Second Small Town Monsters Film in Production; Titled "Beast of Whitehall"

Following on the heels of their success with the independent documentary, “Minerva Monster”, the Small Town Monsters crew began work on their second film. Titled “Beast of Whitehall”, the film tells the true story of the Abair Road creature sightings of 1976 that helped make Whitehall synonymous with “Bigfoot”.

Filming has already wrapped following an intense, three man, four day shoot in New York. Among those interviewed were Abair witness, Brian Gossellin (who divulged that this will be his last interview given on the incident), investigator, Bill Brann, local author and historian, Paul Bartholomew, and more. The film is directed by Seth Breedlove and produced, once again, by Alan Megargle and Jesse Morgan with an original score composed by Brandon Dalo who is also executive producing.

No release date has been set but a trailer is expected in the next two months. For more information on “Beast of Whitehall” visit or
The crew is available for interviews. Contact information listed above.


  1. crowdfunding for Missing 411 project ("lost" - abducted? - people in national parks and forests). already 86.000 of 100.000 bucks...

    1. That may be one of the few Bigfoot crowdfunding successes.

    2. When the people of Whitehall, hear about this movie, they will laughing their Butts off!! the police officer that reported the Bigfoot many years ago, is now dead!
      Let's just say, there is another "side' story to that incident, which his 'partner" wanted no part of.
      One thing the area around Whitehall has is Bears, lot's of them. A noted N.Y. Researcher always said; "That when Bears are around, then Bigfoots aren't".
      I will watch the movie, B/C it will be a BS comedy movie, and I need a good laugh!

    3. Blowhard, way to live up to your name, chief. There were at least five officers that night. Which are you referring to?

      Hope we can put a smile on your face with the movie though.

    4. ^
      Don't pay him no mind Seth, I don't . He comes here a lot just to spew hate. He will die a lonely hater one day and no one will care or remember . I can't wait to see your film !

    5. hey Anon's 7:14 & 7:21, I probably will be sitting with officers at the Movie theater,since one's my Brother. We ALL will laughing our arses off! you Trolls, don't know Crap!

    6. ...and blowhardjones needs a hard blow job...urgently!!! ;-)

  2. Daily reminder that bigfoot dont exist.

  3. Another lame ass Monkeyman movie,I'm sure the profits will be huge.

  4. In other news the great race uniter, rev al has released the following statement regarding hogans use of racial slurs, "We cannot live in a society where this geriatric bald honky cracker can be allowed to spew these derogatory slurs based on the color of ones skin. hogan needs to be held accountable. So today I am calling on all the faggots, kikes, ragheads, chinks, dagoes, bitches and hoes, cripples, peckerwoods, wetbacks to unite with the beautiful African American community to boycott all the advertisers of WWE and WWE itself until that bald cracker is erased from history of the WWE.

  5. 7:21 is the site fool, seth doesn't believe in bigfoot, just money. another hack trying to make a buck off idiots and zelots. like 7:21 and her band of merry retards


    1. MMG = Blowhard the retard. Thanks for clearing that up.


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