Searching For Bigfoot Seeks $300,000 In Funding For A 24/7 Live Bigfoot Channel

Tom Biscardi and his Searching For Bigfoot team have just launched a crowd funding campaign in hopes of reaching $300,000. With this money, the group claims it would create a 24/7 Live Streaming bigfoot channel, that customers could either subscribe to, or choose a pay-per-view option.

Bigfoot Project Investments Inc. has joined in a venture with Apex Digital Technology and the Bosko Group to provide a reality entertainment show globally streamed 24/7. The show will be called “SEARCHING FOR BIGFOOT LIVE 24/7” and follows the Searching for Bigfoot Team on expedition throughout North America.

Live streaming has been around for years, however, to date this live streaming concept of a real time hunt has never been offered to subscribers.

Apex Digital Technology has been in the information technology industry for over 25 years and provides extensive technology services to satisfy the needs of multiple types of organizations nationwide. They will provide the technical structure and connectivity to Gravitas Venture for VOD streaming to the IPTV, web, cable, and satellite.

The BOSKO GROUP with contracts through Gravitas Ventures will reach out to a Billion homes Globally. "Remember this will be the first time ever, that a LIVE REALITY show will be streamed in real-time 24/7 around the world."

With the avenues of subscription and distribution available through our marketing contacts we will develop this program to jump start our revenue by allowing subscribers to access the live-streamed activity through Gravitas Venture VOD and web connection.

Customers would pay a subscriber fee of $9.95 per month and the subscribers who only want to watch for short periods of time would pay per view with their streaming service. The Bigfoot Live 7/24 pay-per view which will be sold at $2.99-$4.99, will also be made available to Gravitas supplied subscribers.

To check out the page for further information, click here. 


  1. Biscardi must need some gas money! yeah pay per view. I'd rather watch a go pro on my house cat!

  2. Huckster. You get more for the money by going to the sideshow at a local carnival!! Most vile and duplicitous human I have ever met. Made me break my own rules about saying hate speedch here on the internet. Am just waiting for him to die so he goes away.

    1. Shut you mouth. Patterson did the exact same thing. You are a hypocritical monster. Don't you get that everything bigfoot related is made up? Everyone profiting from bigfoot is profiting from make believe. There's a special place in hell reserved for sickos like you who single out individuals that are doing the same things as people that you admire.

      SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

      Stonereader1 is VILE.

    2. Since Biscardi has and been party to and with known hoaxers like Ivan Marx and Rick Dyer there will always be a question if he is creating stuff on a live stream, and thus presenting fake encounters.

      He's an entrepreneur who looks for angles to make money, like his recent selling shares on the stock exchange for bigfoot adventures. Although I believe he could get real evidence, and would genuinely wish to, there is always the question of will he tweak things.

    3. Dover, you base your life around the biggest hoax of all. You don't think Patterson was an entrepreneur?

    4. 12:43, 1:17... Why don't YOU shut your mouth and find a monkey suit, you angry unintellectual? You're only angry because SR1 smashed Donald apart earlier, and Dover smashes you daily.


    5. dry up, multiple personality fake indian nutcase

    6. God bless Native Americans and their cultural agknowledgment for what is commonly known as Sasquatch!!

    7. ^

      the only thing he knows of Native culture is what he learned from Kevin Costner.

    8. DS and iktomi are the main crazies we have to tolerate on this blog. iktomi may be crazier than DS.

    9. This coming from the extender guy, and someone who uses the space bar too much cause his hairy palms get in the way of using the keyboard properly.

  3. Ha to watch a few trees swaying in the wind ?


    1. ^ Don`t forget there`ll be bigfoot calls and wood-knocking galore so it will ultimately be value for`re not convinced ? cynical of you.

  4. I'm just gonna sit back in my chair with my diet peach Snapple and "let the good times roll".

    1. I understand that Khat Hansen is now single -- given your own history of dating total drugged out nutballs, you two would make a perfect couple!



  5. Ok let me get this straight... Biscuit wants money so he can set up a web site to charge people more money? Get me a Snapple god dammit!

  6. I am known by the native American girls as "The flesh totem". If this guy wants to raise some quick money he needs to bring one of his video cameras to my location and follow me around for a day or so. He could get some really good action scenes as these hot little Indian outlaw girls puff on my piece pipe before I unleash the flesh totem on them. This would bring in profit by the truck "load".

    1. He is also known as "flash flood" to the girls.

    2. Agree with meat totem. Sex and flesh sales.

  7. #Another_Post_About_A_Known_Hoaxer

  8. Biscardi is the most credible researcher in the bigfoot world. I'm sending him my money.

    Anyone who calls him a hoaxer must be a tea bag nut job.


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