Dr. John Bindernagel Is The Sweetest Bigfooter Alive

They if you want to meet one of the nicest guy in Bigfoot, you have to meet Dr. John Bindernagel. We've seen him with all kinds of researchers, including Dr. Meldrum and even TimberGiantBigfoot. If you think you got any evidence, Dr. B. is the man to ask.


  1. The superfriends love Dr. B!!!!!

    1. all 3 of you or just 2/3?

    2. Bindaz rules! And so do the superfriends! Have a lovely weekend all!! Except for the trolls... I hope all of your internet connections fail and you run out of milk for your tea.

    3. Bigfoot dont exist.

      Looney fu ckin tunes

    4. ^ yes, we are aware of your feelings... Must be frustrating to not have anything what so ever to support them, other than a negative proof fallacy.


    5. Why AR-15s Are Ideal For Self-Defense
      Business owner uses AR-15 to defend both himself and his livelihood...

  2. Could not agree more. Had the pleasure of meeting and talking for a few minutes back in 2011.

    1. No monkeys but have seen the magnifcient forest giants and have been close to them and heard them several other times.

      On another note Mike Brookresons interview with Wes Germer on the Sasquatch Chronicles will be aired this evening very much look forward to listening.

    2. is germer not a fraud,huckster charging folks for extra content.That of course is non existent?And correct me if I'm wrong but has he not lost over half of his subs?. over hoaxing allegations

    3. White House Says Planned Parenthood Videos Are Fake, Cites Planned Parenthood...




    1. Nancy Hoggert told Big Foot Tracker that she and the infamous bigfoot have been in a sexual relationship since 2008 and are “trying to start a family.” She claims that Bigfoot lives in Mason County, Washington and that she first encountered the beast while tending to her “marijuana grow.”

      “Bigfoot was standing there eating all the buds off my plants,” Hoggert said. “At first I wanted to run cause he’s very scary, but I thought he might eat all of my marijuana plants and that’s how I used to make a living. I pointed my shotgun at him and he put up his hands, scared.”

      “That’s when I looked down and noticed he had a huge erection between his legs. I hadn’t gotten any in a while and well, from there, it somehow turned into an adult movie. I don’t know if he started it or I did. He did me from behind, which felt great.”

      Another link/encounter for PJ to copy and paste to school the skeptics with.

    2. chuck knows this to be true also.Seems they like to knock at his door some pedaling the watchtower i believe

    3. It's funny how these "sceptics" cherry pick the wacko accounts aside from the whole database of accounts from credible pillars of society such as police officers, teachers, lawyers, doctors & scientists.

      It's not like they need such tactics, right?

      Have a good weekend all!

    4. "Moron" just about sums it up.

      9 foot apes? Give me a fu cking break. Idiots.

    5. I'm curious, exactly how many bigfoots has Dr.B confirmed to science in his long career?

      Oh? None, you say?

      I guess that makes him an expert in the bigfoot world.

      Meldrum, Bindernagle, Krantz, etc, have published exactly zero bigfoot papers and presented zero tangible evidence for bigfoot ever. Yet, they are at the top of their fields according to Joe.

    6. 6:15... A moron who's spend all his time somewhere he finds disagreeable. When you have forensic sign in tracks that amount to a subject twice the size of normal human beings; that's your reality check.

      Donald... Actually, Krantz has published a paper with a long list of forensic experts supporting physical evidence. Remember Donald? Oh yes! I forgot... Rhetorical Don!

    7. I've really gotta go! Laters gators!!

    8. Dearest Nancy. Why go public and ruin our relationship? I hadn't waxed myself in a while....granted, but I'm not that hirsute. And for you to denounce me eating the buds due to my chronic smoke allergy is a little pot and kettle love. Come back to the forest Nan. Let me put on those old Brian Olson and the beach boys records and let's try to make this work. But first, be a dear and go pick daddy a fresh salad. You know I like mature ones, no feeder leaves please. And remember this isn't forever. When it comes to monogamy you must always remember that "round round get around.....I get around, yeah, get around, round round I get around....."

    9. Now there's a man with an open mind - you can feel the breeze from here.

    10. :). Indeed Ruff. the breeze wafts freely through my ears. There's no need to clutter the open mind with original thought.

