Police Officer Claims This Is A Photo Of Bigfoot

A tabloid website posted the above image with the news story that a police officer took the photo of what he claims was a bigfoot in a city park. Bigfoot researchers in the area all agree that the story is most likely a hoax, but it seems to be gaining ground since the story was picked up and published by cryptomundo.com. Either way, here's what was published, and we'll let you decide.

My name is Scranton Police Officer Xxxxx Xxxxx and I am an eight year veteran, so please keep my name out. A few days ago I was driving in patrol toward McDade Park in Scranton PA. It was late at night I was just checking the park making sure all was ok and I just noticed a very dark object leaning over the edge of the road near the pool as I drove pass. I passed extremely close to the object-close enough for me to feel shocked to see a large hairy section of well muscled leg and a big hairy wrist and hand as the creature turned I screamed and grabbed my cell to snap a pic and my gun. I slammed on the brakes and I was ready to shoot I’m combat trained, I have a weapon, I just had to see what the hell it was!I wanted to see the entire thing for myself – but what can I say.Whatever it was for me either was a monkey a huge one or a bigfoot I am not going public with this because it would cost me my job.There is something in that park I heard stories of something roaming the park late at night.
source: nycdailynews.net


  1. Replies
    1. https://action.sumofus.org/a/cecil-airlines/?sub=taf


    2. COPs always tell it like it is - so BIGFOOT it is

  2. It seems awfully bright in the background to be late at night sure it could be the flash maybe

  3. All police officers are completely full of s hit and are all hoaxers. This site just proves that bigfoot doesn't exist and that anyone who believes is a cum dumpster.

    1. By your comment you might just be a criminal since you have that attitude towards cops and you also prove that your mother was a cum dumpster because you are the proof of it. Get a life you troll find another forum to whack off to you while making comments, you don't believe in Bigfoot that's OK but don't sit here and ridicule other people who may or may not believe in Bigfoot. Why don't you get off your ass get outside and get some exercise and get away from the computer get a life dude!!!! YOU might want to get a job so I can get off welfare.

    2. BLACK Ops part of that jade helm martial law exercise, we all know about that around here

    3. I don't own a computer and I'm outside right now at work. So I guess your wrong on all accounts Brian Olson you d ick farmer. Don't get upset because your life revolves around a creature that doesn't exist.

    4. Taking out the trash during the night shift at Burger KIng. ^


    5. Brian,I noticed you said you're on welfare?? why don"t you try double dipping. and try to stop suckin up to cops ..hope you get it !

    6. MKB on behalf of music fans everywhere. Brian, loved your work with the beach boys. Listen, don't let the bully boys here upset you, and save me some cash off your food card. They do not discriminate between ground round and lobster my good man.

  4. Yeah and I Cum dumped into your mother's mouth!

    1. My mother died years back and was cremated. Are you sure it wasn't your sister and you are getting confused?

    2. Blowhardinmysistersmouthjones it all makes sense now.

    3. brian olsen welfare footer. your going to fit in nice here.welcome brian (brokeback) olsen

    4. 8:27,, troll killer is gonna be very jelouse
      !!!.That being said.Welcome BRIAN !

  5. Abolhoff in 1876 captured a bigfoot or something that appears to be Bigfoot according to the transcript.

    1. Was that before or after he purchased the Brooklyn Bridge?

  6. Aha !
    So it's officer Xxxxx Xxxxx. I think he was in a few porn movies I had recently seen. I particularly liked "lust on wheels " where he stops a hot woman and they make love on top of the police cruiser .
    The bigfoot may have been part of the same movie

    1. Lay off the porn.

      Your mom

    2. Leave the porn i hide in my closet alone !
      I don't want Mom to find out

      Your Dad

    3. Oh crap !
      Sorry Mom, I swear I only watched it once and then i swore to never watch that filth again
      Sorry Dad, you just made it too easy to get to - quick tip -don't keep the VHS tapes in a box called "good stuff XXX"

      Your son Rod

    4. Stop calling yourself Rod, you know we named you Peewee for a very good reason.

      - Your mom (Who is currently entertaining bigfoot in the bedroom.)

    5. MOM !
      I told you to never call me that in public !
      No wonder I have issues


  7. i live a couple miles from there,and this is the 1st i herd of it,most likely bs.

    1. there is another story on the same site saying he was attacked by bigfoot at mcdade park,the bullsheeet is now waist deep,and not a shovel in sight.


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