Amateur Researcher Finds Possible Bigfoot Markers

More and more people take an interest in bigfoot each day. SOme that never gave sasquatch a second thought, are surprised at what they find when they actually start looking and paying attention in the woods.


  1. Man who sit on tack get point.

  2. No blue bags, obviously not.

    1. ^^^ So says the guy who does no research! Here's your "Amateur"

    2. ^^

      Says the guy who Photoshops his pictures and wants people to take him seriously.

  3. Man who believe in bigfoot end up with loose bum.

    1. Man who places head in sand will get kicked in the end.

    2. I'm assuming your talking about me. As I have stated already, when I was young my uncle and his poker buddies used to stick random objects in my bottom. This has caused me to have a poo hole that has no control. This all happened before I started to want bigfoots hairy pole in my mouth. Please get your facts straight.


    3. ^
      A JREF/ISF footer who is gay and obsessed with Joe.

    4. Stalker kind of obsessed. Nu nu nu nu- nu nu nu nu.

    5. well now we can expect mmjoe or unojoe to chime in and accuse you of being a imposter....but we know the real joe is a polesmoker. so your honesty is your are the real joe 4:59

    6. 5:27 don't you think its time to knuckle down and take out your photo of alaskabushpilot, put on that cher cd and launch your lil' pocket footer trying to be a skeptic/randi boy,,,i get a kick out of you footers who are really skeptics. no friends must be your burden


    7. Didn't he just get caught lying about killing a Leopard in the Amazon ? I wonder if simpletons like Cervelo and the other ISF footers will keep taking up for him like he's their husband ?


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