Oh Wow! This Bigfoot Photo Really Does Look Like a Gorilla

Do you see a head? We're trying really hard not to see a head, but we can't un-see this. According to YouTube user Abundant Outdoor Life, this appears to be the face of a juvenile Bigfoot. Check out his breakdown below:


  1. Replies
    1. Chirping for the real Chick to come back.

    2. Superfriends! more powerful than the HuggaBunch :) xx

      That photo looks like Matilda xx

    3. Hi Eva!

      Superfriends are definitely more powerful than the HuggaCandyDude guy.

      Yes, it looks monkey-ish.

    4. A whole bunch of verified lunatics.

      I'm gonna tell it like it T-I-S

      Ya'll need big foot up your big butts.

      Peace out

    5. ^ 2:22 hasn't received any hugs from his HuggaCandyDude today, or at least not enough.

    6. Hey Superfriends...just flying by!! Seems like we have another Mmmmm..video of bigfoot peeking out of the bush. Maybe.... Ruff!!

    7. Keep blowin that smoke simpletons. Right up your your wazoos.

      Wear your inferior intellect badge proudly. Our children laugh at you.

    8. You remind me of this kid that used to be in my school. He used to be a little awkward and would get angry at the drop of a hat. He would stand on the outskirts of social groups, shouting at people and calling them obscenities, never taking responsibility himself for his actions in becoming so unapproachable and lonely.

      If you need a friend, start being pleasant and civilised, it will really help, I promise.

    9. Oh hi Joe. Go to hell.

      You're not fooling anyone but yourself.

    10. Drop in and join in one time when there's an exchange on the subject matter... Bring a friend or two even, it's always fun to learn, and I'll teach you all a little about this subject as well as basic manners.

      : )

    11. Yes it does look good Eva :-D

      Take care!


    12. Have to agree. There is something there that is not just a dark space caused by shadows amongst the trees, leaves, and bushes. Very typical forest giant behavior and just may be one.

      Shout out to all you civil folks.

    13. I also agree. This blurry photo is much better than all the other blurry photos.

    14. This photo does look good and i would agree it probably is a real one.

  2. Ya'll scatter like bugs when the light comes on.

    See em running for their lives

  3. Joe you dickhead you can't teach anyone about a subject that you know nothing about and I suspect that kid was you before the shock treatments.As far as that pic goes its an ape mask tucked in the branches of a tree by one of the woo's with the added blur of course,you're welcome and have a shitty day!

    1. You're of course invited to the next adult exchange.

    2. Oh dear Iktomi i think some one got out of bed the wrong side :) xx

  4. This guy interrupted this Bigfoot's round of disc golf!!!

  5. Another 'can't see the forest for the trees', or more precisely 'can't see the trees for the bigfoots'. In the true tradition of MK Davis* this youtuber sees significance in frame by frame changes ignoring things like frame duration, camera motion and how compressed digital video works. His bigfoot is a dark spot on a tree trunk that can raise it's eyebrows in 1/30th of a second.

    * although MK Davis would never be caught using screen capture software, preferring to use the time-honored blur-enhancement technique of videoing a computer screen with a camera.

  6. If you think this looks like a gorilla. You better google "gorilla" pronto

  7. I think the possibility is that it could be an escaped monkey from a zoo or or released pet. In Florida alone they have determined that there is too many to count just for known primates that live in the swamps. I would put my money on monkey rather than a dark spot on a tree trunk. Or maybe a sasquatch. What I dont understand is witnesses usually say they are 8 -14 feet tall be every time we get a decent photo that maybe documenting real flesh and blood its around 5 foot 5 inches

  8. This is a real BF in this photo. The bigger ones are more elusive, they have to be.


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