Stacy Brown Jr. Is Truly Living Like Bigfoot

"In order to find the Bigfoot, you gotta live like Bigfoot" says Stacy Brown Jr. He's out there right now doing just that. We honestly think he's going to find something if he keeps this up. He's got a rifle in one hand and a cigarette in the other. This guy is hardcore!


  1. Replies
    1. I think he may be smoking something other than cigarettes when the camera isn't rolling.

    2. Documents Prove IRS Targeted Conservative Groups...

    3. God imagine what he smells might be scaring `bigfoot off!!

    4. Sure cigarettes smell but we smell worse. Smokes may even attract the big guy. We have all seen the videos of monkeys smoking cigs. They love them


    5. VC back in da day would hunt U down if U were smoking them cigs

    6. The native Americans used to leave them tobaccy.

  2. He said he was out of cigarettes several days ago, yet here is smoking. Not to say you couldn't have picked some up somewhere, but IMO It's the dumbest thing you can do while hunting anything. The smell let's every animal know where you are within a several mile radius.

    1. I'm guessing he's not really hunting anything.

    2. Ha ha ha ha!!

      Vegas, my thoughts exactly. If this guy wants to hunt Bush Indians this way, who are ten steps ahead of him in the first place, then I think we can safely expect videos of this nature as opposed to the holy grail of evidences coming from him any time soon.

      It's ok though, he at least gets him name about, right?

      : )

    3. Bush Indians? That's incredibly racist.

    4. Name: Bush Indians
      Tribal affiliation: Ahtna
      Native Names: Ts'eł'eni, Kol'eni
      Pronunciation: similar to ts-elth-eh-nee
      Also known as: Spies

      Bush Indians are hairy wild men of the tundra in Ahtna and other Alaskan Athabaskan folklore. It's scum like you that slap the faces of people who endure real racism.

    5. A term coined by white people comparing native people to wild stinking savages, nothing racist about that.

    6. tham boosh injuns gits yous fer shure thay dos

    7. Exactly right! He goes on about not showering or wearing bug spray because they can smell it a mile away, yet he smokes non-stop, which we all know you can smell a mile away!!!!

    8. Hey Iktomi, how goes it? Yeah, he's done a wonderful job with his self promotion.

      That was a quick accusation 6:47, I literally can't imagine how pathetic your life must be. I'm guessing it's piss bottles and tears in a damp, dimly lit room. Then again, maybe I can imagine it.

  3. Replies
    1. Bit ironic considering your religion requires faith.

    2. Yet when I reel off the science behind this topic, we'll see what you're reduced to... Keep praying sweetheart.

    3. "Science behind this topic"

      Lol what.

      You have no fu cking clue about real science.

    4. Yet when I reel off the science behind this topic, we'll see what you're reduced to... Keep praying sweetheart.

    5. "Reel off the science"

      You havent even linked to a single published paper.

      Stop trolling.

    6. Manlike Monsters on Trial.

      Anatomy and Dermatoglyphics of Three Sasquatch Footprints

      Oh... And Sykes is coming, Tick, Tock...

    7. Nope


      Oh and "coming soon" doesnt count in science m8

    8. "Bigfoot dont exist"... Every day of your life like some religious sermon, and I'm trolling? Ha ha ha!

    9. Yep.


      It does when it comes from the most pioneering geneticist in the world, matey.

    10. Nope.


      Nope. You said his tv show would prove bigfoot. Wrong. You said his book would prove bigfoot. Wrong again. You said his paper would prove bigfoot... well you can see where thats going.

      Learn some science kid.


    11. Nope back at ya!

      I said Sykes' long term study would show some level of confirmation to relict hominids; that happened. You ejaculated prematurely and still hang on to embarrassingly bad closure off the back of a TV documentary; even when the morphology of Kwit's skull was desperately obvious. His book alludes to Zana being a Yeti, and therefore stating that relict hominids were living on he planet at least 150 years ago.
      "anomalous primates" could exist in remote regions of the world, and that dozens of witness accounts convince him there is "something out there."

      "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific"
      ... Tick, tock, tick, tock...

    12. So in the mean time, here's some papers that you countered with lies like a scum bag;

      Manlike Monsters on Trial.

      Anatomy and Dermatoglyphics of Three Sasquatch Footprints

      Oh... And Sykes is coming, Tick, Tock...

    13. "I said Sykes' long term study would show some level of confirmation to relict hominids; that happened."

      Nope hasnt happened.

      "His book alludes to Zana being a Yeti, and therefore stating that relict hominids were living on he planet at least 150 years ago."

      Nope just wild conjecture.

      "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific"

      So still a coming soon then?

      So up top when asked to reel off the science you actually failed miserably.

      Im done putting you right, i kinda feel bad putting a dumb kid right all the time. Cruel to be kind though i guess.

