After Three Years, Researcher Finds Juvenile Tracks

Patience and persistence finally pay off for the Crypto Crew. They had been researching this area for 3 years, and had never found any signs of juvenile bigfoot in the area. Recently that all changed however, when they found what appears to be several juvenile bigfoot tracks. If these are in fact from a bigfoot, that means there's a family in the area.


  1. Replies
    1. uno is a mentally challenged hillbilly who has a fetish for pet rocks and chia pets

    2. ^ he also has a fetish for sucking dick with lips.

      hahahahaha you sick pervert

    3. After three years, the researcher realized that he wasted three years.

  2. This is the kind of claim that makes the subject look bad. If we accept a poorly defined, vaguely foot shaped impression as evidence for Bigfoot we should not expect the so called evidence to he taken seriously. The standards should and must be much higher. Take the Grays Harbor tracks for example. Or many others. This kind of "evidence" does nothing to advance the case for Sasquatch.

    1. ^
      Gay and obsessed with Joe.

    2. ^ Trying to hold back the tide of truth with feeble insults.

    3. Here's the thing - how many people would identify that as coming from a Bigfoot if shown the picture? If one looked hard enough how many spots could you find that may appear to be footprints but actually were not. Strong belief and power of suggestion can overshadow the actual "evidence" put forth. In other words those who are seeking some sort of evidence usually find it - true or not.

    4. It's creepy how the JREF/ISF footers are so obsessed with Joe but then again they do idolize a man who has a husband.

    5. This forum would be so empty without me. Once again i'm flattered you all waste so make time and effort into mentioning my name at every instance. Say my name 3 times and maybe you'll escape mommy and daddy's basement . Bunch of useless plonkers but highly entertaining at how you obsess about me


    6. your joe is getting better but you will never be me. alas you pine for me worship me, poor misguided youngster.please get a hobby and leave this to the adults.


    7. ^ it's not me but I like the style. Reminds me of me and I approve


    8. ..Very true 1:51..Enthusiasts hit the woods in hopes of finding something and any anomaly is attributed to bigfoot..This is the cause of many so called class B and even class A encounters I think...I'm not denying there are good accounts from experienced people, but Im with Meldrum: most of the encounters are bunk...


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