What are your thoughts on the Marble Mountain footage?

We've discussed the Marble Mountain footage here many times before. There are newbies like Jeff R. who just heard about it for the first time. He shared the following video with us from by M.K. Davis:

I'm sure this has been discussed before, thoughts on this? Don't understand the wobbly walk pattern? Unless this is a fake, human in an outfit. Could be first drunk Bigfoot video? Lol. Came across this video reference in a book I'm reading. Thanks. - Jeff. R.


  1. I find the commentary entertaining, maybe even a bit compelling, but I'm not entirely sold on the imagery.

    1. I'm sold. It doesn't look like a human.

    2. I agree D Dover... It does not look human, but in my opinion it walks like one... that's where I get hung up about it.

    3. Too far away

      Atmospheric distortion


    4. This one has been discussed almost as much as the Memorial Day footage. Initial impressions are a hiker with a backpack. Some breakdowns have shown it over 8 feet tall. Also have all those people who saw it and no one has ever come out of that group to say they hoaxed it.
      In the end I have to go with MMC. Just to darn far off.
      I remember when the FB crew went to assess it. Then they did not even put Bobo up on the same mountain as it was to away for there time. Really. Ah maybe it was a good thing as he may have just fell off the mountain anyway.

    5. D dover is plain stupid. "He" wants it to be a bigfoot so he says it doesn't look human. He forgets,however, that bigfooters have retreated and are now saying bigfoot IS human.

    6. Shut up Chuck. No one cares about your views here.

    7. Now Stuaaaaaarrrrrrrttttt

      What did mommy tell you happens to bad boys who can't say anything nice ?

    8. His name is D not Chuck, you putz

    9. Mommy says that I will have no friends

      How did she knoooooowwwww?

    10. You would learn so much more if you didn't just sit around playing with your goo goo all the time Cowbells Campsmells.

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    Watch Full Movie

  3. Guy wearing a backpack and I suspect that in the backpack you will find twine,the same twine used to make the "shelter".The group leaders set this up to entertain the retarded kids.

  4. My thoughts? It's obviously a backpacker. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just plain nuts.

  5. Here we go again,camera moving all over the place,a far away blurry video,subject seems to be having difficulty with the terrain,it is either a fake or a drunk Bigfoot doing the "walk of shame."

  6. .. Several researchers have said .. that when they can .. Sasquatches cover their tracks .. At least 3 times in this video we see the creature stop .. step back .. and swipe at the ground using both feet in a sweeping motion as if to brush away it's tracks .. at least that is what I believe we are seeing here ...

    1. You know who says that? People who cant find any tracks thats who.

    2. If the squatch is that concerned with covering his tracks - perhaps "he" should also not walk along a wide-open exposed ridgeline as well.

      Probably a hiker who realized his semi-remote campsite just got raided by a dozen teenagers.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. So dumb. The troop leader or whatever is obviously describing what he wants the kids to see.

    What he's saying he sees is what he's seeing through the zoomed lens, not with his naked eye.

    It's a guy with a backpack who's stretched out thanks to all the buggy-photography reasons you think Patty isn't a guy too.

  9. 2015 the year of no giant monkey

  10. I have no reason to believe the Marble Mountain footage is fake.

    1. would this not be a perfect example/place for a re-creation side by side? I think yes

    2. I would not believe a Bigfoot would have that much trouble walking on any terrain,this is what shouts "it's a human"! I want to believe there is such a thing as Bigfoot and some of the footage I see is compelling but this just is not one of them.

  11. I ran into what I believe was Sasquatch in Citra, Florida. I was walking at 4:00 in the morning. It was very, very dark. I was walking along the driveway (a mile in length) into the resort area from the main highway. The driveway is paved and a barbwire fence about four-feet high covered with vine borders the road on each side. As I put up my camera (I used to photograph orbs and spirits, hundreds would follow me each morning on my walk), and as I pushed down on the shutter, the red eye light came on, and I clearly saw something walking in front of the light. I was looking through the viewfinder. I only saw the lower legs. There were only two, not four, and it actually, even the legs were moving, seemed to be floating above the road. The hairs was probably three inches to four inches long, a definitely brown/black. It was not totally black. And it glistened in the light. I immediately released the shutter to turn off the light. I heard no footsteps, I smelled nothing. It was just very still, no birds, cooler morning. I was in an part in the driveway where very thick woods ran through that area, crisscrossing the countryside. Suddenly I heard three distinct snorts. The air was being blown out the nostrils, not in. The noise was great and full. No real voices connected with the snorts, but it was very obvious this being had a very huge depth of chest or lung capacity. I will never forget how it echoed among the tall trees and because everything else was so still. I literally froze in place. I didn't want to present a challenge. So I waited to hear it walk away, but there was nothing. No twigs snapping or leaves rustling, the weight of feet on the grass as it walked. There was not a sound of anything jumping over the fence or going through. Just like it vanished in thin air. After about two minutes, I went ahead and walked the few feet to where it was so I could continue home, since that was my only way to get home, continued on, and then looking back into the trees and road where I had seen it, I took a couple of photos with a flash to see if I would get photos which reflected anything. But nothing was in the photos I took. I had other instances down that same road of floating lights. I belong to Meet-up group, and this weekend we sill be traveling out of body, of we can, to meet with Sasquatch around Mt. Adams area of Washington state. I have telepathically communicated with them, I had two to three in my kitchen this morning. Sharon, the originator of the group is very telepathic, and she has communicated with them. She actually contacted the Arcturians (another group we're in contact with) to see how it was going to work out, and everyone was amenable to the idea. The last two mornings, I have found a feather (just tiny feathers, like they might be from my down comforter that I sleep under every night) on my counter when I come into the kitchen to make coffee about 4:30 a.m. I spend about 15 to 20 minutes speaking in my light language to all who will listen. I have put my videos on-line here. I have also had photos appear on my camera video as I'm driving, mainly at night. Unexplainable grid patterns and blue and red images with balls or lumps on them. I thought something might be flying above my car because I had left it on the dash while driving, but these videos may be created in an entirely different way. I have a recording of a bird chirping on my phone video when clearly I'm the only one in my car driving at night. I have a lot of these photos under my page on this site. I believe we have so much to learn. No, I don't believe we'll ever catch up. :)


    1. This comment gets whited out, but the penis extender guy can post with impunity? That makes a lot of sense.

    2. From the same poster (Emma Noelle Strong):

      "How many believe in mermaids? I have had a mermaid contact me. They are very telepathic, beautiful and spiritual beings."

      Crazy as a loon of course but attractive in a "I would be open to anything" kind of way. Of course it may be an old picture which in that case she's just a crazy old bat.

  12. Marble Mountain is just footage of Jeff Goldblum.

  13. My thoughts are there is not much going on in the Bigfoot world, and you are looking for some old footage to rehash again. Matt, how about getting off your lazy ass, and finding some new topics to post? Lazy Much ?

  14. why do I have to pick out what picture included friggin ice cream to post here? anybody?

  15. Color image analysis reveals that the subject in the footage is likely wearing clothes.

    1. Just observing the video with your eyes reveals the subject is wearing clothes. How is it that a figure that looks just like any other person we see walking every day can be seriously passed off as a mythical creature that nobody knows for sure even exists let alone what it looks like?

  16. Image analysis reveals subject likely wearing CLOTHES..



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