Young Juvenile Bigfoot Caught On Tape?

Wow! This is the first time we've come across this clip. Thanks for Daniel D. for posting this video on our Facebook page. If you're wondering why it's titled, "Tornado" sasuqatch, Daniels explained that it was a probably a sasquatch displaced by a tornado. He writes:

Here are some reasons I really like this video. The subject of this video is really little unlike most videos. It runs in a quadruped motion before switching to a biped, and it moves really quick on all fours, even having a rolling motion. It looks natural. I've read other accounts of people seeing juveniles start out on all fours and transition to two legs. It has an exaggerated arm swing which follows other descriptions of sasquatches when they are moving quickly. People don't swing their arms out that far when running. The bipedal gait doesn't look like a human's either.

He sees the subject before it screams, and he almost exclaims simultaneously with the scream. Again, the scream and other actions of this small juvenile are consistent with sasquatches and perhaps difficult for some person to be emulating.

Most sightings are over so quick, over in seconds, that by the time someone can pull a camera out and get it ready, even if they can think that fast, the sighting is over. The fact that his person was out filming the aftermath of a tornado provides a plausible excuse for catching it on film, and it also provides an excuse for a juvenile to be separated from it's parents, possibly due to the tornado.


  1. First for Iktomi, Ds, Mike, Chick, Clive, and Friends!

    1. The video is as real as Dan is clevor!

      Or it is as real as Shawn is strait.

    2. Well, Well, Well, now that the gender of abholijoeiktomi has been established. All of the prior finaly becoming crystal clear!! Notice the ABSENCE Of the Bigger Pecker ads that no longer exist??
      I think it is quite reasonable to assume that JOE is
      incapable of finding a compatible friend ie,,(packin timber).and is utterly frustrated !!

    3. "What the hell is that?"

      It is yet another in a long line of bigfoot hoaxes.

    4. ^ now ya talkin FFS!!

    5. Google ad sense collects data on the type of products you have viewed and then produces ads of similar content to you personally.

      "the Bigger Pecker ads"?


    6. The ads displayed on your screen says more about you than the site owner. Looks like someone has been either looking to enhance his peen or he's been looking at big pecker fetish sites.

    7.'s ok lil' guy.

    8. 8:25... That's so funny because it's so true! That made me scream laughing.

      HEY TK!!!!!!

    9. Sow us your tits ^ j kiddin guy; )

    10. ^ Did. You forget. The. "H" in sow, for
      Show because iktomi got you flustard?
      Sounds like he struck a nerve. Huh Big little man?
      Way to go iktomi !! keep it up.
      I am not Say'n. My name. "YET"

    11. why not it's chick ...your a welching liar to!

    12. Hey 6:36. I said SOW for good reason!!
      But can you imagian how stupid everyone wood think I am if. Joe is a beautiful woman, Instead of some old
      Fat Sump???
      TAKE THST TROLLS !! prod prod prod
      Haa haa haaaaaa

    13. ^ didn't know humans were primates.

  2. I see a juvenile human running on 2 legs, never on 4, and making a juvenile human screaming noise with poor acting/commentary from another juvenile human. Add it all's your typical steaming turd of a video that deserved to remain buried in the giant scrap heap of bf hoax videos. Way to shine light on this forgetful video BFE!

    1. Dover thinks it's real

    2. Unless you can prove that this isn't a juvenile sasquatch, then this is a juvenile sasquatch.

      Got juvenile sasquatch suit?

      -Joe Iktomi

    3. A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.
      - Bertrand Russell

    4. Like wow man (toke). That's heavy man. Real deep (toke). Wow....

    5. Wow dude. This place is a friggn trip!
      The Chicks that post here seem really uptight. ?

  3. If you look close, the baby is carrying a baby!

    1. Thinker Thunker is on it.

    2. Its not a baby, its a full grown adult. If you cut out the footer and bring him to the front of the image, you'll notice how huge heshe is. Hope TT will do the comparison.

  4. Replies
    1. Though I am a believer in Sasquatch, I don't buy this video, Dover. I'm just not seeing what you see here. I usually am skeptical of most of the videos out there though, except the PG film and the Freeman video.

    2. Why would you think this is 'real' Dover?

      An interesting vocal in there maybe but why would a furtive Sas automatically give his position away and draw attention to itself in this way?

      Nothing remotely definitive here. We move on.


