Top Images From Michael Brookreson

Green Eyeshine

Our friend Michael Brookreson in Texas just unleashed a plethora of images from his ranch. Warning: The images are very blurry. We're pretty sure Michael will show up in the comments some time today to answer some of your questions.


  1. Replies
    1. I don't get it. I really wonder about how hard is it to get a good clear pic. I am on the fence about Sasquatch but this doesn't help .

    2. Really ! This is some kind of joke . I can't make out one picture .

  2. Why are the pics so blurry ?

  3. Oh yea the ultimate blob squatch evidence show me real evidence oh that's right there's NONE

  4. Believe the top one glowing eyes is from Missouri early this year.

  5. Replies
    1. ,,,Beyond bad, except for possibly the eye shine photo, which could be anything(so that is probably useless too)..As for the rest: blurry images and pareidolia inducing leaves and shadows? Yeah, that's never been put forward as evidence for bigfoot...great work...

    2. Why would anyone put up this manure? These are some of the worst photos claiming to contain a Bigfoot I've ever seen. These could literally be anything!!

  6. A deer looking at other deer. Groundbreaking.

  7. If this is the extent of Mike's picture taking abilities then perhaps he should stick to comedy (or quoting lyrics from old songs),

    1. Yep

      It's not looking very good for mike.

      A blurry photo should NEVER be taken as evidence

    2. He must be holding back on the evidence that will "shock the world".

  8. ...Mike, If you have prints with dermals and hairs, why are you bothering with this juvenile pareidolia inducing garbage? Nothing is more credibility killing than this kind of non-sense that associates crptozoology with ghost hunting and other silliness...
    Pareidolia is of interest to psychologists and maybe fun for kids, but is worse than useless when it comes to life sciences...
    ...Good luck...

  9. He's not a hoaxer IMHO, if he were, he would have a costume, not blurry pics.
    He should not have put these pics out as evidence IMHO, the believers can't even see them.
    I sent Shawn a clear face pic the other day. Keep up the good work Mike, the clear pics will come eventually.

    1. Hey look what I found D---sucker!!

    2. 3:24, You're such a douchebag! 5:46, sounds like you're jealous!

  10. The "glowing eyes" in the first pic are clearly from inside the house which the picture was taken in , reflecting off the glass. sigh


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