    11. Mike Brookreson, comedy genius everyone!

    12. Anyone that says they saw a bigfoot is either a liar or wacko. No need to cherry pick.

    13. " Donald... Actually, Krantz has published a paper with a long list of forensic experts supporting physical evidence. Remember Donald? Oh yes! I forgot... Rhetorical Don!"

      Oh? What scientific journal was that published in, Joe?

    14. 8:27... Yes, ten thousand years of liars and wackos apparently... Great logic Einstein.

      Donald... Who needs it published in one of your preferred journals?

    15. Silly girl, Josephine, that article discusses eschewing several major journals, not the peer review process itself. Nice try, nitwit.

      Now, what scientific journal was that paper published in, again?

    16. D maker 34,,,,,,,, ,Jolene 0,,,,,,,

      just too easy folks !

    17. I believe that journal was BBW (Bigfoot Believers Worldwide).

    18. It never gets old watching dmaker smoke Joe. When all else fails he always has his evasive maneuver "who's Joe?".

    19. Oh dear, dear Donald... I could source you a million arguments against the peer review process that's been falsified, you brought up journals, keep train of your own arguments my dear Canadian!

      And let us return to what I allude to, the peer review process is what? A number of the most qualified lending their opinion to confirm a scientific premise. What do you have in Krantz's paper?

      It's lovely to see your cheerleaders come to your aid.

      : p

    20. I am a fan of anyone who puts Joe in his place (and that's you Iktomi).

    21. Find someone who has a cognitive train of his arguments, and then who can deliver a countering argument that has substance to your cause against mine... Then you'll have someone "putting me in my place", darling.

      You intellectual throw backs are funny.

      Who's Joe?

  4. On sasquatch and "cross or cruciform symbols". Many researchers have indicated finding cross or cruciform stick figure or "X markers" in areas where human traffic abuts regular sasquatch sightings or interaction. From the repetitive crossed sticks and logs to bent trees and X marks, some researchers are beginning to postulate that this is a territorial or boundary demarcation. A not so subtle "that sides mine and this side is yours" marker. And to that extent stick formations do represent something to pay attention to once natural causes (weathering, erosion, deadfall) can be ruled out. Bindernagle rulez. M

    1. Trapper frum mountain monsters AIMS team sayin that sume bigfoots usin fire

  5. 6:38 is a broken record. like everyone's zoso album ( led zeppelin 4) that always skips on stairway from turning it backward to listen for the old here's to our sweet satan. hint: it's in the " for the may queen verse"..you state opinions not fact's sandy..now the x formations well that's either a sky marker or indeed a home address. although i have heard other refer to it as some sort of clock type item

    1. ^

      gohroitoieroiugroutoiweuoiuroituoirtoiuoirtoieutoiutoiurtutoeiruoituu 6:38 MIGHT BE JOE lakjduoieuoioirhoirotoriu MUST FIND JOE lkdalfkjgoeuourou4ti jfglfslhfldflsglriougoe rutoiertlerjlglhoieroiuo LONELY FOR JOE lksdflhoie jfoihkjnlnglfhouh JOE.

  6. Hey, Bindernagel is a nice guy and all, but he had a sighting during his involvement with the Erickson project. He does not discuss details due to a non disclosure agreement, but I'm sure most of us can agree he was hoaxer. If his sighting was not legitimate (and none of the Erickson footage appears to be) how can we put faith in Bindernagel ability to evaluate other evidence?

  7. Hey, Bindernagel is a nice guy and all, but he had a sighting during his involvement with the Erickson project. He does not discuss details due to a non disclosure agreement, but I'm sure most of us can agree he was hoaxer. If his sighting was not legitimate (and none of the Erickson footage appears to be) how can we put faith in Bindernagel ability to evaluate other evidence?

  8. Does a DNA kit tell you anything about where or how the Bigfoot lives. Does it tell you whether it is smarter than a 5th grader? Does it answer the question of how they leave tracks that suddenly start and end? Does is tell us where they go and how they survive winters? A DNA kit is a completely worthless piece of equipment because 1000's of samples have already been collected and it tells us nothing knew. It is not even research if nothing new can be learned from it.

    1. Having a DNA kit is preparedness.

      All you have or hollow words on a computer screen.

      At least that homo is trying.

      What are you doing?


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