    3. MMG, the self proclaimed "expert" who is really just a nobody d-wad. So we move on.

    4. Hello everyone! Just my two cents... I actually think this video is interesting. There are considerable amounts of reports of younger ones being susceptible to curiosity; this being one of two factors for the majority of reports (curiosity and plain old mistakes). The reason I find it interesting is the motion that the subject appears to achieve... This being a major element in many of the videos I endorse. The shame is that the quality is just too poor to make a definitive call and prevents me from flat out claiming that this is a juvenile relict hominid.


    5. Even though the cell phone quality is really poor, which hampers studying this, the motion is clearly evident, and it moves on all fours at a pretty good click before transitioning to a bipedal motion. The screen shot on this page shows it while it's still in a quadruped motion. The posture in that screen shot looks like another video of one moving quadrupedally I've seen.

      I find it hard to believe a human kid could run that fast on all fours. When it stands up and runs on two, at the end you can see it throwing it's arms straight out in front. If someone faked this they did all the right things. Sasquatches tend to have exaggerated arm swings when walking quickly or running, different from people.

      I know the tendency of many people, including those who accept bigfoot as real, to call pretty much every video fake; but it all can't be fake.

    6. The more I'm looking at this, the more I'm inclined to go with it. It moves fast!

    7. See, you guys are gullible morons. This thing screams fake.

      "What the hell is that?" Well that line sure isn't done with good acting skills. Fake as a $3 bill.

      You guys should see your doctor soon. They have meds nowadays that can treat gullibility.

    8. Yep that guy in the Memorial Day video moved pretty fast too....

      Why is this considered to be a juvenile sasquatch? Simply because it doesn't act in a way we would expect a regular Sas too?

      The 'Juve Sas' routine covers a multitude of sins.


    9. Iktomi and Dover: I believe there are bigfoots out there, but in this time and age with cell phone cameras and social media, everyone is out to get their 15 minutes of fame. Shawn posted it, so they got what they wanted. Everything about this video screams fake.

      I think the two of you should try to make a hoax and see how easy it can be done.

    10. I would like for you to mimic that juvenile running on all fours.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. most videos are fake but this one does intrigue me

    13. I researched and there were 6 tornados in Woodbury, CT in 2010. Five of the six occurred on the same day, July 21. So, there was a storm that spawned a rash of tornados where this event is alleged to have taken place. The little guy could have been blown away from a parent or otherwise separated for some reason during these powerful storms.

    14. "What the hell is that?" Screams fake? Um... How would one express interest or alarm at something covered with hair and running switching motion? Someone over thinking things a little? If I have any doubts about his footage, if I was to consider any red flags, that most certainly wouldn't be one, and I'd be aprehensive in even considering expressing it as a reason as to why it shouldn't be considered; weak.

      MMG... Opinions are like a-holes, we all have them. The subject in the footage is too small to be considered an adult, it's very simple... We also have reports of juvenile Sasquatch expressing curiosity. I watched a credible report only a few months ago how a juvenile chased after a young boy on all fours whilst the kid was on a bike, only a few feet from a log cabin. The juvenile appeared to skip around in a playful manner before running off, again on all fours. This video is not an impossibility to me, and though I am hesitant to commit fully, your red flags are not mine considering the behaviour that is widely reported.

    15. You rarely have red flags joe.

  5. You have to be a dim bulb to fall for this bigfoot BS clip.

  6. They're all fake you idiots! You footers get hoaxed week after week and yet you still swear that there are Bigfoots,well there isnt,not one never was never will be but just keep falling for the hoaxes you fools.

    1. You're an even bigger fool for wasting your skeptard ramblings on here. No one cares what you think.

    2. 3:22... Got monkey suit?

  7. It's another kid. Clear as day.

    1. Well, ya, I doubt a kid could get an adult to go in on this,just a couple kids trying to get attention.

    2. Well, ya, I doubt a kid could get an adult to go in on this,just a couple kids trying to get attention.

    3. Still haven't got that duplicate thing figured out huh?

  8. You know i really don't think DS is laughing at any one and i wasn't sure if the photo of the face was really a face or not,after the enhancement it does look more like a face.I see no reason to think DS is lying and why is it so bad to give some one the benefit of doubt? xx

  9. its a kid running in the woods
    the" aftermath of a tornado",ye rght! there are 2 -3 trees lying over which could just be dead trees as there is no other apparent damage to the little ones right next to the fallen one

    why would a ninja ape person[that's what were told is ther skill level to avoid detection] come running out ,with a scream, to give away its position
    if theyare spoked like this by the presence of a human we would have them on film all the time

    also the claim it ran on all fours then switched to biedal running. that was the attraction here
    problem is it DIDNT HAPPEN ,did it?

