything.

  4. I get a kick out of the ISF footers clinging to psychiatric advice from a mentally ill, pathological liar like Alaskabushpilot. It's fun to watch.

    1. It drives them wild when you remind them how stupid a folk they are.

    2. That's why I keep posting

    3. I'd say Footers have them beat in the stupid department by quite a bit.

    4. 2:29 you are correct but not by quite a bit i'd say by a foot a big foot......

    5. The JREF footers are the worst type of footer; the type who are too scared to come out of the closet.

      2:29 and 2:35 are the type who don't want their parents thinking they're enthusiastically checking up on the latest Bigfoot news again, so try and look like they're not the same as everyone else.

    6. If you are going to start throwing assumptions and labels around, I can play it all day.

      Iktomi also has narcissistic personality disorder.

    7. It's not so much an assumption as it is basic deduction... Anyone who is obsessed with the topic as much as you, isn't doing a convincing job of persuading anyone they're "sceptical". Either that, or you're really not that confident in your stance on the topic and require reinforcing your beliefs... Which one is it?

      And d'you know what is so, so, so telling? You've bitten at the sentiment before... Telling.

      : )

    8. Yep, I have admitted I have an interest in the subject. That's a long way from saying I'm a Bigfooter in denial.

    9. I like you bro... But you don't fool me.

      ; )

    10. 5;06

      desperate for team members


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