    14. Yep, it happened, you want to prove me wrong, go ahead... Silly boy.

      "1) In an unnumbered chapter after Chapter 27, entitled “Postscript,” Sykes details an intriguing finding from a hair sample from Dr. Henner Fahrenbach. It had a result that Sykes is still pondering, and we may hear about in the future. The DNA sample of a “Sasquatch” from Walla Walla matched that of a feral “individual from Uzbekistan,” Sykes exclaims (page 282).
      (2) Sykes’ verdict on Zana, an alleged almasty captured in the 1850s on the southern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, is a nod to the labor of the Russian hominologists during four decades of the Snowman Commission at Moscow’s Darwin Museum. The mainstream media has completely misinterpreted what Sykes’ book has to say about this, and talk of Zana being an “escaped African slave” demeans what appears to be the genetic realities behind the case. You must read Sykes’ Chapter 29, to fully appreciate what he has discovered.
      “Part-human, part-ape with dark skin (Zana means ‘black’ in Abkhaz) she was covered with long, reddish-brown hair which formed a mane down her back. She was large, about 6’6″ tall, and extremely muscular with exaggerated, hairless buttocks and large breasts. Her face was wide with high cheekbones and a broad nose,” notes Sykes (page 296).
      Zana was no slave from Africa, but an individual with genetics who tells us much more about the population from which she sprang. As Bryan Sykes hints, “Zana’s ancestors could have left Africa before the Laran exodus of 100,000 year ago” and “they might well be still there [in the Caucasus Mountains] to this day, living as they have for millennia somewhere in the wild valleys that radiate from the eternal snows of Elbrus,” (page 306).
      (3) There is one more revelation in this book that caused me great astonishment. I have written an entirely separate article about it. Few seem to have read the book closely enough to realize that part of the DNA testing that Sykes did gives a complete revision to the status of the Pangboche finger findings of only four years ago, when it was dismissed as merely “human.” Read here for the big reveal that Sykes shares on that case. Please see, “Pangboche Finger’s ‘Human’ Verdict Clarified By Bryan Sykes DNA Finding.” The fact is, the Pangboche hand may yet be an important artifact to re-study and re-test, regarding a piece of the puzzle to solve the mystery of the Yeti."

      Link to Sykes on Pangboche finger write up here;

      ... Yep, it will be coming soon. If you think you know science so well, why don't you grow up, take some responsibility for your claims and actually counter the science referenced in Sykes' book, not to mention the two science papers you were sourced, you pathetic little person who thinks ignoring facts is akin to anything remotely scientific. Pseudo-scepticism is a fundamental, quasi-religion. See you next prayer time chump.

    15. Oh, and this is of high relevance to some accusations thrown Sykes' way;

      "If that wasn’t enough, Sykes admitted to telling a “little white lie” about his affiliation noted in his published paper. He put down for the journal that he was the chair of the Institute of Human Genetics at Wolfson College, Oxford. He, however, admitted in March 2015 that the institute is mythical. He told the media, “The journal required some sort of additional address in the college and, hey, presto, I became an institute!”
      The original publication of Sykes’ paper had to issue a correction about his “institute” during the Spring of 2015.
      None of these clarifications of the sampling, his affiliation, or this discussion are to be found in The Nature of the Beast. It remains an enigma why Coronet/Hodder & Stoughton, since they held up the book already a year, did not wait a bit longer and add this information to the end of this new book. That’s a shame."

  4. The only thing hardcore about this guy is his ego and need for attention.

  5. Stacy is no better than Rictor they are doing everything they can to get back on T.V. and thats all.

  6. Not living like bigfoot at all. I hear bigfoot chain smokes cuban cigars and prefers automatic weapons.

  7. Can this blog stoop any lower?


    1. Why do you say things like that? You sound like a mental defect. Straighten up.

  9. Shaun FYI, fossil "mud cast" of alleged large primate`s palm found

    1. Has a date been determined as to how old these mud fossils are?

  10. This Stacy Brown guy, thought a decaying Gator arm was from a Bigfoot. where's his big expensive 'Swamp Buggy? He crashed it, high on Meth, and it is now all banged up rusting away in the swamp.
    Hunting and smoking doesn't mix, and any hunter will tell you that, and yet he's going after the "most elusive" animal in the world smoking! . This Stacy Brown is no Redneck experienced hunter. He is just "White Trash", wanna-be-bad-ass-attention whore.
    Does he really think Discovery channel etc would let this guy through the door? T.V spot? Yes, if it is about Losers and homeless people. Wheres his Partner?

    1. Stacey is broke. He blew the $100,000 from Bigfoot Bounty. He already turned down Naked and Afraid. Now he is having second thoughts. This is his Naked and Afraid audition tape. He wants them to call him back

    2. then he needs to trim his ass hairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. How rude thats his beard!

    4. oops!!!!! my bad sorry.

  11. If he truly is out in the swamp armed with a rifle and no lights and bigfoot on his mind then what happens if a backwoods hunter or poacher comes into that area? Humanoid figure in thick bush or low light conditions wearing dark clothes might be interpreted as the elusive prize if that is what his focus is on. Not a good scenario.

    1. Oh god! There's a thought! This one of the most important factors against pro-kill policy.

    2. ifn we shoots ones of tham critters webe takin da hide ans yall cans havin that thar D ans A yall kep catterwallin abouts

  12. I hope he puts a bullet through BF's head so that the mystery can be solved!

  13. Only 60 comments? Surely you queers can come up with something else

  14. Only 60 comments? Surely you queers can come up with something else

    1. Not only are you a liar and an asshole, but can't count worth shit! This makes 67 comments.

  15. You losers don't know a bigfoot whisperer when you see one! when he hangs one on his wall you will all cry! So now kneel down to your master and beg for forgiveness!!!!!!!!!!! and no this is not rick dyer.

  16. t-fats^^^^^...he's a taxi drivin' tailgunner from way back



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