Minister And Daughter See Living Pterosaur In Sacramento

A minister and his daughter in Sacramento, California saw what they believe was a living, flying pterosaur, or a winged dinosaur. Sightings like this are actually not all that unusual. Is it possible these winged reptiles from the stone age still exist, hidden in the forests and tree tops of North America? Or is it all just mistaken identity?

“We were hiking and looking for Blue Herons and other migratory birds,” the woman told Cryptozoology News on Thursday. “My daughter and I saw the bird first and we both pointed to it, stunned and in shock as we tried to come up with a logical explanation for what we thought we were seeing. It was not a kite, it was a real animal,” she added about the alleged 1994 encounter.

The eyewitness says they observed the animal for about 20 minutes as it circled an area and then veered off in a different direction. She explains that even though it makes her “nervous to have to admit it”, the bird was “very pterodactyl in shape”.

“That is the only point of reference I have for it. I remember I said ‘that’s impossible… they are an extinct species’. My daughter, who was well read on extinct birds, kept pointing out the unusual features of this animal.”
To get the rest of the scoop, click here. 


  1. super friends rule...trolls drool!!

  2. For the last time....pterosaurs ARE NOT DINOSAURS.

  3. B.S. and pterosaurs are dinosaurs you idiot!

    1. Pterosaurs are not classified as dinosaurs. And where are these flying reptiles hiding? At least Bigfoot has a plausible place to hide whether they exist or not.

    2. I am not an idiot, pterosaurs are not, I repeat, NOT DINOSAURS. Even a cursory glance at Google will tell you everything you need to know. It's like calling a human being a kangaroo.

  4. No, no they did not see a suit?

  5. I believe in a magic dude who lives in the sky. I believe in this dead dude who was nailed to a stick. And I believe in bigfoot.


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