The Baby Bigfoot Seems Normal Compared To These Other Museum Exhibits

Who couldn't love that cute widdle face? Check out these museums of the strange and bizarre. Including a museum of stuffed frogs...


  1. Loren Coleman wants everyone to know that he has a museum, too.

    1. Yes, but is he selling fake bigfoot casts as well?

    2. Indeed! Only $32.00 which includes shipping.Hell, you can buy the whole museum for the right price.

    3. Why does Loren Coleman feel that he has to insert him into every topic?

    4. Oh and I do so like Loren.

  2. The SizeGenetics penis extender provides significantly more traction than the standard Jes-Extender. Whereas the Jes-Extender can exert 1.5kg of traction on the penis, SizeGenetics has been upgraded to exert 2.8kg on the penis. Capable of producing almost double the tension levels, SizeGenetics is currently the most powerful medically certified penis extender available. Most of the studies into the effectiveness of penis extenders have used tension levels of only 1.2kg – 1.5kg. With the extra 1.3 kg of traction at its disposal plus the faultless attachment system, the SizeGenetics extender can’t fail to provide better penis extension results than those achieved in clinical trials.

    1. ....2.8 kg of tension? Why don't I just hang a 5 pound weight on my member and save a few bucks...

    2. ^ Why not stick it up and then hang off of your boyfriend..or should I say hang out of him ?

  3. If Todd Standing would have put this out as a baby Bigfoot, Joektomi would be all over it saying its real. Then we'd have some sort of analysis from the expert Dick Dover. Hey Iktomi, when is this earth shattering movie coming out of Todd's, proving the existance of Bigfoot? You told us all to just wait, we'd be sorry we laughed at you. We are all waiting, and still laughing at you.

    1. Iktomi doesn't come here anymore, because he became tired of the daily beat downs that I have been inflicting upon him.

    2. Good riddance. complete corporate tool for big bigfoot. water carrier for the bigfoot industry. a real low life.

  4. It's the little guy from the BF grooming vid.

    We are hacking HRs laptop as we speak. Have the footage right with ya.


  5. Been a while. Can we see a blog post about the marble mountain footage?


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