Bigfoot Turns The Hunter Into The Hunted

As humans we tend to think we are at the top of the food chain and the masters of our domain. That is until you run across a bigfoot in the woods. Then you see who the true master of their domain is.

At first, the eyewitness believed it was a person standing there, staring at him. But then he realized that was he was looking at was far from a current human being.

“I froze and we had a stare down. All I could see was from the chest up. It was huge, at least 9 feet. Its shoulders were massive, gray hair, it looked like it had been groomed. I was close enough where I could see the color of its eyes, it kind of reminded me of a Neanderthal.”

Reportedly, Alan chose to go back to the house when he felt the creature walking behind him. He says that he felt as if he was being “stalked” and that it appeared to be intentional, as if the purported beast was saying “you are not the top of the chain food here anymore”.

“I turned around, I had the gun in my hand at that point, because, you know, I was being followed. He was making it perfectly clear that I was being followed.”

For the rest of the article, click here. 


  1. I awake to the same tedium.

  2. Are you this stupid/ to believe Bigfoots attack humans? Name one, just one "Documented" incident where a Big foot attack a human or a hunter. (Not Bigfoot BS stories). Guess what? There isn't any!
    If Big foot exist, they are not "Apex predators" that eat meat. There again, have been no 'Documented incident" of a Starving Big foot attacking a Cow, or other farm animals.
    With all the "Crap" written on this site (Videos or just stories) none come close to any REAL reality.
    I could write a book, on all the false and misleading information that gullible people read and believe. There are NO Bigfoot Experts1 None! Any information coming out of those 'Well-known' Bigfoot Researchers is just made up garbage, they just wing it. In other words they BS you!
    I crack up at these Bigfoot Conventions, when a "Well-Known' Researcher gets up there and spurs his Bigfoot Garbage! I watch the reactions from people in the audience believing or accepting what they are hearing.
    Smarten up people! You can't be this dumb!

    1. There are none of the stories you talk of because the people have been taken and never seen again...lots of missing from lots of places.

    2. I miss John W Jones and his enthusiasm & knowledge & insight and killing of trolls.

    3. 1:42 - and we know Bigfoot was responsible for these missing people because . . . . . ? Did it leave a calling card or something?

    4. Thousands of years of native culture in line with Sasquatch and missing peoples. Genoskwa, etc.

    5. henry may's personal fluff girl^^^^

    6. Weak argument lktomi. You do realize that stories handed down orally get changed after being told just a few times don't you? Now imagine being passed down and embellished after just a hundred years or so. It becomes folklore not an accurate representation that could be considered as actual fact.

      Let's look at this from another angle. The native culture also has stories of animals talking, giant birds creating thunder, people turning into animals and so on. If what you say is true then we must also entertain that these stories could be factual - you cannot cherry pick.

      Lastly they might have no idea of what happened to their missing people so they came up with a story of a "monster" which would keep the kids close to camp and out of trouble. The movie THE VILLAGE (2004) has an interesting take on that.

      Not one of your better arguments old boy.

  3. state there are no experts yet you have exclusive knowledge ?

    1. BJ jones is not an expert but he knows that "they are not apex predators who eat meat...if they exist".

  4. Just . . . another . . . STORY.

  5. some time we be huntin tham hawgs and we be finding tham impaled in tham trees no bear done that!


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