Legend Tripper Visits The Devil's Creek Swamp In Search Of Skunk Apes

The Legend Tripper Rob Robinson heads out to the famous Green Swamp area looking for the skunk ape. While he's making his video, something seems to be paralleling him as he treks through the dangerous bog. Is it the elusive skunk ape?


  1. again, just another Video of a "So-called Researcher' stumbling through the swamps. All the deer, wild hogs already knows a human is in the swamp

    This is typical of a "Researcher". No camouflage, no blacken face, nothing to break up his human outline. Probably smells of Beer, Sweat, Cigars and Farts. This is just some of the reasons why 'Researchers' are not successful.
    They don't 'respect' the animal they are hunting. He just like that other idiot Stacy Brown, who's skin is very white, and he chain smokes cigarettes. That's real smart.
    98% of the "Bigfoot Researchers' do not put in enough time, most, never go real deep into the woods, most are 'Weekend road Footers'.
    Bigfoot will never be found with "Clowns in the woods'. remember Stacy Brown, A "White Trash' Hill-a-Billy thought a decayed Alligator arm, was a Bigfoot arm!
    God help us!

    1. ^ Just another example of a rude assh0le hanging out here 24x7 obsessing over a subject he admittedly doesn't believe in. Being critical of others and making shit up about them in order to feel more important than they actually are. Who's the real clown here? YOU ARE.

    2. Another clown^ Its an assh0le circus folks.

  2. tham izlame folk inda boosh

  3. you need a AK when you go into the bush - for your SAFETY

  4. YEA, YEA , YEA, !!
    What about the many credible sightings of bigfoot and dogman in the UK?????
    As you all know there is a Fat ,Lazy Bum that lives in that area, her name is iktomijoe, All of us here at the BFE blog!!
    (especially M K B & alphadog)
    would urge that Fat Slob IKTOMIJOE,
    to get out of MOMMAS BASEMENT!
    And get some evidence!....ps. get that twinkie out of yur Pie Hole!!

  5. ans tham islamists shootin all tham folks

  6. 3:15, claimes No connections to this site!!
    mearly attempting to instagate a responce from the self professed "KING TROLL! Just too darn easy !! :-))

  7. and Global Warming kills lots of people

  8. punks die talking sh*t ,far quicker.than
    global Warming,

  9. why do people think we want to look at 5 minutes of their faces bouncing around? We cant help anybody with anything except "oh you have a booger up your nose" if you do take pics of the area. I dont now if you were in Florida California or Kansas.Turn the camera outward Timbergiant-bigfoot

  10. You know it is a real professional expedition when you can hear highway sounds from a few hundred feet away.


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