    Another hoax to add to all the others

    1. Looks like it was running on all fours to me. The clip at the end picks up part way through while the "thing" was moving.

    2. and by 'thing' you mean kid.

    3. There was a second juvenile in the video. If you look carefully at the tree on the top left corner, you'll see eyes blinking.

  10. Another fake bigfoot clip.


  11. If the image can be improved to definitely show the quadrupedal to bipedal transition or to do some biometrics, then ok. But otherwise, I learn to hoax. Too convenient for the animal to run out just as the camera points in that direction.

    1. The camera quality, the bad acting is obvious, but here it is posted on a popular bigfoot site. So why would the hoaxers stop now, when bigfootevidence just made them legitimate. I am sure the kiddos are at home laughing their a&& off.

  12. Do the same people who trash anyone who does not agree with their view that there is no way any Bigfoot like creatures have ever existed also tell 5 year old children unicorns, santa claus and mermaids don't exist and call the little children names if they do not agree?

    Unless some of these "skeptics" are paid trolls, the amount of effort they put forth trying belittle and degrade open minded people doesn't make sense to me.

    1. Wow man (toke). You're not feeling the peace and love man. You need to chill out (toke). Wow...

    2. the amount of effort that the "open minded people" put into faking and hoaxing things doesn't make sense to anyone......

    3. I made no comments regarding the video on this post. In fact I rarely watch any "Bigfoot videos" as they all are ambiguous at best in my opinion. I am just trying to understand why some people seem so hellbent on slamming anyone who wants to entertain the idea that something like these creatures have ever existed at anytime on this planet. Again, I am making no personal claims, and not challenging anyone in particular. Just trying to understand the "community".

    4. Hullo Mike, if you ask the skeptic extremist trolls why they are here, they say because it's fun, they like to attack anyone interested in the bigfoot topic. It's not a straight answer, and they will never give you one.

      Those who put in eight hour shifts here, need income from somewhere in order to survive and put in the long hours.

      They are typically members of skepto-culto groups such as the ISF/JREF. These are people who take one mental aspect of a human being, skepticism, and weirdly, make it a way of life and identity and obsession. Randi exhorts his minions to "take action," and some do so by spending the day on sites such as this and writing the comments which have mystified you.

      These people are stereotypes without individual thought. They are Atheists who (though Atheism is a narrow simple belief that there is no God) apply disbelief to all possible areas of life. As you see though, instead of saying they believe there is no bigfoot, the refrain all day is instead "there is no bigfoot." They overstep themselves to the nth degree.

      They are fully invested in bigfoot not existing. It's a credo. Beyond that, they are obsessed with trying to stop others from believing such creatures could exist. They can't rest, because they know some people believe bigfoot might exist. This cannot be in their world; it doesn't compute, there will be a breakdown, it must be stopped and changed, in their minds.

      They flip and flop according to which scientist says what when, alternately condemning and damning, and praising and cherishing, the same scientist from month to month, depending on what the scientist finds.

      You'll hear them say they'd like nothing better than for bigfoot to exist, but it's a laughable lie. They have cashed in all of their chips on nonexistence; nonexistence must stand, and damn the torpedoes. They've bet the farm on nonexistence, so nonexistence must be frantically pushed and adhered to utterly, no matter what.

      They are obsessed extremists; you will not get a staight answer from them about why they are here, and how they sustain themselves financially while putting in full days on this blog attacking the subject and anyone interested in it.

  13. Young bigfoot was just recording the tornado aftermath just like the young human. The sound was lil foot saying the same "what the hell was that?"

    Off topic, that camera is great; quality is off the charts. Where can I get one? I have a UFO to catch on tape. -_-

    1. mike's got it he's filming the unicorn roundup

    2. Oh boy! I hope he delivers the goods. I can't wait for the nice shaky and blurry footage. Make it extra blurry Mike, that's how I like it.

    3. Oh man, you guys hurt my feelings soooo badly. I'm not sure if I should cry or just go full nerd rage and throw my phone against a wall.

  14. I think its legit.Juvenile Squatch!

  15. If you look closely, you can see matted dung in the fur. Also, notice the way that the fur flows naturally down the back. The mid-tarsal break and Ostman pads are also clearly visible.
    There's just to much about this clip that supports authenticity.

    1. I noticed it to, but was too afraid to say anything. Tired of being ridicules. :(


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