M.K. Davis Discusses Rockstacks That Could Have Been Made By a Lost Civilization

Lemuria was an ancient continent that some researchers refer to when talking about the history of another bipedal ape-like creature. This civilization was lost forever at some point in history. M.K. Davis recently visited a location in Death Valley where some huge piles of rocks were stacked in a formation. Davis goes into the history of Mu and Lemuria and its possible connection to the rocks.


  1. Where is our very own Big Dad? Richard Porter? Rush? Rumfer?

    ~ Chick

    1. Sorry give it up....need a hugga bunch?

    2. Trying to trick me into hugging you? As for you Troy Donahue: "Keep your filthy paws off my silky draws. Would you pull that crap with Annette? " ~ Betty Rizzo

      ~ Chick

  2. Replies
    1. But at least he has the drive to make it happen. Unlike somebody we all know. Right DC?

  3. I heard that there was a huge massacre that went down in this area and when idiot Davis started asking questions some dude named Rob Gimler threatened to kill him and chased poor Davis off his land but it could not have happened the way Gimler and peterson said it did because the shadow in the film was too short for that time off year.I think Davis should go back to pushing the Mike sells hoax video collection,it was much more entertaining.

  4. This man is senile. There is nothing but sadness here.

    1. Yes, senile, insane and just plain sad but always polite.

      "Thank you for your time".

    2. He's a decent, sincere guy, but he's wrong here. Those rocks have the sharp, crisp edges. They haven't been there long. I've go a rock I picked up in Death Valley years ago. It is very eroded, almost round,, as I remember everything in Death Valley being.

    3. I didn't say he was a douchebag. I said the man is senile. Having dealt with that in my own family I have compassion for him and his loved ones.

      I have nothing but contempt and scorn for those who use him though. He is a sick man.

    4. He has no signs whatsoever of senility. You will have to pick another angle Fredrick. He might have something but that ain't it. Because you are obviously lying and being mean spirited, I am not giving you any ideas about what it could be.

      1. the state or quality of being old, especially, being afflicted with the infirmity of body and mind that sometimes comes with old age.
      2. Informal. a condition of weakness of mind and body, usually associated with advanced age, characterized by the inability to remember simple, recent events, general confusion and bewilderment, and increasing debility. Cf. anility. — senile, adj.
      See also: Old Age

    5. Even if you have first-hand knowledge of Mr. Davis' condition, you have no right to make such comments here. You are at best insensitive and at worst an outright liar.

    6. Age has nothing to do with senility. He obviously has a weakened mental state. His personal hygiene alone testifies to his poor state.

      But yes please encourage the sick man to further your own agenda.

    7. If you are going to make these claims in a public forum as facts, at least know what the hell you are talking about. You are wrong, and an ass. Spend a little time researching your own problems (your obviously have some) while you are at it.

    8. ^Lol, I thank you for your time.

  5. sometimes GRAYs mark their DNA collection points so they can identify them when they return to the area
    GRAYs use DNA for cloning

    1. He's probably asking them how they built the pyramids and engineered human DNA. Whether they have any idea what he's talking about is another matter.

    2. the anunnaki manufactured humans to dig for that GOLD, anunnaki couldn't control bigfoots so they made a hybrid man to get the JOB done

  6. M.K. smokes way to much weed!


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