British Bigfoot Seen Eating And Talking

A Bristol man was out walking his dog when he got the shock of his life. Off the trail he observed a bigfoot type creature eating what appeared to be raw meat, and using some small twigs as tools. If that wasn't a big enough surprise, the man claims the creature was also apparently talking to someone or something else out of view.

“I thought it may have been a deer, so I went off the path to look,” he recalls. “This is when I saw this strange ape creature. It was sat in the brambles and it was digging in the earth with a twig.”

Reportedly, the alleged animal was doing this for about 5 minutes, then picked something up and began eating it. Harry believes this was a raw piece of meat.

“Then it got another twig and was picking pieces of meat from its teeth with it.”

But Harry was also aware that the strange-looking being appeared to be “communicating with something”.

“It kept looking left and was talking to something, and I thought I heard movement from where it kept looking. When I say talk it more grunted and squeaked,” he says. “at one point it started doing something with the twigs, crossing them over on top of each other, like he was weaving something. All in all I watched this thing for 25 minutes. It was only when it stood and walked off that I left. It stood up, grabbed a large tree branch and snapped it off quite easily, and it then leaned it against another tree, then it walked off and I never saw it again.”
To read the full story, click here. 


  1. "The Somerset resident says he was about 200 yards away and managed to discern the physical features of the creature."

    This guy either has great eyesight or great imagination. I'm thinking the latter.

    1. Add in super-hearing as well.

    2. ....I like the details about the tree break and the little stick structures..I was waiting for it to tie a blue bag to a branch...This non-sense is an indication that anecdotes are now useless as any kind of evidence for bigfoot..The subject is too popular and things that might make a story plausible are all over the net...

    3. At 200m the guy must have superhuman way can details be made out at that distance.

      But I`m forgetting..he prolly had binoc`s in his pocket didn`t he ?

  2. British Bullsh*t. More turds.

  3. OK, I need you JREF/ISF footers to knuckle down and concentrate on this question. This goes back to footers like you pretending to be skeptics.

    Only an imbecile would believe that all of Alaskabushpilot's life stories are true and that his long winded half baked theories on the mindset of people who believe in Bigfoot are not just psychological projections of his own mental illness.

    With that said, he has also admitted on JREF/ISF that he has posted on the BFF as a believer for "fun". How do you know he's not just a believer yanking your chains like you do to yourselves ?

    1. It's obvious to any objective person that APB is not playing with a full deck. I think the footers on ISF like William Parcher and the others have to support and agree with him or they risk getting kicked out of the pretend skeptic herd...or they really are just dolts.

    2. asshole can't even see that a poster named JaimeK is one of his socks like he did on the

    3. ....You would love the posts form the 27th on wood ape thread : the guy you are talking about said he hunted giant anacondas in the Amazon..That site is boring: every thread is about blaarging..BFF is not much better since the most active thread is angst-ridden hand wringing about what should be done with denialists...Im thinking about paying JoeF/Iktomi to join the forums to liven things up for us

  4. LOL. You know what they say about Englishmen.

    1. Yes...they live in an oppressive society bound by petty rules and add to their many woes they have a climate of constant rain,cold,and grey top it all they also now have a Tory Govt...a mean spirited lot...but they do have big dicks I`m told...just that they`re too reserved to stick `em any place.

    2. ...Punk rock was a delayed opposite reaction to the Victorian era rule that one must cover up the legs on ones piano...No joke; they really did cover piano legs...weird...


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