These Guys Are Still Hearing Voices, What Should They Do?

It's been 3 weeks, and the Trail To Bigfoot team enters the bush once again to check on their equipment. While they're out there they record a couple strange events, including more voices! What's going on out in these swamps, and what should they do about it?


  1. Seek medical help. Much like all those who believe there are 9 foot magic apes roaming anerica undiscovered.

    1. The x4-Labs penis extender is VERY wearable as it has its own patented dual strap design that distributes the friction across the whole shaft of your penis. This penis extender has a nice engraving service to personalize the penis extender to you -- an elegant touch. The extras offered don’t compare to the SizeGenetics penis extender, but this penis extender device is solid and made well. It's a good penis extender product, it ships from North America, and it is also certified as a Medical Grade device for the treatment of micro-penis.

      The money back guarantee they offer is the same, either you grow your penis using their penis extender system and routine or they will refund you. The cost of the penis extender is a little less, and if price is an issue I recommend the x4 Labs penis extender as your second option. Pickup the Quad-Support system if you opt for X4 as well, its a pretty nice penis extender addition.

  2. I am currently writing a book which will include profiles of some of the colorful characters in the bigfoot subculture. During my research on the topic, I have been told about a certain regular poster on this blog named "Iktomi."

    I would very much like to interview "Iktomi" and include his story in the section of the book titled "Bigfoot and the Internet."

    If any of you know how I could get into contact with "Iktomi," please let me know. If you happen to speak to him, you can let him know that he will receive a cash honorarium for his participation.

    1. You need to get away from the keyboard and occupy your thoughts with other things. Nothing here is real, except bigfoot naturally. You need to if you can have some real social interaction ith another person Face to face if possible. Your obsession with Joe and weiners is not healthy not do we like reading about it

    2. every one knows who 6:32 is ..
      its none other than Rictors cohost Sassy !!

    3. @6:32
      There's even more colorful characters in the tiny Bigfoot sub-sub culture of the Bigfoot obsessed pretend skeptics if you're interested. All of them post on the ISF board, sockpuppet on the BFF and spend all day and night here. You could start with a couple of psychopaths named Alaskabushpilot and Kitakaze. These two clowns both live in a fantasy world that could rival "The World's Most Interesting man" yet they're highly respected amongst their herd.

    4. Excellent point 6:59 !!! The Joe Iktomi Abholi Character
      WAS Boring Stupidity!! in the most Redundantly excessive manner known to the big foot microcosm!! Leaping Yeti OOOOOHHHH Yesssss !

    5. Obsessed? I'm just doing some research for a book that I'm writing and this seemed like an interesting place to talk to folks. I've quickly learned that the people here do have serious psychological issues and it might be dangerous to pursue the matter any further.

    6. @7:38 it's a troll's paradise

    7. Perhaps Iktomi could fill you in on his obsession with ancient alien theory, ghosts and Nazis.


    9. Yes, I'd love to speak with Iktomi regarding his various ideas. I was told that he is quite an interesting fellow and I'm sure that readers would be fascinated by his character.

    10. You get two bonus points for using the phrase "cash honorarium". Pretty good stuff......

    11. Hey Mike, someone told me that you're an attorney. Could you help me out with understanding the rule against perpetuities?

    12. For a "cash honorarium" I'm certain he would. Now, goodnight ladies and gentlemen, you don't have to go home, but you most certainly cannot stay here.

    13. Andromedical is a urological laboratory which has been investigating medical treatments to enlarge the penis for many years. At present, they propose a system based on the use of devices called penile extenders.

      These extenders are at the forefront of technology in regards to only non-surgical solutions, and are a penis enlargement method to consider for those who do not wish to undergo surgery.

      Thanks to its use, you can get an increased penis size in both erection and flaccidity safely as our CE devices have been tested scientifically .

  3. PLEASE don't bring that idiot back here.

    1. ...the patient with the fake Indian name.


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